
物理要素 (HTML)

[1] Netscape Navigator Extensions to HTML <http://web.archive.org/web/20000415023954/http://www.netscape.com/home/services_docs/html-extensions.html>

HTML 2.0 に対する拡張と称して、 bi入れ子にしても Netscape Navigator がその通りにレンダリングするようになったことを紹介しています。

[2] >>1

<i><tt><font size=6><b>Text here</b></font></tt></i>

[3] A Beginner's Guide to HTML (2003-08-15 22:48:58 +09:00 版) <http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/jod/primer.html#CharFormat>


For HTML-coded documents, you should use logical styles whenever possible. Future implementations of HTML may not implement physical styles at all.


もっとも、それでいて emcode の意味が説明されていないわけですが。 (名無しさん)

[4] HTML Italic and Bold Elements as regards Web Standards | The Elementary Standards (Sean Fraser 著, 2007-05-22 11:09:10 +09:00 版) <http://www.elementary-group-standards.com/web-standards/html-presentation-elements-web-standards.html> (名無しさん 2007-05-25 01:05:19 +00:00)

[5] EMail Msg <9212090000.AA00605@pixel.convex.com> (2007-07-02 20:33:40 +09:00 版) <http://ksi.cpsc.ucalgary.ca/archives/WWW-TALK/www-talk-1992.messages/428.html>

Dan Connolly の、語句要素を入力するのが面倒なので SHORTTAG を使えるようにしませんかという提案。 (名無しさん)

[6] EMail Msg <9211301327.AA05269@pixel.convex.com> (2007-07-02 21:17:14 +09:00 版) <http://ksi.cpsc.ucalgary.ca/archives/WWW-TALK/www-talk-1992.messages/370.html> (名無しさん)

[7] EMail Msg <9211301327.AA05269@pixel.convex.com> (2007-07-02 21:17:14 +09:00 版) <http://ksi.cpsc.ucalgary.ca/archives/WWW-TALK/www-talk-1992.messages/370.html> (名無しさん)

[8] EMail Msg <9211191037.AA16353@pixel.convex.com> (2007-07-02 21:23:37 +09:00 版) <http://ksi.cpsc.ucalgary.ca/archives/WWW-TALK/www-talk-1992.messages/315.html> (名無しさん)

[9] EMail Msg <9212070355.AA05717@pixel.convex.com> (2007-07-02 21:27:49 +09:00 版) <http://ksi.cpsc.ucalgary.ca/archives/WWW-TALK/www-talk-1992.messages/412.html> (名無しさん)

[10] >>9

Yea! TeXinfo is a Good Thing, and I think it's highly appropriate that W3 support it as an authoring environment. The beauty of TeXinfo is that it's _not_ a programming language like TeX or troff. That makes it possible to develop correct translators. (Otherwise you run into the halting problem... it's everywhere!)

I studied the TeXinfo documentation for a couple hours before I released the last version of the HTML spec. The major feature of TeXinfo lacking in HTML is character-level formatting (font changes.)

There were a few TeXinfo commands (@ctrl for one) that don't fit the HTML mold. So I looked at the LaTeX options: em, tt, bd, sl, sf and the DocBook options, and nroff, and decided I didn't have time to choose the right set.

[22] HTML 4要素型級 %phrase:


[11] カナかな団首領の自転車置き場 - 物理要素とか (2007-07-08 14:49:00 +09:00 版) <http://d.hatena.ne.jp/kana-kana_ceo/20070706/1183719689> (名無しさん)

[12] HTML に装飾要素は必要 (2007-07-03 09:56:06 +09:00 版) <http://deztec.jp/design/07/07/02_html5.html> (名無しさん)

[13] HTML 5 の中の人の意図を推測したいならせめて Design Principle くらい読んでおいて欲しいものですな。

HTML Design Principles (2007-06-27 01:27:04 +09:00 版) <http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/html5/html-design-principles/Overview.html#separation-of-concerns>

However, structural markup is a means to an end such as media independence. Profound and detailed semantic encoding is not necessary if the end can be reached otherwise.

いつの間にか一部の人から絶対的なものと妄信されるまでに至った表現と構造の分離はそもそも手段であって、 目的ではなかったのです。 (名無しさん)

[14] HTML 5のi要素とb要素、sup要素とsub要素、small要素:メモランダム (2007-07-09 20:54:42 +09:00 版) <http://mynotes.jp/blog/2007/07/html5_elements> (名無しさん)

[15] 構造と見た目の分離:メモランダム (2007-07-09 20:54:42 +09:00 版) <http://mynotes.jp/blog/2007/07/separate_structure_and_presentation> (名無しさん)

[16] [whatwg] contenteditable, <em> and <strong> (2007-01-22 21:07:39 +09:00 版) <http://lists.whatwg.org/pipermail/whatwg-whatwg.org/2007-January/009060.html> (名無しさん)

[17] [whatwg] contenteditable, <em> and <strong> (2007-01-22 21:07:39 +09:00 版) <http://lists.whatwg.org/pipermail/whatwg-whatwg.org/2007-January/009060.html> (名無しさん)

[18] [whatwg] contenteditable, <em> and <strong> ( 版) <http://lists.whatwg.org/pipermail/whatwg-whatwg.org/2007-January/009060.html>

[19] Re: Deprecating <small>, <b> ? (Lachlan Hunt <lachlan.hunt@...> 著, 版) <http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.org.w3c.whatwg.discuss/16742>

[20] [whatwg] Various HTML element feedback ( ( 版)) <http://lists.whatwg.org/pipermail/whatwg-whatwg.org/2012-August/036998.html>

[21] [whatwg] Various HTML element feedback ( ( 版)) <http://lists.whatwg.org/pipermail/whatwg-whatwg.org/2012-August/037000.html>