[3] RFC 1866 は、 HTML 2.0 を規定した RFC でした。
[1] この RFC は RFC 2854 により廃止されました。
[5] 現在 HTML は HTML Standard により規定されています。
Hypertext Markup Language - 2.0
This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for improvements. Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state and status of this protocol. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.
The Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is a simple markup language used to create hypertext documents that are platform independent. HTML documents are SGML documents with generic semantics that are appropriate for representing information from a wide range of domains. HTML markup can represent hypertext news, mail, documentation, and hypermedia; menus of options; database query results; simple structured documents with in-lined graphics; and hypertext views of existing bodies of information.
ハイパーテキスト・マーク付け言語 (HTML) は、 ハイパーテキスト文書を作成するのに使用する、 環境過般の単純なマーク付け言語です。 HTML 文書は、 広範囲の種類の情報を表現するのに適切な一般的意味を持つ SGML 文書です。 HTML マークはハイパーテキスト・ニュース, メイル, 文書, ハイパー媒体 (選択肢のメニュー、 データベース照会結果、行内図形入り単純構造化文書、 既存情報本体のハイパーテキスト表示) を表現することができます。
HTML has been in use by the World Wide Web (WWW) global information initiative since 1990. This specification roughly corresponds to the capabilities of HTML in common use prior to June 1994. HTML is an application of ISO Standard 8879:1986 Information Processing Text and Office Systems; Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML).
HTML は 1990 年から World Wide Web (WWW) 大域情報活動で使用されています。この仕様書は大体 1994年6月までの HTML の広く使われている能力に対応します。 HTML は ISO 規格 8879:1986 情報処理文章および事務システム、 標準一般化マーク付け言語 (SGML) の応用です。
The "text/html" Internet Media Type (RFC 1590) and MIME Content Type (RFC 1521) is defined by this specification.
インターネット媒体型 (RFC 1590)
および MIME 内容型 (RFC 1521) はこの仕様書で定義しています。
1. Introduction ........................................... 2 1.1 Scope .................................................. 3 1.2 Conformance ............................................ 3 2. Terms .................................................. 6 3. HTML as an Application of SGML .........................10 3.1 SGML Documents .........................................10 3.2 HTML Lexical Syntax ................................... 12 3.3 HTML Public Text Identifiers .......................... 17 3.4 Example HTML Document ................................. 17 4. HTML as an Internet Media Type ........................ 18 4.1 text/html media type .................................. 18 4.2 HTML Document Representation .......................... 19 5. Document Structure .................................... 20 5.1 Document Element: HTML ................................ 21 5.2 Head: HEAD ............................................ 21 5.3 Body: BODY ............................................ 24 5.4 Headings: H1 ... H6 ................................... 24 5.5 Block Structuring Elements ............................ 25 5.6 List Elements ......................................... 28 5.7 Phrase Markup ......................................... 30 5.8 Line Break: BR ........................................ 34 5.9 Horizontal Rule: HR ................................... 34 5.10 Image: IMG ............................................ 34 6. Characters, Words, and Paragraphs ..................... 35 6.1 The HTML Document Character Set ....................... 36 7. Hyperlinks ............................................ 36 7.1 Accessing Resources ................................... 37 7.2 Activation of Hyperlinks .............................. 38 7.3 Simultaneous Presentation of Image Resources .......... 38 7.4 Fragment Identifiers .................................. 38 7.5 Queries and Indexes ................................... 39 7.6 Image Maps ............................................ 39 8. Forms ................................................. 40 8.1 Form Elements ......................................... 40 8.2 Form Submission ....................................... 45 9. HTML Public Text ...................................... 49 9.1 HTML DTD .............................................. 49 9.2 Strict HTML DTD ....................................... 61 9.3 Level 1 HTML DTD ...................................... 62 9.4 Strict Level 1 HTML DTD ............................... 63 9.5 SGML Declaration for HTML ............................. 64 9.6 Sample SGML Open Entity Catalog for HTML .............. 65 9.7 Character Entity Sets ................................. 66 10. Security Considerations ............................... 69 11. References ............................................ 69 12. Acknowledgments ....................................... 71 12.1 Authors' Addresses .................................... 71 13. The HTML Coded Character Set .......................... 72 14. Proposed Entities ..................................... 75
The HyperText Markup Language (HTML) is a simple data format used to create hypertext documents that are portable from one platform to another. HTML documents are SGML documents with generic semantics that are appropriate for representing information from a wide range of domains.
ハイパーテキスト・マーク付け言語 (HTML) は、 ハイパーテキスト文書を作成するのに使用する、 環境過般の単純なデータ書式です。 HTML 文書は、 広範囲の種類の情報を表現するのに適切な一般的意味を持つ SGML 文書です。
As HTML is an application of SGML, this specification assumes a working knowledge of [SGML].
HTML は SGML の応用で、この仕様書は SGML の知識があるものと想定しています。
HTML has been in use by the World-Wide Web (WWW) global information initiative since 1990. Previously, informal documentation on HTML has been available from a number of sources on the Internet. This specification brings together, clarifies, and formalizes a set of features that roughly corresponds to the capabilities of HTML in common use prior to June 1994. A number of new features to HTML are being proposed and experimented in the Internet community.
HTML は1990年から World Wide Web (WWW) 大域情報活動で使われてきました。以前は、非公式な HTML についての文書がインターネットの数々の情報源から入手可能でした。 この仕様書は1994年6月までの HTML の広く使われている能力にまま相当する機能の集合をまとめて明確化・公式化しています。数々の HTML の新しい機能がインターネット社会で提案・実験されています。
This document thus defines a HTML 2.0 (to distinguish it from the previous informal specifications). Future (generally upwardly compatible) versions of HTML with new features will be released with higher version numbers.
この文書は (以前の非公式な仕様書と区別して) HTML 2.0 を定義します。 将来の (通常上位互換な) 版の新しい機能の入った HTML はより大きな版番号で公開されることに成るでしょう。
HTML is an application of ISO Standard 8879:1986, "Information Processing Text and Office Systems; Standard Generalized Markup Language" (SGML). The HTML Document Type Definition (DTD) is a formal definition of the HTML syntax in terms of SGML.
HTML は ISO 規格 8879:1986 情報処理及び事務システム — 標準一般化マーク付け言語 (SGML) の応用です。 HTML 文書型定義 (DTD) は HTML 構文を SGML の言葉で公式に定義します。
This specification also defines HTML as an Internet Media Type[IMEDIA] and MIME Content Type[MIME] called `text/html'. As such, it defines the semantics of the HTML syntax and how that syntax should be interpreted by user agents.
この仕様書は HTML を text/html
MIME 内容型としても定義します。
この仕様書は HTML 構文の意味と、
This specification governs the syntax of HTML documents and aspects of the behavior of HTML user agents.
この仕様書は HTML 文書の構文と HTML 利用者エージェントの振る舞いについて規定します。
A document is a conforming HTML document if:
文書は、次の条件を満たす時、適合 HTML 文書です。
- * It is a conforming SGML document, and it conforms to the HTML DTD (see 9.1, "HTML DTD").
適合 SGML 文書であって、 HTML DTD に適合すること。
NOTE - There are a number of syntactic idioms that are not supported or are supported inconsistently in some historical user agent implementations. These idioms are identified in notes like this throughout this specification.
備考: 古い利用者エージェント実装は対応していないか一貫せずに対応している数々の構文的語句があります。 そのような語句はこの仕様書ではこのように注記して示しています。
* It conforms to the application conventions in this specification. For example, the value of the HREF attribute of the <A> element must conform to the URI syntax.
要素の href
属性の値は URI 構文に適合しなければなりません。
- * Its document character set includes [ISO-8859-1] and agrees with [ISO-10646]; that is, each code position listed in 13, "The HTML Coded Character Set" is included, and each code position in the document character set is mapped to the same character as [ISO-10646] designates for that code position.
文書文字集合が ISO/IEC 8859-1 を含み、 ISO/IEC 10646 と合致すること。すなわち、 HTML 符号化文字集合に挙げた各符号位置を含み、 文書文字集合の各符号位置が ISO/IEC 10646 がその符号位置に割当てた文字と同じ物に写像されること。
NOTE - The document character set is somewhat independent of the character encoding scheme used to represent a document. For example, the `ISO-2022-JP' character encoding scheme can be used for HTML documents, since its repertoire is a subset of the [ISO-10646] repertoire. The critical distinction is that numeric character references agree with [ISO-10646] regardless of how the document is encoded.
備考: 文書文字集合は文書を表現するのに使用する文字符号化方式とは独立なものです。
例えば、 ISO-2022-JP
文字符号化方式は ISO/IEC 10646
レパートリの部分集合ですから、 HTML 文書に使用することができます。
ISO/IEC 10646 に従うことです。
訳注: ISO-2022-JP
レパートリが ISO/IEC 10646
(JIS X 0208-1978 などが問題)。
The HTML DTD defines a standard HTML document type and several variations, by way of feature test entities. Feature test entities are declarations in the HTML DTD that control the inclusion or exclusion of portions of the DTD.
HTML DTD は、機能試験実体を使って、標準 HTML 文書型と幾つかの変種を定義します。 機能試験実体は、 HTML DTD で宣言され、 DTD の部分の取込みや除外を制御するために使用します。
- HTML.Recommended
- Certain features of the language are necessary for compatibility with widespread usage, but they may compromise the structural integrity of a document. This feature test entity selects a more prescriptive document type definition that eliminates those features. It is set to `IGNORE' by default.
HTML のある機能は広く用いられている方法との互換のために必要ですが、
For example, in order to preserve the structure of a document, an editing user agent may translate HTML documents to the recommended subset, or it may require that the documents be in the recommended subset for import.
例えば、文書の構造を保持するために、 編集利用者エージェントは HTML 文書を推奨部分集合に翻訳して構いませんし、 輸入するためには文書が推奨部分集合によっていることを要求しても構いません。
- HTML.Deprecated
- Certain features of the language are necessary for compatibility with earlier versions of the specification, but they tend to be used and implemented inconsistently, and their use is deprecated. This feature test entity enables a document type definition that allows these features. It is set to `INCLUDE' by default.
HTML のある機能は以前の版の仕様との互換のために必要ですが、
Documents generated by translation software or editing software should not contain deprecated idioms.
An HTML user agent conforms to this specification if:
HTML 利用者エージェントは、次のとき、この仕様書に適合します。
- * It parses the characters of an HTML document into data characters and markup according to [SGML].
NOTE - In the interest of robustness and extensibility, there are a number of widely deployed conventions for handling non-conforming documents. See 4.2.1, "Undeclared Markup Error Handling" for details.
備考: 頑強性と拡張可能性の点から、種々の広く採用されている非適合文書の取扱い方法があります。 詳しくは 4.2.1 『未宣言マーク誤りの取扱い』を御覧下さい。
- * It supports the `ISO-8859-1' character encoding scheme and processes each character in the ISO Latin Alphabet No. 1 as specified in 6.1, "The HTML Document Character Set".
6.1 『HTML 文書文字集合』に規定するとおり、
ISO Latin Alphabet No. 1 の各文字を処理する。
NOTE - To support non-western writing systems, HTML user agents are encouraged to support `ISO-10646-UCS-2' or similar character encoding schemes and as much of the character repertoire of [ISO-10646] as is practical.
備考: 西洋以外の書字体系に対応するため、 HTML
利用者エージェントは ISO-10646-UCS-2
や同様の文字符号化方式と ISO/IEC 10646
- * It behaves identically for documents whose parsed token sequences are identical.
For example, comments and the whitespace in tags disappear during tokenization, and hence they do not influence the behavior of conforming user agents.
例えば、注釈やタグ中の空白は字句化の過程で消失しますから、 適合利用者エージェントの振舞いには影響しません。
- * It allows the user to traverse (or at least attempt to traverse, resources permitting) all hyperlinks from <A> elements in an HTML document.
利用者が HTML 文書中の <
(あるいは少なくても探索することを試みる) のを認める。a
An HTML user agent is a level 2 user agent if, additionally:
HTML 利用者エージェントは、加えて次のとおりであれば、 水準 2 利用者エージェントです。
- * It allows the user to express all form field values specified in an HTML document and to (attempt to) submit the values as requests to information services.
- absolute URI
- a URI in absolute form; for example, as per [URL]
- anchor
- one of two ends of a hyperlink; typically, a phrase marked as an <A> element.
- base URI
- an absolute URI used in combination with a relative URI to determine another absolute URI.
相対 URI と合わせて絶対 URI を決定するために使われる別の絶対 URI。
- character
- An atom of information, for example a letter or a digit. Graphic characters have associated glyphs, whereas control characters have associated processing semantics.
character encoding scheme A function whose domain is the set of sequences of octets, and whose range is the set of sequences of characters from a character repertoire; that is, a sequence of octets and a character encoding scheme determines a sequence of characters.
character repertoire A finite set of characters; e.g. the range of a coded character set.
code position An integer. A coded character set and a code position from its domain determine a character.
coded character set A function whose domain is a subset of the integers and whose range is a character repertoire. That is, for some set of integers (usually of the form {0, 1, 2, ..., N} ), a coded character set and an integer in that set determine a character. Conversely, a character and a coded character set determine the character's code position (or, in rare cases, a few code positions).
{0, 1, 2, ..., N}
の形) について、符号化文字集合とその集合中の整数が文字を決定する。
(稀な場合には幾つかの符号位置群) を決定する。conforming HTML user agent A user agent that conforms to this specification in its processing of the Internet Media Type `text/html'.
の処理においてこの仕様書に適合する利用者エージェント。data character Characters other than markup, which make up the content of elements.
document character set a coded character set whose range includes all characters used in a document. Every SGML document has exactly one document character set. Numeric character references are resolved via the document character set.
DTD document type definition. Rules that apply SGML to the markup of documents of a particular type, including a set of element and entity declarations. [SGML]
element A component of the hierarchical structure defined by a document type definition; it is identified in a document instance by descriptive markup, usually a start-tag and end-tag. [SGML]
end-tag Descriptive markup that identifies the end of an element. [SGML]
entity data with an associated notation or interpretation; for example, a sequence of octets associated with an Internet Media Type. [SGML]
fragment identifier the portion of an HREF attribute value following the `#' character which modifies the presentation of the destination of a hyperlink.
form data set a sequence of name/value pairs; the names are given by an HTML document and the values are given by a user.
HTML document An SGML document conforming to this document type definition.
hyperlink a relationship between two anchors, called the head and the tail. The link goes from the tail to the head. The head and tail are also known as destination and source, respectively.
markup Syntactically delimited characters added to the data of a document to represent its structure. There are four different kinds of markup: descriptive markup (tags), references, markup declarations, and processing instructions. [SGML]
may A document or user interface is conforming whether this statement applies or not.
media type an Internet Media Type, as per [IMEDIA].
message entity a head and body. The head is a collection of name/value fields, and the body is a sequence of octets. The head defines the content type and content transfer encoding of the body. [MIME]
minimally conforming HTML user agent A user agent that conforms to this specification except for form processing. It may only process level 1 HTML documents.
must Documents or user agents in conflict with this statement are not conforming.
numeric character reference markup that refers to a character by its code position in the document character set.
SGML document A sequence of characters organized physically as a set of entities and logically into a hierarchy of elements. An SGML document consists of data characters and markup; the markup describes the structure of the information and an instance of that structure. [SGML]
shall If a document or user agent conflicts with this statement, it does not conform to this specification.
should If a document or user agent conflicts with this statement, undesirable results may occur in practice even though it conforms to this specification.
start-tag Descriptive markup that identifies the start of an element and specifies its generic identifier and attributes. [SGML]
syntax-reference character set A coded character set whose range includes all characters used for markup; e.g. name characters and delimiter characters.
tag Markup that delimits an element. A tag includes a name which refers to an element declaration in the DTD, and may include attributes. [SGML]
text entity A finite sequence of characters. A text entity typically takes the form of a sequence of octets with some associated character encoding scheme, transmitted over the network or stored in a file. [SGML]
typical Typical processing is described for many elements. This is not a mandatory part of the specification but is given as guidance for designers and to help explain the uses for which the elements were intended.
URI A Uniform Resource Identifier is a formatted string that serves as an identifier for a resource, typically on the Internet. URIs are used in HTML to identify the anchors of hyperlinks. URIs in common practice include Uniform Resource Locators (URLs)[URL] and Relative URLs [RELURL].
user agent A component of a distributed system that presents an interface and processes requests on behalf of a user; for example, a www browser or a mail user agent.
The World-Wide Web is a hypertext-based, distributed
information system created by researchers at CERN in
Switzerland. URL:http://www.w3.org/
HTML is an application of ISO 8879:1986 -- Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML). SGML is a system for defining structured document types and markup languages to represent instances of those document types[SGML]. The public text -- DTD and SGML declaration -- of the HTML document type definition are provided in 9, "HTML Public Text".
HTML は ISO8879:1986 —標準一般化マーク付け言語 (SGML) の応用です。 SGML は構造化文書型の定義とその文書型の実現値を表現するためのマーク付け言語のシステムです。 HTML 文書型定義の公開文 (DTD と SGML宣言) は 9. HTML 公開文で提供しています。
The term "HTML" refers to both the document type defined here and the markup language for representing instances of this document type.
An HTML document is an SGML document; that is, a sequence of characters organized physically into a set of entities, and logically as a hierarchy of elements.
HTML文書は SGML文書です。すなわち、 物理的には実体の集合として、論理的には要素の階層として組織化された文字の列です。
In the SGML specification, the first production of the SGML syntax grammar separates an SGML document into three parts: an SGML declaration, a prologue, and an instance. For the purposes of this specification, the prologue is a DTD. This DTD describes another grammar: the start symbol is given in the doctype declaration, the terminals are data characters and tags, and the productions are determined by the element declarations. The instance must conform to the DTD, that is, it must be in the language defined by this grammar.
SGML 仕様書では、 SGML 構文文法の最初の生成規則で SGML 文書を3つの部分 — SGML宣言, 前書き, 実現値に分離しています。 この仕様書の目的では、前書きは DTD です。 この DTD は他の文法を記述します。開始記号は文書型宣言中に与えられ、 終端はデータ文字とタグであり、 生成規則は要素宣言で決定されます。 実現値は DTD に適合しなければなりません。すなわち、 この文法で定義された言語で書かれていなければなりません。
The SGML declaration determines the lexicon of the grammar. It specifies the document character set, which determines a character repertoire that contains all characters that occur in all text entities in the document, and the code positions associated with those characters.
SGML 宣言は文法の字句を決定します。 SGML 宣言は文書文字集合を指定し、文書文字集合は文書中のすべての文実体に出現するすべての文字を含む文字レパートリとそららの文字に関連付けられた符号位置を決定します。
The SGML declaration also specifies the syntax-reference character set of the document, and a few other parameters that bind the abstract syntax of SGML to a concrete syntax. This concrete syntax determines how the sequence of characters of the document is mapped to a sequence of terminals in the grammar of the prologue.
SGML 宣言は文書の構文参照文字集合と、 SGML の抽象構文を具象構文に束縛する数個の他の引数も指定します。 この具象構文が文書の文字の列をどう前書きの文法中の終端の列に写像するかを決定します。
For example, consider the following document:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN"> <title>Parsing Example</title> <p>Some text. <em>*wow*</em></p>
An HTML user agent should use the SGML declaration that is given in 9.5, "SGML Declaration for HTML". According to its document character set, `*' refers to an asterisk character, `*'.
HTML 利用者エージェントは、 9.5 『HTML 用 SGML 宣言』
にある SGML 宣言を使用するべきです。その文書文字集合によれば、
* は星印文字 *
The instance above is regarded as the following sequence of terminals:
- 1. start-tag: TITLE
- 2. data characters: "Parsing Example"
- 3. end-tag: TITLE
- 4. start-tag: P
- 5. data characters "Some text."
- 6. start-tag: EM
- 7. data characters: "*wow*"
- 8. end-tag: EM
- 9. end-tag: P
Parsing Example
Some text.
The start symbol of the DTD grammar is HTML, and the productions are given in the public text identified by `-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN' (9.1, "HTML DTD"). The terminals above parse as:
DTD 文法の開始記号は html
生成規則群は -//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN
HTML | \-HEAD | | | \-TITLE | | | \-<TITLE> | | | \-"Parsing Example" | | | \-</TITLE> | \-BODY | \-P | \-<P> | \-"Some text. " | \-EM | | | \-<EM> | | | \-"*wow*" | | | \-</EM> | \-</P>
Some of the elements are delimited explicitly by tags, while the boundaries of others are inferred. The <HTML> element contains a <HEAD> element and a <BODY> element. The <HEAD> contains <TITLE>, which is explicitly delimited by start- and end-tags.
他の境界は推論しています。 html
要素と body
SGML specifies an abstract syntax and a reference concrete syntax. Aside from certain quantities and capacities (e.g. the limit on the length of a name), all HTML documents use the reference concrete syntax. In particular, all markup characters are in the repertoire of [ISO-646]. Data characters are drawn from the document character set (see 6, "Characters, Words, and Paragraphs").
SGML は抽象構文と具象構文を規定しています。 量や容量 (例えば名前の長さの制限) は別として、すべての HTML 文書は規格参照具象構文を使います。 特に、すべてのマーク文字は ISO/IEC 646 のレパートリ中にあります。 データ文字は文書文字集合からえらびます。
A complete discussion of SGML parsing, e.g. the mapping of a sequence of characters to a sequence of tags and data, is left to the SGML standard[SGML]. This section is only a summary.
SGML の構文解析、例えば文字の列からタグおよびデータの列への写像についての完全な議論は SGML 規格によります。この節は要約だけです。
Any sequence of characters that do not constitute markup (see 9.6 "Delimiter Recognition" of [SGML]) are mapped directly to strings of data characters. Some markup also maps to data character strings. Numeric character references map to single-character strings, via the document character set. Each reference to one of the general entities defined in the HTML DTD maps to a single-character string.
マークを構成しない任意の文字の列は直接データ文字の列に写像します。 いくつかのマークもデータ文字列に写像します。 数値文字参照は文書文字集合によりひとつの文字に写像します。 HTML DTD で定義された一般実体のいずれかへの参照はひとつの文字に写像します。
For example,
- abc<def => "abc","<","def"
- abc<def => "abc","<","def"
The terminating semicolon on entity or numeric character references is only necessary when the character following the reference would otherwise be recognized as part of the name (see 9.4.5 "Reference End" in [SGML]).
実体参照や数値文字参照の終端のセミコロンは、 参照の次の文字が名前の一部と認知されてしまう場合にのみ必要です。
- abc < def => "abc ","<"," def"
- abc < def => "abc ","<"," def"
An ampersand is only recognized as markup when it is followed by a letter or a `#' and a digit:
アンド記号は文字 (letter) か #
- abc & lt def => "abc & lt def"
- abc &# 60 def => "abc &# 60 def"
A useful technique for translating plain text to HTML is to replace each '<', '&', and '>' by an entity reference or numeric character reference as follows:
平文を HTML に翻訳する有用な技法は、各 <
, &
CHARACTER ENTITY REFERENCE NUMERIC CHAR REF CHARACTER DESCRIPTION --------- ---------- ----------- --------------------- & & & Ampersand < < < Less than > > > Greater than
NOTE - There are SGML mechanisms, CDATA and RCDATA declared content, that allow most `<', `>', and `&' characters to be entered without the use of entity references. Because these mechanisms tend to be used and implemented inconsistently, and because they conflict with techniques for reducing HTML to 7 bit ASCII for transport, they are deprecated in this version of HTML. See, "Example and Listing: XMP, LISTING".
のような宣言内容の仕組みがあり、ほとんどの <
, >
HTML を輸送のため 7 ビット ASCII に削減する技法とも衝突するので、
この版の HTML では非推奨とします。
Tags delimit elements such as headings, paragraphs, lists, character highlighting, and links. Most HTML elements are identified in a document as a start-tag, which gives the element name and attributes, followed by the content, followed by the end tag. Start-tags are delimited by `<' and `>'; end tags are delimited by `</' and `>'. An example is:
ほとんどの HTML 要素は文書の中で開始タグで識別します。
開始タグは <
と >
と >
<H1>This is a Heading</H1>
Some elements only have a start-tag without an end-tag. For example, to create a line break, use the `<BR>' tag. Additionally, the end tags of some other elements, such as Paragraph (`</P>'), List Item (`</LI>'), Definition Term (`</DT>'), and Definition Description (`</DD>') elements, may be omitted.
例えば、改行を行うためには、 <
例えば段落 (</br
リスト項目 (</li
定義語 (</dt
定義記述 (</dd
>) の要素の終了タグは、
The content of an element is a sequence of data character strings and nested elements. Some elements, such as anchors, cannot be nested. Anchors and character highlighting may be put inside other constructs. See the HTML DTD, 9.1, "HTML DTD" for full details.
要素の内容はデータ文字と入れ子の要素の列です。 いくつかの要素、たとえばアンカーは、入れ子にできません。 アンカーと文字強調は一方の内に他方を入れて構いません。 完全な詳細は HTML DTD を参照してください。
NOTE - The SGML declaration for HTML specifies SHORTTAG YES, which means that there are other valid syntaxes for tags, such as NET tags, `<EM/.../'; empty start tags, `<>'; and empty end-tags, `</>'. Until support for these idioms is widely deployed, their use is strongly discouraged.
と指定しており、他にも妥当なタグの構文、たとえば NET
タグ <em
/.../, 空開始タグ
<>, 空終了タグ </> があることを意味しています。
A name consists of a letter followed by letters, digits, periods, or hyphens. The length of a name is limited to 72 characters by the `NAMELEN' parameter in the SGML declaration for HTML, 9.5, "SGML Declaration for HTML". Element and attribute names are not case sensitive, but entity names are. For example, `<BLOCKQUOTE>', `<BlockQuote>', and `<blockquote>' are equivalent, whereas `&' is different from `&'.
名前は、文字 (ltter) とそれに続く文字、数字、句点またはハイフンで構成します。
名前の長さは HTML の SGML 宣言の NAMELEN
引数により 72 文字に制限されています。要素や属性の名前は大文字・小文字を区別しませんが、
実体名は区別します。例えば、 <BLOCKQUOTE>,
<BlockQuote>, <blockquote>
は同等ですが、 & は &
In a start-tag, the element name must immediately follow the tag open delimiter `<'.
開始タグでは、要素名はタグ開始区切子 <
In a start-tag, white space and attributes are allowed between the element name and the closing delimiter. An attribute specification typically consists of an attribute name, an equal sign, and a value, though some attribute specifications may be just a name token. White space is allowed around the equal sign.
開始タグでは、要素名と閉じ区切子の間に空白と属性群が認められます。 属性指定は典型的に属性名、等号、値から成りますが、 いくつかの属性指定は単に名前字句だけでも構いません。 等号の回りに空白が認められます。
The value of the attribute may be either:
- * A string literal, delimited by single quotes or double quotes and not containing any occurrences of the delimiting character.
文字列表記。一重引用符または二重引用符で区切り、 区切文字を含まない。
NOTE - Some historical implementations consider any occurrence of the `>' character to signal the end of a tag. For compatibility with such implementations, when `>' appears in an attribute value, it should be represented with a numeric character reference. For example, `<IMG SRC="eq1.jpg" alt="a>b">' should be written `<IMG SRC="eq1.jpg" alt="a>b">' or `<IMG SRC="eq1.jpg" alt="a>b">'.
備考: いくつかの歴史的な実装は >
そのような実装との互換性のため、 >
<IMG SRC="eq1.jpg" alt="a>b"> は
<IMG SRC="eq1.jpg" alt="a>b"> または
<IMG SRC="eq1.jpg" alt="a>b"> とするべきです。
- * A name token (a sequence of letters, digits, periods, or hyphens). Name tokens are not case sensitive.
名前字句 (文字、数字、句点またはハイフンの列)。 名前字句は大文字・小文字を区別しません。
NOTE - Some historical implementations allow any character except space or `>' in a name token.
備考: いくつかの歴史的実装は生枝路駆虫に空白や >
In this example, <img> is the element name, src is the attribute name, and `http://host/dir/file.gif' is the attribute value:
この例では、 img は要素名で、 src は属性名で、 http://host/dir/file.gif は属性値です。
- <img src='http://host/dir/file.gif'>
A useful technique for computing an attribute value literal for a given string is to replace each quote and white space character by an entity reference or numeric character reference as follows:
ある文字列の属性値表記を計算する有用な技法は、 各引用符と空白文字を実体参照や数値文字参照で次のとおり置換することです。
ENTITY NUMERIC CHARACTER REFERENCE CHAR REF CHARACTER DESCRIPTION --------- ---------- ----------- --------------------- HT 	 Tab LF Line Feed CR Carriage Return SP   Space " " " Quotation mark & & & Ampersand
For example:
<IMG SRC="image.jpg" alt="First "real" example">
The `NAMELEN' parameter in the SGML declaration (9.5, "SGML Declaration for HTML") limits the length of an attribute value to 1024 characters.
引数は属性値の長さを 1024
Attributes such as ISMAP and COMPACT may be written using a minimized syntax (see "Omitted Attribute Name" in [SGML]). The markup:
や compatct
can be written using a minimized syntax:
NOTE - Some historical implementations only understand the minimized syntax.
備考: いくつかの歴史的実装は最小化構文のみを理解します。
To include comments in an HTML document, use a comment declaration. A comment declaration consists of `<!' followed by zero or more comments followed by `>'. Each comment starts with `--' and includes all text up to and including the next occurrence of `--'. In a comment declaration, white space is allowed after each comment, but not before the first comment. The entire comment declaration is ignored.
注釈を HTML 文書に含めるためには、注釈宣言を使用します。
注釈宣言は <!
それに続く >
から成ります。注釈は --
ではじまり、次に --
NOTE - Some historical HTML implementations incorrectly consider any `>' character to be the termination of a comment.
備考: いくつかの歴史的 HTML 実装は誤って任意の >
For example:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN"> <HEAD> <TITLE>HTML Comment Example</TITLE> <!-- Id: html-sgml.sgm,v 1.5 1995/05/26 21:29:50 connolly Exp --> <!-- another -- -- comment --> <!> </HEAD> <BODY> <p> <!- not a comment, just regular old data characters ->
To identify information as an HTML document conforming to this specification, each document must start with one of the following document type declarations.
情報をこの仕様書に適合する HTML 文書と識別するために、 各文書は次の文書型宣言のいずれかで始めなければなりません。
This document type declaration refers to the HTML DTD in 9.1, "HTML DTD".
この文書型宣言は 9.1 の HTML DTD を参照します。
NOTE - If the body of a `text/html' message entity does not begin with a document type declaration, an HTML user agent should infer the above document type declaration.
備考: text/html
HTML 利用者エージェントはこの文書型宣言と推論するべきです。
This document type declaration also refers to the HTML DTD which appears in 9.1, "HTML DTD".
この文書型宣言も 9.1 にある HTML DTD を参照します。
This document type declaration refers to the level 1 HTML DTD in 9.3, "Level 1 HTML DTD". Form elements must not occur in level 1 documents.
この文書型宣言は 9.3 にある水準 1 HTML DTD を参照します。 フォーム要素群は水準 1 文書に出現してはなりません。
[CODE{<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0 Strict Level 1//EN">]]
These two document type declarations refer to the HTML DTD in 9.2, "Strict HTML DTD" and 9.4, "Strict Level 1 HTML DTD". They refer to the more structurally rigid definition of HTML.
これらの二つの文書型宣言は 9.2 と 9.4 にある HTML DTD を参照します。これらはより構造的に厳密な HTML の定義を参照します。
HTML user agents may support other document types. In particular, they may support other formal public identifiers, or other document types altogether. They may support an internal declaration subset with supplemental entity, element, and other markup declarations.
HTML 利用者エージェントは他の文書型にも対応して構いません。 特に、他の公式公開識別子や他の文書型にあわせて対応して構いません。 HTML 利用者エージェントは補遺実体・要素・他のマーク宣言の含まれた内部宣言部分集合に対応して構いません。
訳注: HTML UA は SGML に従って構文解析しなければならないのだから、 内部部分集合には対応しなければならないはずだが。 構文解析はできなければならないが、それを適用する必要はないということか。
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN"> <HTML> <!-- Here's a good place to put a comment. --> <HEAD> <TITLE>Structural Example</TITLE> </HEAD><BODY> <H1>First Header</H1> <P>This is a paragraph in the example HTML file. Keep in mind that the title does not appear in the document text, but that the header (defined by H1) does.</P> <OL> <LI>First item in an ordered list. <LI>Second item in an ordered list. <UL COMPACT> <LI> Note that lists can be nested; <LI> Whitespace may be used to assist in reading the HTML source. </UL> <LI>Third item in an ordered list. </OL> <P>This is an additional paragraph. Technically, end tags are not required for paragraphs, although they are allowed. You can include character highlighting in a paragraph. <EM>This sentence of the paragraph is emphasized.</EM> Note that the </P> end tag has been omitted. <P> <IMG SRC ="triangle.xbm" alt="Warning: "> Be sure to read these <b>bold instructions</b>. </BODY></HTML>
<!-- ここは注釈を入れるのにいい場所だ -->
<P>これは例の HTML ファイル中の段落です。
題は文書文中に出現しないものの、見出し (h1
<LI> リストは入れ子にできることに注意
<LI> HTML 原文を読む助けに
<EM>段落のこの文は強調します。</EM> </P>
<IMG SRC ="triangle.xbm" alt="警告: ">
An HTML user agent allows users to interact with resources which have HTML representations. At a minimum, it must allow users to examine and navigate the content of HTML level 1 documents. HTML user agents should be able to preserve all formatting distinctions represented in an HTML document, and be able to simultaneously present resources referred to by IMG elements (they may ignore some formatting distinctions or IMG resources at the request of the user). Level 2 HTML user agents should support form entry and submission.
HTML利用者エージェントを使うと利用者は HTML
HTML 利用者エージェントは利用者が HTML 水準 1
HTML 利用者エージェントは HTML 文書で表現されているすべての書式付け上の区別を保存することができるべきであり、
(HTML 利用者エージェントは利用者の要求により書式付け上の区別や
資源を無視しても構いません)。水準 2
HTML 利用者エージェントはフォーム項目とフォーム提出に対応するべきです。
This specification defines the Internet Media Type [IMEDIA] (formerly referred to as the Content Type [MIME]) called `text/html'. The following is to be registered with [IANA].
この仕様書は text/html
というインターネット媒体型 (従来内容型と呼ばれてきたもの。)
を定義します。次の通り IANA に登録します。
- Media Type name
- text
- Media subtype name
- html
- Required parameters
- none
- Optional parameters
- level, charset
- Encoding considerations
- any encoding is allowed
- Security considerations
- see 10, "Security Considerations"
The optional parameters are defined as follows:
- Level
- The level parameter specifies the feature set used in the document. The level is an integer number, implying that any features of same or lower level may be present in the document. Level 1 is all features defined in this specification except those that require the <FORM> element. Level 2 includes form processing. Level 2 is the default.
水準 1 は、この仕様書で定義するすべての機能から
水準 2 はフォーム処理を含みます。水準 2 が既定値です。
- Charset
- The charset parameter (as defined in section 7.1.1 of RFC 1521[MIME]) may be given to specify the character encoding scheme used to represent the HTML document as a sequence of octets. The default value is outside the scope of this specification; but for example, the default is `US-ASCII' in the context of MIME mail, and `ISO-8859-1' in the context of HTTP [HTTP].
Charset 引数 (RFC 1521 7.1.1 節で定義。) は HTML 文書をオクテットの列として表現するために使用する文字符号化方式を指定することができます。
例えば MIME メイルの文脈では US-ASCII
が既定値です。 HTTP の文脈では ISO-8859-1
A message entity with a content type of `text/html' represents an HTML document, consisting of a single text entity. The `charset' parameter (whether implicit or explicit) identifies a character encoding scheme. The text entity consists of the characters determined by this character encoding scheme and the octets of the body of the message entity.
内容型 text/html
ひとつの文実体からなる HTML 文書を表します。
引数は、 (暗示であれ明示であれ)
To facilitate experimentation and interoperability between implementations of various versions of HTML, the installed base of HTML user agents supports a superset of the HTML 2.0 language by reducing it to HTML 2.0: markup in the form of a start-tag or end-tag, whose generic identifier is not declared is mapped to nothing during tokenization. Undeclared attributes are treated similarly. The entire attribute specification of an unknown attribute (i.e., the unknown attribute and its value, if any) should be ignored. On the other hand, references to undeclared entities should be treated as data characters.
実験と種々の版の HTML の実装の間の相互運用性の向上のため、 実際に使用されている HTML利用者エージェントは HTML 2.0 言語の超集合を HTML 2.0 に削減することで対応しています。 つまり、開始タグや終了タグの形のマークで、 その共通識別子が宣言されていないものは、 字句化の過程で何にも写像しません。 未宣言の属性も同様に扱います。未知の属性の属性指定全体 (つまり、未知の属性とその値があれば両方) を無視するべきです。 他方、未宣言の実体への参照はデータ文字として扱うべきです。
For example:
<div class=chapter><h1>foo</h1><p>...</div> => <H1>,"foo",</H1>,<P>,"..." xxx <P ID=z23> yyy => "xxx ",<P>," yyy Let α & β be finite sets. => "Let α & β be finite sets."
Support for notifying the user of such errors is encouraged.
Information providers are warned that this convention is not binding: unspecified behavior may result, as such markup does not conform to this specification.
この慣習は束縛ではないことを情報提供者に警告しておきます。 この仕様書に適合しないマークは未規定の結果となり得ます。
SGML specifies that a text entity is a sequence of records, each beginning with a record start character and ending with a record end character (code positions 10 and 13 respectively) (section 7.6.1, "Record Boundaries" in [SGML]).
SGML は文実体を記録の列で、
(それぞれ符号位置 10
と 13
[MIME] specifies that a body of type `text/*' is a sequence of lines, each terminated by CRLF, that is, octets 13, 10.
MIME は型 text/*
各行は CRLF
、すなわちオクテット 13
In practice, HTML documents are frequently represented and transmitted using an end of line convention that depends on the conventions of the source of the document; frequently, that representation consists of CR only, LF only, or a CR LF sequence. Hence the decoding of the octets will often result in a text entity with some missing record start and record end characters.
実際には、 HTML 文書はよく文書源の慣習依存の行末表現を使って表現・
転送されます。行末は CR
だけまたは CR
Since there is no ambiguity, HTML user agents are encouraged to infer the missing record start and end characters.
曖昧性はありませんから、 HTML 利用者エージェントは欠けた記録開始・ 記録終了文字を補うことを推奨します。
An HTML user agent should treat end of line in any of its variations as a word space in all contexts except preformatted text. Within preformatted text, an HTML user agent should treat any of the three common representations of end-of-line as starting a new line.
HTML 利用者エージェントは、整形済み文以外のどの文脈でも、 すべての種類の行末を語間隔として扱うべきです。 整形済み文では、 HTML 利用者エージェントは3種類すべての共通な行末表現を新しい行の開始として扱うべきです。
An HTML document is a tree of elements, including a head and body, headings, paragraphs, lists, etc. Form elements are discussed in 8, "Forms".
HTML 文書は要素の木で、 頭部と本体 (身体), 見出し, 段落, 並び, その他を含みます。 フォーム要素は8章で議論します。
The HTML document element consists of a head and a body, much like a memo or a mail message. The head contains the title and optional elements. The body is a text flow consisting of paragraphs, lists, and other elements.
メモやメイルのメッセージのように頭部と本体 (身体)
The head of an HTML document is an unordered collection of information about the document. For example:
HTML 文書の head
(頭部) は、
Every HTML document must contain a <TITLE> element.
すべての HTML 文書は title
The title should identify the contents of the document in a global context. A short title, such as "Introduction" may be meaningless out of context. A title such as "Introduction to HTML Elements" is more appropriate.
題は大域文脈での文書の内容を識別するべきです。 「紹介」のような短い題は文脈外では意味を成さないかもしれません。 「HTML 要素の紹介」のような題の方が適切です。
NOTE - The length of a title is not limited; however, long titles may be truncated in some applications. To minimize this possibility, titles should be fewer than 64 characters.
備考: 題の長さは制限しません。しかし、 長い題は応用によっては切られるかもしれません。 この虞を最小化するため、題は64文字より短くするべきです。
A user agent may display the title of a document in a history list or as a label for the window displaying the document. This differs from headings (5.4, "Headings: H1 ... H6"), which are typically displayed within the body text flow.
利用者エージェントは文書の題を履歴一覧に表示したり、 文書を表示する窓の札として表示したりして構いません。 これが通常本体 (body) の文章の流れに表示する見出しとの違いです。
The optional <BASE> element provides a base address for interpreting relative URLs when the document is read out of context (see 7, "Hyperlinks"). The value of the HREF attribute must be an absolute URI.
省略可能な base
文書を文脈外で読む時に相対 URL
属性の値は絶対 URL
The <ISINDEX> element indicates that the user agent should allow the user to search an index by giving keywords. See 7.5, "Queries and Indexes" for details.
The <LINK> element represents a hyperlink (see 7, "Hyperlinks"). Any number of LINK elements may occur in the <HEAD> element of an HTML document. It has the same attributes as the <A> element (see 5.7.3, "Anchor: A").
任意の数の link
要素が HTML の head
要素の中に出現できます。 link
The <LINK> element is typically used to indicate authorship, related indexes and glossaries, older or more recent versions, document hierarchy, associated resources such as style sheets, etc.
The <META> element is an extensible container for use in identifying specialized document meta-information. Meta-information has two main functions:
- * to provide a means to discover that the data set exists and how it might be obtained or accessed; and
- * to document the content, quality, and features of a data set, indicating its fitness for use.
Each <META> element specifies a name/value pair. If multiple META elements are provided with the same name, their combined contents-- concatenated as a comma-separated list--is the value associated with that name.
それぞれの meta
複数の meta
結合した内容 (読点分離並びとして連結) がその名前に関連付けられた値です。
NOTE - The <META> element should not be used where a specific element, such as <TITLE>, would be more appropriate. Rather than a <META> element with a URI as the value of the CONTENT attribute, use a <LINK> element.
備考: meta
例えば title
属性の値が URI の meta
要素よりも、 link
HTTP servers may read the content of the document <HEAD> to generate header fields corresponding to any elements defining a value for the attribute HTTP-EQUIV.
HTTP 鯖は文書の head
NOTE - The method by which the server extracts document meta-information is unspecified and not mandatory. The <META> element only provides an extensible mechanism for identifying and embedding document meta-information -- how it may be used is up to the individual server implementation and the HTML user agent.
備考: 鯖が文書のメタ情報を取出す方法は規定しませんし、
強制もしません。 meta
これをどう使用するかは個々の鯖実装と HTML
Attributes of the META element:
- binds the element to an HTTP header field. An HTTP server may use this information to process the document. In particular, it may include a header field in the responses to requests for this document: the header name is taken from the HTTP-EQUIV attribute value, and the header value is taken from the value of the CONTENT attribute. HTTP header names are not case sensitive.
要素を HTTP 頭欄に束縛します。 HTTP
その頭名は http-equiv
頭値は content
HTTP 頭欄名は大文字・小文字を区別しません。
- specifies the name of the name/value pair. If not present, HTTP-EQUIV gives the name.
存在しなければ、 http-equiv
- specifies the value of the name/value pair.
If the document contains:
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Expires" CONTENT="Tue, 04 Dec 1993 21:29:02 GMT"> <meta http-equiv="Keywords" CONTENT="Fred"> <META HTTP-EQUIV="Reply-to" content="fielding@ics.uci.edu (Roy Fielding)"> <Meta Http-equiv="Keywords" CONTENT="Barney">
then the server may include the following header fields:
の要求に対する HTTP 応答の一部として含めて構いません。
Expires: Tue, 04 Dec 1993 21:29:02 GMT Keywords: Fred, Barney Reply-to: fielding@ics.uci.edu (Roy Fielding)
as part of the HTTP response to a `GET' or `HEAD' request for that document.
An HTTP server must not use the <META> element to form an HTTP response header unless the HTTP-EQUIV attribute is present.
HTTP 鯖は http-equiv
要素を HTTP 応答頭を形成するために使用してはなりません。
An HTTP server may disregard any <META> elements that specify information controlled by the HTTP server, for example `Server', `Date', and `Last-modified'.
HTTP 鯖は HTTP 鯖が制御する情報、例えば Server
, Last-Modified
を指定する meta
The <NEXTID> element is included for historical reasons only. HTML documents should not contain <NEXTID> elements.
HTML 文書は nextid
The <NEXTID> element gives a hint for the name to use for a new <A> element when editing an HTML document. It should be distinct from all NAME attribute values on <A> elements. For example:
要素は HTML 文書を編集する時に新しい a
要素で使用する名前のヒントを与えます。これは a
要素すべての name
The <BODY> element contains the text flow of the document, including headings, paragraphs, lists, etc.
For example:
<BODY> <h1>Important Stuff</h1> <p>Explanation about important stuff... </BODY>
The six heading elements, <H1> through <H6>, denote section headings. Although the order and occurrence of headings is not constrained by the HTML DTD, documents should not skip levels (for example, from H1 to H3), as converting such documents to other representations is often problematic.
6種類の見出し要素 h1
〜 h6
は、章見出しを示します。見出しの順序や出現は HTML DTD
(例えば h1
から h3
Example of use:
<H1>This is a heading</H1> Here is some text <H2>Second level heading</H2> Here is some more text.
Typical renderings are:
- H1
- Bold, very-large font, centered. One or two blank lines above and below.
- H2
- Bold, large font, flush-left. One or two blank lines above and below.
- H3
- Italic, large font, slightly indented from the left margin. One or two blank lines above and below.
- H4
- Bold, normal font, indented more than H3. One blank line above and below.
- H5
- Italic, normal font, indented as H4. One blank line above.
- H6
- Bold, indented same as normal text, more than H5. One blank line above.
Block structuring elements include paragraphs, lists, and block quotes. They must not contain heading elements, but they may contain phrase markup, and in some cases, they may be nested.
ブロック構造要素は段落、並び、ブロック引用を含みます。 これらは見出し要素を含むことはできませんが、 語句マークを含んで構いませんし、場合によっては入れ子にしても構いません。
The <P> element indicates a paragraph. The exact indentation, leading space, etc. of a paragraph is not specified and may be a function of other tags, style sheets, etc.
Typically, paragraphs are surrounded by a vertical space of one line or half a line. The first line in a paragraph is indented in some cases.
普通、段落は一行か半行の垂直間隔で囲まれます。 段落の最初の行は場合によっては字下げされます。
Example of use:
<H1>This Heading Precedes the Paragraph</H1> <P>This is the text of the first paragraph. <P>This is the text of the second paragraph. Although you do not need to start paragraphs on new lines, maintaining this convention facilitates document maintenance.</P> <P>This is the text of a third paragraph.</P>
The <PRE> element represents a character cell block of text and is suitable for text that has been formatted for a monospaced font.
The <PRE> tag may be used with the optional WIDTH attribute. The WIDTH attribute specifies the maximum number of characters for a line and allows the HTML user agent to select a suitable font and indentation.
要素には省略可能な width
属性を指定できます。 width
HTML 利用者エージェントは適切なフォントと字下げを選ぶことができます。
Within preformatted text:
- * Line breaks within the text are rendered as a move to the beginning of the next line.
NOTE - References to the "beginning of a new line" do not imply that the renderer is forbidden from using a constant left indent for rendering preformatted text. The left indent may be constrained by the width required.
備考: 新しい行のはじめ
- * Anchor elements and phrase markup may be used.
NOTE - Constraints on the processing of <PRE> content may limit or prevent the ability of the HTML user agent to faithfully render phrase markup.
備考: pre
内容の処理の制約のため HTML
- * Elements that define paragraph formatting (headings, address, etc.) must not be used.
段落書式付けを定義する要素 (見出し、番地など) は使用してはなりません。
NOTE - Some historical documents contain <P> tags in <PRE> elements. User agents are encouraged to treat this as a line break. A <P> tag followed by a newline character should produce only one line break, not a line break plus a blank line.
備考: 幾つかの古の文書は p
改行文字が直後に来る p
- * The horizontal tab character (code position 9 in the HTML document character set) must be interpreted as the smallest positive nonzero number of spaces which will leave the number of characters so far on the line as a multiple of 8. Documents should not contain tab characters, as they are not supported consistently.
水平タブ文字 (HTML 文書文字集合では符号位置 9
Example of use:
<PRE> Line 1. Line 2 is to the right of line 1. <a href="abc">abc</a> Line 3 aligns with line 2. <a href="def">def</a> </PRE>
The <XMP> and <LISTING> elements are similar to the <PRE> element, but they have a different syntax. Their content is declared as CDATA, which means that no markup except the end-tag open delimiter-in-context is recognized (see 9.6 "Delimiter Recognition" of [SGML]).
要素と listing
これらの内容は CDATA
NOTE - In a previous draft of the HTML specification, the syntax of <XMP> and <LISTING> elements allowed closing tags to be treated as data characters, as long as the tag name was not <XMP> or <LISTING>, respectively.
備考: 以前の HTML 仕様書案では、 xmp
それぞれ xmp
と listing
Since CDATA declared content has a number of unfortunate interactions with processing techniques and tends to be used and implemented inconsistently, HTML documents should not contain <XMP> nor <LISTING> elements -- the <PRE> tag is more expressive and more consistently supported.
一貫せずに使用・実装される傾向にありますから、 HTML
文書は xmp
要素も listing
要素も含むべきではありません。 pre
The <LISTING> element should be rendered so that at least 132 characters fit on a line. The <XMP> element should be rendered so that at least 80 characters fit on a line but is otherwise identical to the <LISTING> element.
その他は listing
NOTE - In a previous draft, HTML included a <PLAINTEXT> element that is similar to the <LISTING> element, except that there is no closing tag: all characters after the <PLAINTEXT> start-tag are data.
備考: 以前の原案では、 HTML は plaintext
要素を listing
The <ADDRESS> element contains such information as address, signature and authorship, often at the beginning or end of the body of a document.
Typically, the <ADDRESS> element is rendered in an italic typeface and may be indented.
普通、 address
Example of use:
<ADDRESS> Newsletter editor<BR> J.R. Brown<BR> JimquickPost News, Jimquick, CT 01234<BR> Tel (123) 456 7890 </ADDRESS>
The <BLOCKQUOTE> element contains text quoted from another source.
A typical rendering might be a slight extra left and right indent, and/or italic font. The <BLOCKQUOTE> typically provides space above and below the quote.
Single-font rendition may reflect the quotation style of Internet mail by putting a vertical line of graphic characters, such as the greater than symbol (>), in the left margin.
例えば大なり記号 (>
) を置くかもしれません。
Example of use:
I think the play ends <BLOCKQUOTE> <P>Soft you now, the fair Ophelia. Nymph, in thy orisons, be all my sins remembered. </BLOCKQUOTE> but I am not sure.
HTML includes a number of list elements. They may be used in combination; for example, a <OL> may be nested in an <LI> element of a <UL>.
HTML は数々の並び要素を含みます。並び要素は組合せて使って構いません。
例えば、 ol
は ul
の中の li
The COMPACT attribute suggests that a compact rendering be used.
The <UL> represents a list of items -- typically rendered as a bulleted list.
The content of a <UL> element is a sequence of <LI> elements. For example:
<UL> <LI>First list item <LI>Second list item <p>second paragraph of second item <LI>Third list item </UL>
The <OL> element represents an ordered list of items, sorted by sequence or order of importance. It is typically rendered as a numbered list.
The content of a <OL> element is a sequence of <LI> elements. For example:
<OL> <LI>Click the Web button to open URI window. <LI>Enter the URI number in the text field of the Open URI window. The Web document you specified is displayed. <ol> <li>substep 1 <li>substep 2 </ol> <LI>Click highlighted text to move from one link to another. </OL>
The <DIR> element is similar to the <UL> element. It represents a list of short items, typically up to 20 characters each. Items in a directory list may be arranged in columns, typically 24 characters wide.
要素は ul
The content of a <DIR> element is a sequence of <LI> elements. Nested block elements are not allowed in the content of <DIR> elements. For example:
要素の内容は li
The <MENU> element is a list of items with typically one line per item. The menu list style is typically more compact than the style of an unordered list.
The content of a <MENU> element is a sequence of <LI> elements. Nested block elements are not allowed in the content of <MENU> elements. For example:
要素の内容は li
要素の列です。 menu
<MENU> <LI>First item in the list. <LI>Second item in the list. <LI>Third item in the list. </MENU>
A definition list is a list of terms and corresponding definitions. Definition lists are typically formatted with the term flush-left and the definition, formatted paragraph style, indented after the term.
定義並びは用語と対応する定義の並びです。 定義並びは普通用語を左揃えに書式付けして、 用語の後に字下げして定義を段落様式で書式付けします。
The content of a <DL> element is a sequence of <DT> elements and/or <DD> elements, usually in pairs. Multiple <DT> may be paired with a single <DD> element. Documents should not contain multiple consecutive <DD> elements.
要素の内容は dt
要素及び/又は dd
複数の dt
を1つの dd
要素と組にしても構いません。文書は複数の連続した dd
Example of use:
<DL> <DT>Term<DD>This is the definition of the first term. <DT>Term<DD>This is the definition of the second term. </DL>
If the DT term does not fit in the DT column (typically one third of the display area), it may be extended across the page with the DD section moved to the next line, or it may be wrapped onto successive lines of the left hand column.
用語が dt
(普通表示領域の三分の一) に収まらなければ、
境界を跨いで dd
The optional COMPACT attribute suggests that a compact rendering be used, because the list items are small and/or the entire list is large.
省略可能な compact
Unless the COMPACT attribute is present, an HTML user agent may leave white space between successive DT, DD pairs. The COMPACT attribute may also reduce the width of the left-hand (DT) column.
属性が存在しなければ、 HTML
利用者エージェントは次の dt
の組と間を置いても構いません。 compact
属性は左側 (dt
) の列の幅も削減して構いません。
<DL COMPACT> <DT>Term<DD>This is the first definition in compact format. <DT>Term<DD>This is the second definition in compact format. </DL>
Phrases may be marked up according to idiomatic usage, typographic appearance, or for use as hyperlink anchors.
User agents must render highlighted phrases distinctly from plain text. Additionally, <EM> content must be rendered as distinct from <STRONG> content, and <B> content must rendered as distinct from <I> content.
加えて、 em
内容は strong
内容は i
Phrase elements may be nested within the content of other phrase elements; however, HTML user agents may render nested phrase elements indistinctly from non-nested elements:
語句要素は他の語句要素の内容として入れ子にして構いません。 しかし、 HTML 利用者エージェントは入れ子の語句要素を非入れ子要素と同じようにレンダリングしても構いません。
plain <B>bold <I>italic</I></B> may be rendered the same as plain <B>bold </B><I>italic</I>
Phrases may be marked up to indicate certain idioms.
NOTE - User agents may support the <DFN> element, not included in this specification, as it has been deployed to some extent. It is used to indicate the defining instance of a term, and it is typically rendered in italic or bold italic.
備考: 利用者エージェントは、この仕様書に含まれていない
The <CITE> element is used to indicate the title of a book or other citation. It is typically rendered as italics. For example:
He just couldn't get enough of <cite>The Grapes of Wrath</cite>.
The <CODE> element indicates an example of code, typically rendered in a mono-spaced font. The <CODE> element is intended for short words or phrases of code; the <PRE> block structuring element (5.5.2, "Preformatted Text: PRE") is more appropriate for multiple-line listings. For example:
普通固定幅フォントでレンダリングします。 code
要素は符号の短い語や語句を想定しています。 pre
The expression <code>x += 1</code> is short for <code>x = x + 1</code>.
The <EM> element indicates an emphasized phrase, typically rendered as italics. For example:
A singular subject <em>always</em> takes a singular verb.
The <KBD> element indicates text typed by a user, typically rendered in a mono-spaced font. This is commonly used in instruction manuals. For example:
Enter <kbd>FIND IT</kbd> to search the database.
The <SAMP> element indicates a sequence of literal characters, typically rendered in a mono-spaced font. For example:
The only word containing the letters <samp>mt</samp> is dreamt.
The <STRONG> element indicates strong emphasis, typically rendered in bold. For example:
<strong>STOP</strong>, or I'll say "<strong>STOP</strong>" again!
The <VAR> element indicates a placeholder variable, typically rendered as italic. For example:
Type <SAMP>html-check <VAR>file</VAR> | more</SAMP> to check <VAR>file</VAR> for markup errors.
Typographic elements are used to specify the format of marked text.
Typical renderings for idiomatic elements may vary between user agents. If a specific rendering is necessary -- for example, when referring to a specific text attribute as in "The italic parts are mandatory" -- a typographic element can be used to ensure that the intended typography is used where possible.
NOTE - User agents may support some typographic elements not included in this specification, as they have been deployed to some extent. The <STRIKE> element indicates horizontal line through the characters, and the <U> element indicates an underline.
備考: 利用者エージェントはこの仕様書に含まれていない活字要素もある程度使われているので、それにに対応しても構いません。
The <B> element indicates bold text. Where bold typography is unavailable, an alternative representation may be used.
The <I> element indicates italic text. Where italic typography is unavailable, an alternative representation may be used.
The <TT> element indicates teletype (monospaced )text. Where a teletype font is unavailable, an alternative representation may be used.
要素はテレタイプ (単一幅) 文を示します。
The <A> element indicates a hyperlink anchor (see 7, "Hyperlinks"). At least one of the NAME and HREF attributes should be present. Attributes of the <A> element:
属性と href
- gives the URI of the head anchor of a hyperlink.
ハイパーリンクの終点アンカーの URI を与えます。
- gives the name of the anchor, and makes it available as a head of a hyperlink.
- suggests a title for the destination resource -- advisory only. The TITLE attribute may be used:
- * for display prior to accessing the destination resource, for example, as a margin note or on a small box while the mouse is over the anchor, or while the document is being loaded;
終点資源に access する前に、例えば余白のメモとして、 あるいは鼠をアンカーの上に置いている間の小さな箱に、 もしくは文書の読込中に表示しても構いません。
- * for resources that do not include a title, such as graphics, plain text and Gopher menus, for use as a window title.
題を含まない資源、例えば図形、平文、 Gopher メニューで窓の題に使用しても構いません。
- The REL attribute gives the relationship(s) described by the hyperlink. The value is a whitespace separated list of relationship names. The semantics of link relationships are not specified in this document.
- same as the REL attribute, but the semantics of the relationship are in the reverse direction. A link from A to B with REL="X" expresses the same relationship as a link from B to A with REV="X". An anchor may have both REL and REV attributes.
の A から B
へのリンクは rel
の B
から A へのリンクと同じ関係を表現します。
アンカーは rev
属性と rev
- specifies a preferred, more persistent identifier for the head anchor of the hyperlink. The syntax and semantics of the URN attribute are not yet specified.
- specifies methods to be used in accessing the destination, as a whitespace-separated list of names. The set of applicable names is a function of the scheme of the URI in the HREF attribute. For similar reasons as for the TITLE attribute, it may be useful to include the information in advance in the link. For example, the HTML user agent may chose a different rendering as a function of the methods allowed; for example, something that is searchable may get a different icon.
終点の access に使う method を、空白分離の名前の並びで指定します。
適用可能な名前の集合は href
属性の URI
の scheme の関数です。 title
例えば、 HTML 利用者エージェントは認められている method
The <BR> element specifies a line break between words (see 6, "Characters, Words, and Paragraphs"). For example:
<P> Pease porridge hot<BR> Pease porridge cold<BR> Pease porridge in the pot<BR> Nine days old.
The <HR> element is a divider between sections of text; typically a full width horizontal rule or equivalent graphic. For example:
<HR> <ADDRESS>February 8, 1995, CERN</ADDRESS> </BODY>
The <IMG> element refers to an image or icon via a hyperlink (see 7.3, "Simultaneous Presentation of Image Resources").
HTML user agents may process the value of the ALT attribute as an alternative to processing the image resource indicated by the SRC attribute.
HTML 利用者エージェントは src
NOTE - Some HTML user agents can process graphics linked via anchors, but not <IMG> graphics. If a graphic is essential, it should be referenced from an <A> element rather than an <IMG> element. If the graphic is not essential, then the <IMG> element is appropriate.
備考: HTML 利用者エージェントには、アンカーを介してリンクされた図形を処理できても
図形が重要であるなら、 img
要素よりも a
Attributes of the <IMG> element:
- alignment of the image with respect to the text baseline.
- * `TOP' specifies that the top of the image aligns with the tallest item on the line containing the image.
- * `MIDDLE' specifies that the center of the image aligns with the baseline of the line containing the image.
- * `BOTTOM' specifies that the bottom of the image aligns with the baseline of the line containing the image.
- text to use in place of the referenced image resource, for example due to processing constraints or user preference.
参照された画像資源の代わりに使う文章。 例えば処理の制約や利用者の好みにより使います。
- indicates an image map (see 7.6, "Image Maps").
- specifies the URI of the image resource.
画像資源の URI を指定します。
NOTE - In practice, the media types of image resources are limited to a few raster graphic formats: typically `image/gif', `image/jpeg'. In particular, `text/html' resources are not intended to be used as image resources.
備考: 実際には画像資源の媒体型はいくつかの raster 図形書式に限定されます。
普通 image/gif
, image/jpeg
特に、 text/html
Examples of use:
<IMG SRC="triangle.xbm" ALT="Warning:"> Be sure to read these instructions.
<a href="http://machine/htbin/imagemap/sample"> <IMG SRC="sample.xbm" ISMAP> </a>
訳注: 直前の NOTE の後に堂々と XBM を例に出す神経がまた素晴らしい。
An HTML user agent should present the body of an HTML document as a collection of typeset paragraphs and preformatted text. Except for preformatted elements (<PRE>, <XMP>, <LISTING>, <TEXTAREA>), each block structuring element is regarded as a paragraph by taking the data characters in its content and the content of its descendant elements, concatenating them, and splitting the result into words, separated by space, tab, or record end characters (and perhaps hyphen characters). The sequence of words is typeset as a paragraph by breaking it into lines.
HTML 利用者エージェントは HTML 文書の本体を植字段落と整形済み文の集まりとして示すべきです。
整形済み要素 (pre
, xmp
, textarea
) を除き、
それを間隔、タブ、記録終了文字 (とたぶんハイフン文字) で語に分割し、
The document character set specified in 9.5, "SGML Declaration for HTML" must be supported by HTML user agents. It includes the graphic characters of Latin Alphabet No. 1, or simply Latin-1. Latin-1 comprises 191 graphic characters, including the alphabets of most Western European languages.
HTML 用 SGML 宣言で規定する文書文字集合に HTML 利用者エージェントは対応しなければなりません。 HTML 文書文字集合にはラテン字母その1 (Latin-1) の図形文字が含まれます。 Latin-1 は191個の図形文字から成り、ほとんどの西洋言語の字母が含まれます。
NOTE - Use of the non-breaking space and soft hyphen indicator characters is discouraged because support for them is not widely deployed.
備考: 非改行間隔と軟ハイフンは、あまり実装されていないので、 使用することは非推奨とします。
NOTE - To support non-western writing systems, a larger character repertoire will be specified in a future version of HTML. The document character set will be [ISO-10646], or some subset that agrees with [ISO-10646]; in particular, all numeric character references must use code positions assigned by [ISO-10646].
備考: 非西洋書記法に対応するため、将来の版の HTML ではより大きな文字レパートリを規定することになるでしょう。 文書文字集合は ISO/IEC 10646 か、その部分集合となるでしょう。 特に、すべての数値文字参照は ISO/IEC 10646 で割当てられた符号位置を使わなければなりません。
In SGML applications, the use of control characters is limited in order to maximize the chance of successful interchange over heterogeneous networks and operating systems. In the HTML document character set only three control characters are allowed: Horizontal Tab, Carriage Return, and Line Feed (code positions 9, 13, and 10).
SGML 応用では、異種のネットワークやオペレーティング・システムで情報交換が成功する機会を最大化するために制御文字の使用を制限しています。
HTML 文書文字集合は水平タブ、復帰、改行 (符号位置 9
, 10
) の3つの制御文字だけが認められます。
The HTML DTD references the Added Latin 1 entity set, to allow mnemonic representation of selected Latin 1 characters using only the widely supported ASCII character repertoire. For example:
HTML DTD は、広く対応されている ASCII 文字レパートリだけを使って選定 Latin 1 文字を略称表現できるように、追加 Latin 1 実体集合を参照しています。例:
Kurt Gödel was a famous logician and mathematician.
See 9.7.2, "ISO Latin 1 Character Entity Set" for a table of the "Added Latin 1" entities, and 13, "The HTML Coded Character Set" for a table of the code positions of [ISO 8859-1] and the control characters in the HTML document character set.
「追加 Latin 1」実体の表は ISO Latin 1 文字実体集合を、 ISO/IEC 8859-1 の符号位置の表と HTML 文書文字集合の制御文字は HTML 文書文字集合を見て下さい。
In addition to general purpose elements such as paragraphs and lists, HTML documents can express hyperlinks. An HTML user agent allows the user to navigate these hyperlinks.
HTML 文書は、段落や並びのような一般目的の要素に加えて、 ハイパーリンクを表現できます。 HTML 利用者エージェントを使って利用者はハイパーリンクを飛び回れます。
A hyperlink is a relationship between two anchors, called the head and the tail of the hyperlink[DEXTER]. Anchors are identified by an anchor address: an absolute Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), optionally followed by a '#' and a sequence of characters called a fragment identifier. For example:
アンカー番地は絶対統一資源識別子 (URI) とそれに続く省略可能な
- http://www.w3.org/hypertext/WWW/TheProject.html
- http://www.w3.org/hypertext/WWW/TheProject.html#z31
In an anchor address, the URI refers to a resource; it may be used in a variety of information retrieval protocols to obtain an entity that represents the resource, such as an HTML document. The fragment identifier, if present, refers to some view on, or portion of the resource.
アンカー番地では、 URI が資源を指します。 URI は資源を表現する実体、例えば HTML 文書を得るための種々の情報取出しプロトコルを使うことができます。 素片識別子は、存在する場合、資源の何らかの視点や一部分を指します。
Each of the following markup constructs indicates the tail anchor of a hyperlink or set of hyperlinks:
- * <A> elements with HREF present.
- * <LINK> elements.
- * <IMG> elements.
- * <INPUT> elements with the SRC attribute present.
- * <ISINDEX> elements.
- * <FORM> elements with `METHOD=GET'.
These markup constructs refer to head anchors by a URI, either absolute or relative, or a fragment identifier, or both.
これらのマーク構造は絶対 URI または相対 URI か素片識別子かその両方で頭アンカーを指します。
In the case of a relative URI, the absolute URI in the address of the head anchor is the result of combining the relative URI with a base absolute URI as in [RELURL]. The base document is taken from the document's <BASE> element, if present; else, it is determined as in [RELURL].
相対 URI の場合、頭アンカーの番地の絶対 URI はその相対 URI
を RFC 1808 の通り基底絶対 URI と結合した結果です。
基底文書はその文書に base
要素があればそこから取ります。なければ RFC 1808
Once the address of the head anchor is determined, the user agent may obtain a representation of the resource.
For example, if the base URI is `http://host/x/y.html' and the document contains:
例えば、基底 URI が http://host/x/y.html で、 文書が
<img src="../icons/abc.gif">
then the user agent uses the URI `http://host/icons/abc.gif' to access the resource, as in [URL]..
を含んでいれば、利用者エージェントは資源に access するために URI http://host/icons/abc.gif を RFC 1738 の通り使います。
An HTML user agent allows the user to navigate the content of the document and request activation of hyperlinks denoted by <A> elements. HTML user agents should also allow activation of <LINK> element hyperlinks.
HTML 利用者エージェントによって利用者は文書の内容をまわって
HTML 利用者エージェントは link
To activate a link, the user agent obtains a representation of the resource identified in the address of the head anchor. If the representation is another HTML document, navigation may begin again with this new document.
利用者エージェントは、リンクを活性化するため、 頭アンカーの番地で識別される資源の表現を得ます。 表現が他の HTML 文書なら、閲覧はまたこの新しい文書から始まります。
An HTML user agent may activate hyperlinks indicated by <IMG> and <INPUT> elements concurrently with processing the document; that is, image hyperlinks may be processed without explicit request by the user. Image resources should be embedded in the presentation at the point of the tail anchor, that is the <IMG> or <INPUT> element.
HTML 利用者エージェントは img
画像資源は尾アンカーの場所、つまり img
<LINK> hyperlinks may also be processed without explicit user request; for example, style sheet resources may be processed before or during the processing of the document.
Any characters following a `#' character in a hypertext address constitute a fragment identifier. In particular, an address of the form `#fragment' refers to an anchor in the same document.
ハイパーテキスト番地の #
特に、 #fragment の形の番地は同じ文書中のアンカーを指します。
The meaning of fragment identifiers depends on the media type of the representation of the anchor's resource. For `text/html' representations, it refers to the <A> element with a NAME attribute whose value is the same as the fragment identifier. The matching is case sensitive. The document should have exactly one such element. The user agent should indicate the anchor element, for example by scrolling to and/or highlighting the phrase.
例えば、 text/html
値が素片識別子と同じ name
利用者エージェントは、例えば scroll したり語句を強調したりして、
For example, if the base URI is `http://host/x/y.html' and the user activated the link denoted by the following markup:
例えば、基底 URI が http://host/x/y.html で、 利用者が次のマークで表されるリンクを活性化したとします。
<p> See: <a href="app1.html#bananas">appendix 1</a> for more detail on bananas.
Then the user agent accesses the resource identified by `http://host/x/app1.html'. Assuming the resource is represented using the `text/html' media type, the user agent must locate the <A> element whose NAME attribute is `bananas' and begin navigation there.
この時利用者エージェントは http://host/x/app1.html
で識別される資源に access します。資源が text/html
属性が bananas の a
要素を探し、そこから navigation
The <ISINDEX> element represents a set of hyperlinks. The user can choose from the set by providing keywords to the user agent. The user agent computes the head URI by appending `?' and the keywords to the base URI. The keywords are escaped according to [URL] and joined by `+'. For example, if a document contains:
利用者エージェントは基底 URI に ? と鍵語を加えることによって頭
URI を計算します。鍵語は RFC 1738 に従って escape
し、 + でつなげます。例えば、文書が
<BASE HREF="http://host/index"> <ISINDEX>
and the user provides the keywords `apple' and `berry', then the user agent must access the resource `http://host/index?apple+berry'.
を含み、利用者が鍵語 apple と berry を指定したとすると、利用者エージェントは資源 http://host/index?apple+berry に access しなければなりません。
<FORM> elements with `METHOD=GET' also represent sets of hyperlinks. See 8.2.2, "Query Forms: METHOD=GET" for details.
If the ISMAP attribute is present on an <IMG> element, the <IMG> element must be contained in an <A> element with an HREF present. This construct represents a set of hyperlinks. The user can choose from the set by choosing a pixel of the image. The user agent computes the head URI by appending `?' and the x and y coordinates of the pixel to the URI given in the <A> element. For example, if a document contains:
要素に ismap
その img
要素は href
属性の存在する a
利用者エージェントは a
要素に与えられた URI
に ? と画素の x 座標と y
座標を加えることで頭 URI を計算します。例えば、文書が
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN"> <head><title>ImageMap Example</title> <BASE HREF="http://host/index"></head> <body> <p> Choose any of these icons:<br> <a href="/cgi-bin/imagemap"><img ismap src="icons.gif"></a>
and the user chooses the upper-leftmost pixel, the chosen hyperlink is the one with the URI `http://host/cgi-bin/imagemap?0,0'.
を含んでいて、利用者が一番左上の画素を選んだとすると、 選んだハイパーリンクは URI が http://host/cgi-bin/imagemap?0,0 のものです。
A form is a template for a form data set and an associated method and action URI. A form data set is a sequence of name/value pair fields. The names are specified on the NAME attributes of form input elements, and the values are given initial values by various forms of markup and edited by the user. The resulting form data set is used to access an information service as a function of the action and method.
フォームは、フォーム・データ集合の雛形および関連付けられた method
と動作 URI です。フォーム・データ集合は名前と値の組の欄の列です。
名前はフォーム入力要素の name
結果のフォーム・データ集合は動作と method
の関数として情報サービスに access するために使います。
Forms elements can be mixed in with document structuring elements. For example, a <PRE> element may contain a <FORM> element, or a <FORM> element may contain lists which contain <INPUT> elements. This gives considerable flexibility in designing the layout of forms.
例えば、 pre
要素は form
要素を含むことができますし、 form
Form processing is a level 2 feature.
フォーム処理は水準 2 の機能です。
The <FORM> element contains a sequence of input elements, along with document structuring elements. The attributes are:
- specifies the action URI for the form. The action URI of a form defaults to the base URI of the document (see 7, "Hyperlinks").
フォームの動作 URI を指定します。フォームの動作 URI はその文書の基底 URI が既定となります。
- selects a method of accessing the action URI. The set of applicable methods is a function of the scheme of the action URI of the form. See 8.2.2, "Query Forms: METHOD=GET" and 8.2.3, "Forms with Side-Effects: METHOD=POST".
動作 URI に access する方式を選択します。適用可能な method の集合はフォームの動作 URI の scheme の関数です。
- specifies the media type used to encode the name/value pairs for transport, in case the protocol does not itself impose a format. See 8.2.1, "The form-urlencoded Media Type".
The <INPUT> element represents a field for user input. The TYPE attribute discriminates between several variations of fields.
The <INPUT> element has a number of attributes. The set of applicable attributes depends on the value of the TYPE attribute.
適用可能な属性の集合は type
The default value of the TYPE attribute is `TEXT', indicating a single line text entry field. (Use the <TEXTAREA> element for multi- line text fields.)
属性の既定値は ODE(HTML)[text]] で、
単一行文章入力欄を示します。 (複数行文章欄には textarea
Required attributes are:
- name for the form field corresponding to this element.
The optional attributes are:
- constrains the number of characters that can be entered into a text input field. If the value of MAXLENGTH is greater the the value of the SIZE attribute, the field should scroll appropriately. The default number of characters is unlimited.
値が size
属性の値よりも大きければ、欄は適当に scroll するべきです。
- specifies the amount of display space allocated to this input field according to its type. The default depends on the user agent.
この入力欄に割当てる表示空間の量をその型に従って指定します。 既定値は利用者エージェントに依存します。
- The initial value of the field.
For example:
<p>Street Address: <input name=street><br> Postal City code: <input name=city size=16 maxlength=16><br> Zip Code: <input name=zip size=10 maxlength=10 value="99999-9999"><br>
An <INPUT> element with `TYPE=PASSWORD' is a text field as above, except that the value is obscured as it is entered. (see also: 10, "Security Considerations").
の type
For example:
<p>Name: <input name=login> Password: <input type=password name=passwd>
An <INPUT> element with `TYPE=CHECKBOX' represents a boolean choice. A set of such elements with the same name represents an n-of-many choice field. Required attributes are:
の type
複数の選択肢から n 個
- symbolic name for the form field corresponding to this element or group of elements.
- The portion of the value of the field contributed by this element.
Optional attributes are:
- indicates that the initial state is on.
For example:
<p>What flavors do you like? <input type=checkbox name=flavor value=vanilla>Vanilla<br> <input type=checkbox name=flavor value=strawberry>Strawberry<br> <input type=checkbox name=flavor value=chocolate checked>Chocolate<br>
An <INPUT> element with `TYPE=RADIO' represents a boolean choice. A set of such elements with the same name represents a 1-of-many choice field. The NAME and VALUE attributes are required as for check boxes. Optional attributes are:
の type
チェック箱同様に name
属性と value
- indicates that the initial state is on.
At all times, exactly one of the radio buttons in a set is checked. If none of the <INPUT> elements of a set of radio buttons specifies `CHECKED', then the user agent must check the first radio button of the set initially.
ラジオ・ボタンの集合の input
要素のどれも checked
For example:
<p>Which is your favorite? <input type=radio name=flavor value=vanilla>Vanilla<br> <input type=radio name=flavor value=strawberry>Strawberry<br> <input type=radio name=flavor value=chocolate>Chocolate<br>
An <INPUT> element with `TYPE=IMAGE' specifies an image resource to display, and allows input of two form fields: the x and y coordinate of a pixel chosen from the image. The names of the fields are the name of the field with `.x' and `.y' appended. `TYPE=IMAGE' implies `TYPE=SUBMIT' processing; that is, when a pixel is chosen, the form as a whole is submitted.
の type
x 座標と y 座標の2つのフォーム欄の入力を認めます。
2つの欄の名前は、欄の名前に .x
と ,y
は type
The NAME attribute is required as for other input fields. The SRC attribute is required and the ALIGN is optional as for the <IMG> element (see 5.10, "Image: IMG").
他の入力欄同様に name
ODE(HTMLe)[img]] 要素同様に src
属性が必須で align
For example:
<p>Choose a point on the map: <input type=image name=point src="map.gif">
An <INPUT> element with `TYPE=HIDDEN' represents a hidden field.The user does not interact with this field; instead, the VALUE attribute specifies the value of the field. The NAME and VALUE attributes are required.
の type
代わりに、 value
属性と value
For example:
<input type=hidden name=context value="l2k3j4l2k3j4l2k3j4lk23">
An <INPUT> element with `TYPE=SUBMIT' represents an input option, typically a button, that instructs the user agent to submit the form. Optional attributes are:
の type
- indicates that this element contributes a form field whose value is given by the VALUE attribute. If the NAME attribute is not present, this element does not contribute a form field.
その値は value
- indicates a label for the input (button).
入力 (ボタン) の札を示します。
You may submit this request internally: <input type=submit name=recipient value=internal><br> or to the external world: <input type=submit name=recipient value=world>
An <INPUT> element with `TYPE=RESET' represents an input option, typically a button, that instructs the user agent to reset the form's fields to their initial states. The VALUE attribute, if present, indicates a label for the input (button).
の type
普通はボタンを表現します。 value
入力 (ボタン) の札を示します。
When you are finished, you may submit this request: <input type=submit><br> You may clear the form and start over at any time: <input type=reset>
The <SELECT> element constrains the form field to an enumerated list of values. The values are given in <OPTION> elements. Attributes are:
値は option
- indicates that more than one option may be included in the value.
- specifies the name of the form field.
- specifies the number of visible items. Select fields of size one are typically pop-down menus, whereas select fields with size greater than one are typically lists.
可視項目の数を指定します。寸法が一の選択欄は普通ポップ・ダウン・メニューで、 寸法が一より大きな選択欄は普通並びです。
For example:
<SELECT NAME="flavor"> <OPTION>Vanilla <OPTION>Strawberry <OPTION value="RumRasin">Rum and Raisin <OPTION selected>Peach and Orange </SELECT>
The initial state has the first option selected, unless a SELECTED attribute is present on any of the <OPTION> elements.
初期状態は、 option
要素のどれかに selected
The Option element can only occur within a Select element. It represents one choice, and has the following attributes:
要素は select
要素内にのみ出現できます。 option
- Indicates that this option is initially selected.
- indicates the value to be returned if this option is chosen. The field value defaults to the content of the <OPTION> element.
欄値の既定値は option
The content of the <OPTION> element is presented to the user to represent the option. It is used as a returned value if the VALUE attribute is not present.
また、 value
The <TEXTAREA> element represents a multi-line text field. Attributes are:
- the number of visible columns to display for the text area, in characters.
- Specifies the name of the form field.
- The number of visible rows to display for the text area, in characters.
For example:
<TEXTAREA NAME="address" ROWS=6 COLS=64> HaL Computer Systems 1315 Dell Avenue Campbell, California 95008 </TEXTAREA>
The content of the <TEXTAREA> element is the field's initial value.
Typically, the ROWS and COLS attributes determine the visible dimension of the field in characters. The field is typically rendered in a fixed-width font. HTML user agents should allow text to extend beyond these limits by scrolling as needed.
普通、 rows
属性と cols
HTML 利用者エージェントは文章がこれらの制限を超えても必要に応じて
scroll することで伸ばせるべきです。
An HTML user agent begins processing a form by presenting the document with the fields in their initial state. The user is allowed to modify the fields, constrained by the field type etc. When the user indicates that the form should be submitted (using a submit button or image input), the form data set is processed according to its method, action URI and enctype.
HTML 利用者エージェントは、欄を初期状態にして文書を提示することでフォーム処理を始めます。 利用者は欄の種類その他の制約の元で欄を集成できます。 利用者がフォームを提出せよと (提出ボタンや画像入力を使って) 示した時、 フォーム・データ集合を method と行動 URI と enctype に従って処理します。
When there is only one single-line text input field in a form, the user agent should accept Enter in that field as a request to submit the form.
利用者エージェントは、フォームに1つの単一行文章入力欄しかない時には、 その欄での Enter をフォームの提出の要求として受付けるべきです。
The default encoding for all forms is `application/x-www-form-urlencoded'. A form data set is represented in this media type as follows:
すべてのフォームの既定の符号化は application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- 1. The form field names and values are escaped: space characters are replaced by `+', and then reserved characters are escaped as per [URL]; that is, non-alphanumeric characters are replaced by `%HH', a percent sign and two hexadecimal digits representing the ASCII code of the character. Line breaks, as in multi-line text field values, are represented as CR LF pairs, i.e. `%0D%0A'.
- 2. The fields are listed in the order they appear in the document with the name separated from the value by `=' and the pairs separated from each other by `&'. Fields with null values may be omitted. In particular, unselected radio buttons and checkboxes should not appear in the encoded data, but hidden fields with VALUE attributes present should.
で置換してから、 RFC 1738 の通り予約文字を escape します。
つまり、非英数文字は %HH (百分率記号と2つの16進数字で文字の
ASCII 符号を表現したもの) で置換します。複数行文章欄の値の改行は、
組で、つまり %0D%0A
で区切ります。 Null 値の欄は省略して構いません。
属性の存在する隠し欄は出現するべきです。NOTE - The URI from a query form submission can be used in a normal anchor style hyperlink. Unfortunately, the use of the `&' character to separate form fields interacts with its use in SGML attribute values as an entity reference delimiter. For example, the URI `http://host/?x=1&y=2' must be written `<a href="http://host/?x=1&y=2"' or `<a href="http://host/?x=1&y=2">'.
備考: 照会フォーム提出による URI は通常のアンカー式のハイパーリンクで使うこともできます。
残念ながら、 &
SGML の属性値では実体参照区切子になってしまいます。
例えば、 URI http://host/?x=1&y=2 は
<a href="http://host/?x=1&y=2" または
<a href="http://host/?x=1&y=2">
HTTP server implementors, and in particular, CGI implementors are encouraged to support the use of `;' in place of `&' to save users the trouble of escaping `&' characters this way.
HTTP 鯖実装者と、特に CGI 実装者は、このように & 文字を escape する問題から利用者をまもるために & の場所で ; を使うのを支援することを推奨します。
If the processing of a form is idempotent (i.e. it has no lasting observable effect on the state of the world), then the form method should be `GET'. Many database searches have no visible side-effects and make ideal applications of query forms.
フォームの処理が同効 (世界の状態に目立った影響がなければ)、
フォームの method は GET
To process a form whose action URL is an HTTP URL and whose method is `GET', the user agent starts with the action URI and appends a `?' and the form data set, in `application/x-www-form-urlencoded' format as above. The user agent then traverses the link to this URI just as if it were an anchor (see 7.2, "Activation of Hyperlinks").
利用者エージェントは、行動 URL が HTTP URL で method が GET
のフォームを処理する場合、まず行動 URI を用意し、
ODE(URI)[?]] を付加し、更にフォーム・データ集合を前述の
利用者エージェントはそれからこの URI
NOTE - The URL encoding may result in very long URIs, which cause some historical HTTP server implementations to exhibit defective behavior. As a result, some HTML forms are written using `METHOD=POST' even though the form submission has no side-effects.
備考: URL 符号化によって非常に長い URL となって、
古い HTTP 鯖実装がいかれた動作をしめすことがあります。
を使って書かれた HTML フォームもあります。method
If the service associated with the processing of a form has side effects (for example, modification of a database or subscription to a service), the method should be `POST'.
method は POST
To process a form whose action URL is an HTTP URL and whose method is `POST', the user agent conducts an HTTP POST transaction using the action URI, and a message body of type `application/x-www-form-urlencoded' format as above. The user agent should display the response from the HTTP POST interaction just as it would display the response from an HTTP GET above.
利用者エージェントは、行動 URL が HTTP URL で method が POST
のフォームを処理する場合、 HTTP POST 取引を動作 URI
と型が上述の application/x-www-form-urlencoded
書式のメッセージ本体とします。利用者エージェントは HTTP POST
対話の応答を前述の HTTP GET 応答と同様に表示するべきです・
Consider the following document:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN"> <title>Sample of HTML Form Submission</title> <H1>Sample Questionnaire</H1> <P>Please fill out this questionnaire: <FORM METHOD="POST" ACTION="http://www.w3.org/sample"> <P>Your name: <INPUT NAME="name" size="48"> <P>Male <INPUT NAME="gender" TYPE=RADIO VALUE="male"> <P>Female <INPUT NAME="gender" TYPE=RADIO VALUE="female"> <P>Number in family: <INPUT NAME="family" TYPE=text> <P>Cities in which you maintain a residence: <UL> <LI>Kent <INPUT NAME="city" TYPE=checkbox VALUE="kent"> <LI>Miami <INPUT NAME="city" TYPE=checkbox VALUE="miami"> <LI>Other <TEXTAREA NAME="other" cols=48 rows=4></textarea> </UL> Nickname: <INPUT NAME="nickname" SIZE="42"> <P>Thank you for responding to this questionnaire. <P><INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT> <INPUT TYPE=RESET> </FORM>
The initial state of the form data set is:
- name
- ""
- gender
- "male"
- family
- ""
- other
- ""
- nickname
- ""
Note that the radio input has an initial value, while the checkbox has none.
ラジオ入力ボタンは初期値を持ちますが、 チェック箱は持たないことに注意して下さい。
The user might edit the fields and request that the form be submitted. At that point, suppose the values are:
利用者は欄を編集してフォームの提出を要求することができます。 その時点で、
- name
- "John Doe"
- gender
- "male"
- family
- "5"
- city
- "kent"
- city
- "miami"
- other
- "abc\ndefk"
- nickname
- "J&D"
The user agent then conducts an HTTP POST transaction using the URI `http://www.w3.org/sample'. The message body would be (ignore the line break):
という値を仮定します。利用者エージェントは URI AMP(URI)[http://www.w3.org/sample]] を使った HTTP POST 取引を行います。メッセージ本体は
name=John+Doe&gender=male&family=5&city=kent&city=miami& other=abc%0D%0Adef&nickname=J%26D
となります (改行は無視して下さい)。
This is the Document Type Definition for the HyperText Markup Language, level 2.
これはハイパーテキスト・マーク付け言語水準 2 の文書型定義です。
訳注: 日本語訳を適宜付加しています。真の DTD は原文を参照して下さい。
<!-- html.dtd Document Type Definition for the HyperText Markup Language ハイパーテキスト・マーク付け言語の文書型定義 (HTML DTD) $Id: html.dtd,v 1.30 1995/09/21 23:30:19 connolly Exp $ Author: Daniel W. Connolly <connolly@w3.org> See Also: html.decl, html-1.dtd http://www.w3.org/hypertext/WWW/MarkUp/MarkUp.html --> <!ENTITY % HTML.Version "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN" -- Typical usage: 典型的使用法: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML//EN"> <html> ... </html> -- > <!--============ Feature Test Entities ========================--> <!ENTITY % HTML.Recommended "IGNORE" -- Certain features of the language are necessary for compatibility with widespread usage, but they may compromise the structural integrity of a document. This feature test entity enables a more prescriptive document type definition that eliminates those features. HTML のある種の機能は広く行われている用法との互換性 のため必要ですが、文書の構造的整合性を曲げることになる かもしれません。この機能試験実体はそうした機能を除去 したより規範的な文書型定義を有効にします。 --> <![ %HTML.Recommended [ <!ENTITY % HTML.Deprecated "IGNORE"> ]]> <!ENTITY % HTML.Deprecated "INCLUDE" -- Certain features of the language are necessary for compatibility with earlier versions of the specification, but they tend to be used and implemented inconsistently, and their use is deprecated. This feature test entity enables a document type definition that eliminates these features. HTML のある種の機能は以前の版の仕様書との互換性のために 必要ですが、一貫して使用・実装されない傾向にあります。 このような機能の使用は非推奨です。この機能試験実体は そうした機能を除去した文書型定義を有効にします。 --> <!ENTITY % HTML.Highlighting "INCLUDE" -- Use this feature test entity to validate that a document uses no highlighting tags, which may be ignored on minimal implementations. 強調タグは最小実装では無視されるかもしれませんが、 文書が強調タグを使っていないことを検証するには この機能試験実体を使って下さい。 --> <!ENTITY % HTML.Forms "INCLUDE" -- Use this feature test entity to validate that a document contains no forms, which may not be supported in minimal implementations フォームは最小実装では対応していないかもしれませんが、 文書がフォームを含まないことを検証するにはこの機能試験実体 を使って下さい。 --> <!--============== Imported Names ==============================--> <!ENTITY % Content-Type "CDATA" -- meaning an internet media type (aka MIME content type, as per RFC1521) インターネット媒体型 (MIME 内容型) を意味します --> <!ENTITY % HTTP-Method "GET | POST" -- as per HTTP specification, in progress HTTP 仕様書によります --> <!--========= DTD "Macros" =====================--> <!ENTITY % heading "H1|H2|H3|H4|H5|H6"> <!ENTITY % list " UL | OL | DIR | MENU " > <!--======= Character mnemonic entities =================--> <!ENTITY % ISOlat1 PUBLIC "ISO 8879-1986//ENTITIES Added Latin 1//EN//HTML"> %ISOlat1; <!ENTITY amp CDATA "&" -- ampersand --> Berners-Lee & Connolly Standards Track [Page 50] RFC 1866 Hypertext Markup Language - 2.0 November 1995 <!ENTITY gt CDATA ">" -- greater than --> <!ENTITY lt CDATA "<" -- less than --> <!ENTITY quot CDATA """ -- double quote --> <!--========= SGML Document Access (SDA) Parameter Entities =====--> <!-- HTML 2.0 contains SGML Document Access (SDA) fixed attributes in support of easy transformation to the International Committee for Accessible Document Design (ICADD) DTD "-//EC-USA-CDA/ICADD//DTD ICADD22//EN". HTML 2.0 は access 可能文書設計国際委員会 (ICADD) DTD "-//EC-USA-CDA/ICADD//DTD ICADD22//EN" に簡単に変換できるように SGML 文書 access (SDA) 固定属性を含んでいます。 ICADD applications are designed to support usable access to structured information by print-impaired individuals through Braille, large print and voice synthesis. For more information on SDA & ICADD: ICADD 応用は視覚障害者が点字、大きな印刷、音声合成を通じて構造化情報 への有用な access を支援するために設計されています。 SDA および ICADD の詳細: - ISO 12083:1993, Annex A.8, Facilities for Braille, large print and computer voice - ICADD ListServ <ICADD%ASUACAD.BITNET@ARIZVM1.ccit.arizona.edu> - Usenet news group bit.listserv.easi - Recording for the Blind, +1 800 221 4792 --> <!ENTITY % SDAFORM "SDAFORM CDATA #FIXED" -- one to one mapping 一対一対応 --> <!ENTITY % SDARULE "SDARULE CDATA #FIXED" -- context-sensitive mapping 文脈依存対応 --> <!ENTITY % SDAPREF "SDAPREF CDATA #FIXED" -- generated text prefix 生成文接頭辞 --> <!ENTITY % SDASUFF "SDASUFF CDATA #FIXED" -- generated text suffix 生成文接尾辞 --> <!ENTITY % SDASUSP "SDASUSP NAME #FIXED" -- suspend transform process 変換処理中断 --> <!--========== Text Markup =====================--> <![ %HTML.Highlighting [ <!ENTITY % font " TT | B | I "> <!ENTITY % phrase "EM | STRONG | CODE | SAMP | KBD | VAR | CITE "> <!ENTITY % text "#PCDATA | A | IMG | BR | %phrase | %font"> <!ELEMENT (%font;|%phrase) - - (%text)*> <!ATTLIST ( TT | CODE | SAMP | KBD | VAR ) %SDAFORM; "Lit" > <!ATTLIST ( B | STRONG ) %SDAFORM; "B" > <!ATTLIST ( I | EM | CITE ) %SDAFORM; "It" > <!-- <TT> Typewriter text タイプライター文 --> <!-- <B> Bold text 太字文 --> <!-- <I> Italic text 斜体文 --> <!-- <EM> Emphasized phrase 強調語句 --> <!-- <STRONG> Strong emphasis 強い強調 --> <!-- <CODE> Source code phrase 原始符号語句 --> <!-- <SAMP> Sample text or characters 例文・例文字 --> <!-- <KBD> Keyboard phrase, e.g. user input 鍵盤語句 (例: 利用者入力) --> <!-- <VAR> Variable phrase or substitutable 変数語句・置換え --> <!-- <CITE> Name or title of cited work 引用文献の名前・題 --> <!ENTITY % pre.content "#PCDATA | A | HR | BR | %font | %phrase"> ]]> <!ENTITY % text "#PCDATA | A | IMG | BR"> <!ELEMENT BR - O EMPTY> <!ATTLIST BR %SDAPREF; "&#RE;" > <!-- <BR> Line break 改行 --> <!--========= Link Markup ======================--> <!ENTITY % linkType "NAMES"> <!ENTITY % linkExtraAttributes "REL %linkType #IMPLIED REV %linkType #IMPLIED URN CDATA #IMPLIED TITLE CDATA #IMPLIED METHODS NAMES #IMPLIED "> <![ %HTML.Recommended [ <!ENTITY % A.content "(%text)*" -- <H1><a name="xxx">Heading</a></H1> is preferred to の方が <a name="xxx"><H1>Heading</H1></a> よりもよさげです --> ]]> <!ENTITY % A.content "(%heading|%text)*"> <!ELEMENT A - - %A.content -(A)> <!ATTLIST A HREF CDATA #IMPLIED NAME CDATA #IMPLIED %linkExtraAttributes; %SDAPREF; "<Anchor: #AttList>" > <!-- <A> Anchor; source/destination of link アンカー。リンクの始点・終点 --> <!-- <A NAME="..."> Name of this anchor このアンカーの名前 --> <!-- <A HREF="..."> Address of link destination リンク終点の番地 --> <!-- <A URN="..."> Permanent address of destination 終点の持続番地 --> <!-- <A REL=...> Relationship to destination 終点への関係 --> <!-- <A REV=...> Relationship of destination to this 終点からこちらへの関係 --> <!-- <A TITLE="..."> Title of destination (advisory) 終点の題 (ヒント) --> <!-- <A METHODS="..."> Operations on destination (advisory) 終点についての演算 (ヒント) --> <!--========== Images ==========================--> <!ELEMENT IMG - O EMPTY> <!ATTLIST IMG SRC CDATA #REQUIRED ALT CDATA #IMPLIED ALIGN (top|middle|bottom) #IMPLIED ISMAP (ISMAP) #IMPLIED %SDAPREF; "<Fig><?SDATrans Img: #AttList>#AttVal(Alt)</Fig>" > <!-- <IMG> Image; icon, glyph or illustration 画像。小さな絵、図標識、イラスト --> <!-- <IMG SRC="..."> Address of image object 画像物体の番地 --> <!-- <IMG ALT="..."> Textual alternative 文章の代替 --> <!-- <IMG ALIGN=...> Position relative to text 文章に対する位置 --> <!-- <IMG ISMAP> Each pixel can be a link 各画素がリンクたり得る --> <!--========== Paragraphs=======================--> <!ELEMENT P - O (%text)*> <!ATTLIST P %SDAFORM; "Para" > <!-- <P> Paragraph 段落 --> <!--========== Headings, Titles, Sections ===============--> <!ELEMENT HR - O EMPTY> <!ATTLIST HR %SDAPREF; "&#RE;&#RE;" > <!-- <HR> Horizontal rule 水平罫 --> <!ELEMENT ( %heading ) - - (%text;)*> <!ATTLIST H1 %SDAFORM; "H1" > <!ATTLIST H2 %SDAFORM; "H2" > <!ATTLIST H3 %SDAFORM; "H3" > <!ATTLIST H4 %SDAFORM; "H4" > <!ATTLIST H5 %SDAFORM; "H5" > <!ATTLIST H6 %SDAFORM; "H6" > <!-- <H1> Heading, level 1 見出し 水準 1 --> <!-- <H2> Heading, level 2 見出し 水準 2 --> <!-- <H3> Heading, level 3 見出し 水準 3 --> <!-- <H4> Heading, level 4 見出し 水準 4 --> <!-- <H5> Heading, level 5 見出し 水準 5 --> <!-- <H6> Heading, level 6 見出し 水準 6 --> <!--========== Text Flows ======================--> <![ %HTML.Forms [ <!ENTITY % block.forms "BLOCKQUOTE | FORM | ISINDEX"> ]]> <!ENTITY % block.forms "BLOCKQUOTE"> <![ %HTML.Deprecated [ <!ENTITY % preformatted "PRE | XMP | LISTING"> ]]> <!ENTITY % preformatted "PRE"> <!ENTITY % block "P | %list | DL | %preformatted | %block.forms"> <!ENTITY % flow "(%text|%block)*"> <!ENTITY % pre.content "#PCDATA | A | HR | BR"> <!ELEMENT PRE - - (%pre.content)*> <!ATTLIST PRE WIDTH NUMBER #implied %SDAFORM; "Lit" > <!-- <PRE> Preformatted text 整形済み文 --> <!-- <PRE WIDTH=...> Maximum characters per line 行あたり最大文字数 --> <![ %HTML.Deprecated [ <!ENTITY % literal "CDATA" -- historical, non-conforming parsing mode where the only markup signal is the end tag in full 歴史的事情により、完全な終了タグだけがマーク信号 の非適合解析モード --> <!ELEMENT (XMP|LISTING) - - %literal> <!ATTLIST XMP %SDAFORM; "Lit" %SDAPREF; "Example:&#RE;" > <!ATTLIST LISTING %SDAFORM; "Lit" %SDAPREF; "Listing:&#RE;" > <!-- <XMP> Example section 例示節 --> <!-- <LISTING> Computer listing 計算機並び --> <!ELEMENT PLAINTEXT - O %literal> <!-- <PLAINTEXT> Plain text passage 平文移行 --> <!ATTLIST PLAINTEXT %SDAFORM; "Lit" > ]]> <!--========== Lists ==================--> <!ELEMENT DL - - (DT | DD)+> <!ATTLIST DL COMPACT (COMPACT) #IMPLIED %SDAFORM; "List" %SDAPREF; "Definition List:" > <!ELEMENT DT - O (%text)*> <!ATTLIST DT %SDAFORM; "Term" > <!ELEMENT DD - O %flow> <!ATTLIST DD %SDAFORM; "LItem" > <!-- <DL> Definition list, or glossary 定義並び、用語集 --> <!-- <DL COMPACT> Compact style list 簡潔様式並び --> <!-- <DT> Term in definition list 定義並びの用語 --> <!-- <DD> Definition of term 定義並びの定義 --> <!ELEMENT (OL|UL) - - (LI)+> <!ATTLIST OL COMPACT (COMPACT) #IMPLIED %SDAFORM; "List" > <!ATTLIST UL COMPACT (COMPACT) #IMPLIED %SDAFORM; "List" > <!-- <UL> Unordered list 非順序並び --> <!-- <UL COMPACT> Compact list style 簡潔並び様式 --> <!-- <OL> Ordered, or numbered list 順序 (番号付き) 並び --> <!-- <OL COMPACT> Compact list style 簡潔並び様式 --> <!ELEMENT (DIR|MENU) - - (LI)+ -(%block)> <!ATTLIST DIR COMPACT (COMPACT) #IMPLIED %SDAFORM; "List" %SDAPREF; "<LHead>Directory</LHead>" > <!ATTLIST MENU COMPACT (COMPACT) #IMPLIED %SDAFORM; "List" %SDAPREF; "<LHead>Menu</LHead>" > <!-- <DIR> Directory list ディレクトリ並び --> <!-- <DIR COMPACT> Compact list style 簡潔並び様式 --> <!-- <MENU> Menu list メニュー並び --> <!-- <MENU COMPACT> Compact list style 簡潔並び様式 --> <!ELEMENT LI - O %flow> <!ATTLIST LI %SDAFORM; "LItem" > <!-- <LI> List item --> <!--========== Document Body ===================--> <![ %HTML.Recommended [ <!ENTITY % body.content "(%heading|%block|HR|ADDRESS|IMG)*" -- <h1>Heading</h1> <p>Text ... is preferred to の方が <h1>Heading</h1> Text ... よりよさげです --> ]]> <!ENTITY % body.content "(%heading | %text | %block | HR | ADDRESS)*"> <!ELEMENT BODY O O %body.content> <!-- <BODY> Document body --> <!ELEMENT BLOCKQUOTE - - %body.content> <!ATTLIST BLOCKQUOTE %SDAFORM; "BQ" > <!-- <BLOCKQUOTE> Quoted passage 引用物 --> <!ELEMENT ADDRESS - - (%text|P)*> <!ATTLIST ADDRESS %SDAFORM; "Lit" %SDAPREF; "Address:&#RE;" > <!-- <ADDRESS> Address, signature, or byline 番地、署名、筆者名 --> <!--======= Forms ====================--> <![ %HTML.Forms [ <!ELEMENT FORM - - %body.content -(FORM) +(INPUT|SELECT|TEXTAREA)> <!ATTLIST FORM ACTION CDATA #IMPLIED METHOD (%HTTP-Method) GET ENCTYPE %Content-Type; "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" %SDAPREF; "<Para>Form:</Para>" %SDASUFF; "<Para>Form End.</Para>" > <!-- <FORM> Fill-out or data-entry form 記入欄、データ項目フォーム --> <!-- <FORM ACTION="..."> Address for completed form フォーム完了の番地 --> <!-- <FORM METHOD=...> Method of submitting form フォーム提出の method --> <!-- <FORM ENCTYPE="..."> Representation of form data フォーム・データの表現 --> <!ENTITY % InputType "(TEXT | PASSWORD | CHECKBOX | RADIO | SUBMIT | RESET | IMAGE | HIDDEN )"> <!ELEMENT INPUT - O EMPTY> <!ATTLIST INPUT TYPE %InputType TEXT NAME CDATA #IMPLIED VALUE CDATA #IMPLIED SRC CDATA #IMPLIED CHECKED (CHECKED) #IMPLIED SIZE CDATA #IMPLIED MAXLENGTH NUMBER #IMPLIED ALIGN (top|middle|bottom) #IMPLIED %SDAPREF; "Input: " > <!-- <INPUT> Form input datum フォーム・データ入力 --> <!-- <INPUT TYPE=...> Type of input interaction 入力対話の型 --> <!-- <INPUT NAME=...> Name of form datum フォーム・データの名前 --> <!-- <INPUT VALUE="..."> Default/initial/selected value 既定・初期・選択値 --> <!-- <INPUT SRC="..."> Address of image 画像の番地 --> <!-- <INPUT CHECKED> Initial state is "on" 初期状態は「入」 --> <!-- <INPUT SIZE=...> Field size hint 欄寸法ヒント --> <!-- <INPUT MAXLENGTH=...> Data length maximum データ最大長 --> <!-- <INPUT ALIGN=...> Image alignment 画像配置 --> <!ELEMENT SELECT - - (OPTION+) -(INPUT|SELECT|TEXTAREA)> <!ATTLIST SELECT NAME CDATA #REQUIRED SIZE NUMBER #IMPLIED MULTIPLE (MULTIPLE) #IMPLIED %SDAFORM; "List" %SDAPREF; "<LHead>Select #AttVal(Multiple)</LHead>" > <!-- <SELECT> Selection of option(s) 選択肢から選択 --> <!-- <SELECT NAME=...> Name of form datum フォーム・データの名前 --> <!-- <SELECT SIZE=...> Options displayed at a time 一度に表示する選択肢 --> <!-- <SELECT MULTIPLE> Multiple selections allowed 複数選択認可 --> <!ELEMENT OPTION - O (#PCDATA)*> <!ATTLIST OPTION SELECTED (SELECTED) #IMPLIED VALUE CDATA #IMPLIED %SDAFORM; "LItem" %SDAPREF; "Option: #AttVal(Value) #AttVal(Selected)" > <!-- <OPTION> A selection option 選択肢 --> <!-- <OPTION SELECTED> Initial state 初期状態 --> <!-- <OPTION VALUE="..."> Form datum value for this option この選択肢のフォーム・データ値 --> <!ELEMENT TEXTAREA - - (#PCDATA)* -(INPUT|SELECT|TEXTAREA)> <!ATTLIST TEXTAREA NAME CDATA #REQUIRED ROWS NUMBER #REQUIRED COLS NUMBER #REQUIRED %SDAFORM; "Para" %SDAPREF; "Input Text -- #AttVal(Name): " > <!-- <TEXTAREA> An area for text input 文章入力領域 --> <!-- <TEXTAREA NAME=...> Name of form datum フォーム・データの名前 --> <!-- <TEXTAREA ROWS=...> Height of area 領域の高さ --> <!-- <TEXTAREA COLS=...> Width of area 領域の幅 --> ]]> <!--======= Document Head ======================--> <![ %HTML.Recommended [ <!ENTITY % head.extra ""> ]]> <!ENTITY % head.extra "& NEXTID?"> <!ENTITY % head.content "TITLE & ISINDEX? & BASE? %head.extra"> <!ELEMENT HEAD O O (%head.content) +(META|LINK)> <!-- <HEAD> Document head 文書頭部 --> <!ELEMENT TITLE - - (#PCDATA)* -(META|LINK)> <!ATTLIST TITLE %SDAFORM; "Ti" > <!-- <TITLE> Title of document 文書の題 --> <!ELEMENT LINK - O EMPTY> <!ATTLIST LINK HREF CDATA #REQUIRED %linkExtraAttributes; %SDAPREF; "Linked to : #AttVal (TITLE) (URN) (HREF)>" > <!-- <LINK> Link from this document この文書からのリンク --> <!-- <LINK HREF="..."> Address of link destination リンク終点の番地 --> <!-- <LINK URN="..."> Lasting name of destination 終点の究極名 --> <!-- <LINK REL=...> Relationship to destination 終点への関係 --> <!-- <LINK REV=...> Relationship of destination to this 終点のこちらへの関係 --> <!-- <LINK TITLE="..."> Title of destination (advisory) 終点の題 (ヒント) --> <!-- <LINK METHODS="..."> Operations allowed (advisory) 認められる演算 (ヒント) --> <!ELEMENT ISINDEX - O EMPTY> <!ATTLIST ISINDEX %SDAPREF; "<Para>[Document is indexed/searchable.]</Para>"> <!-- <ISINDEX> Document is a searchable index 文書は検索可能索引です --> <!ELEMENT BASE - O EMPTY> <!ATTLIST BASE HREF CDATA #REQUIRED > <!-- <BASE> Base context document 基底文脈文書 --> <!-- <BASE HREF="..."> Address for this document この文書の番地 --> <!ELEMENT NEXTID - O EMPTY> <!ATTLIST NEXTID N CDATA #REQUIRED > <!-- <NEXTID> Next ID to use for link name リンク名に使用する次の番地 --> <!-- <NEXTID N=...> Next ID to use for link name リンク名に使用する次の番地 --> <!ELEMENT META - O EMPTY> <!ATTLIST META HTTP-EQUIV NAME #IMPLIED NAME NAME #IMPLIED CONTENT CDATA #REQUIRED > <!-- <META> Generic Meta-information 一般メタ情報 --> <!-- <META HTTP-EQUIV=...> HTTP response header name HTTP 応答頭名 --> <!-- <META NAME=...> Meta-information name メタ情報名 --> <!-- <META CONTENT="..."> Associated information 関連付けられた情報 --> <!--======= Document Structure =================--> <![ %HTML.Deprecated [ <!ENTITY % html.content "HEAD, BODY, PLAINTEXT?"> ]]> <!ENTITY % html.content "HEAD, BODY"> <!ELEMENT HTML O O (%html.content)> <!ENTITY % version.attr "VERSION CDATA #FIXED '%HTML.Version;'"> <!ATTLIST HTML %version.attr; %SDAFORM; "Book" > <!-- <HTML> HTML Document HTML 文書 --> ** 9.2. Strict HTML DTD > This document type declaration refers to the HTML DTD with the `HTML.Recommended' entity defined as `INCLUDE' rather than IGNORE; that is, it refers to the more structurally rigid definition of HTML. この文書型宣言は HTML DTD をHTML.Recommended
で定義して参照します。 つまり、 HTML のより構造的に厳密な定義を参照します。<!-- html-s.dtd Document Type Definition for the HyperText Markup Language with strict validation (HTML Strict DTD). $Id: html-s.dtd,v 1.3 1995/06/02 18:55:46 connolly Exp $ Author: Daniel W. Connolly <connolly@w3.org> See Also: http://www.w3.org/hypertext/WWW/MarkUp/MarkUp.html --> <!ENTITY % HTML.Version "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0 Strict//EN" -- Typical usage: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML Strict//EN"> <html> ... </html> -- > <!-- Feature Test Entities --> <!ENTITY % HTML.Recommended "INCLUDE"> <!ENTITY % html PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN"> %html;
This document type declaration refers to the HTML DTD with the `HTML.Forms' entity defined as `IGNORE' rather than `INCLUDE'. Documents which contain <FORM> elements do not conform to this DTD, and must use the level 2 DTD.
この文書型宣言は HTML DTD を
要素を含む文書はこの DTD
に適合せず、水準 2 DTD を使用しなければなりません。
<!-- html-1.dtd Document Type Definition for the HyperText Markup Language with Level 1 Extensions (HTML Level 1 DTD). $Id: html-1.dtd,v 1.2 1995/03/29 18:53:10 connolly Exp $ Author: Daniel W. Connolly <connolly@w3.org> See Also: http://info.cern.ch/hypertext/WWW/MarkUp/MarkUp.html --> <!ENTITY % HTML.Version "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0 Level 1//EN" -- Typical usage: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML Level 1//EN"> <html> ... </html> -- > <!-- Feature Test Entities --> <!ENTITY % HTML.Forms "IGNORE"> <!ENTITY % html PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN"> %html;
This document type declaration refers to the level 1 HTML DTD with the `HTML.Recommended' entity defined as `INCLUDE' rather than IGNORE; that is, it refers to the more structurally rigid definition of HTML.
この文書型宣言は水準 1 HTML DTD に
つまり、 HTML のより構造的に厳密な定義を参照します。
<!-- html-1s.dtd Document Type Definition for the HyperText Markup Language Struct Level 1 $Id: html-1s.dtd,v 1.3 1995/06/02 18:55:43 connolly Exp $ Author: Daniel W. Connolly <connolly@w3.org> See Also: http://www.w3.org/hypertext/WWW/MarkUp/MarkUp.html --> <!ENTITY % HTML.Version "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0 Strict Level 1//EN" -- Typical usage: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML Strict Level 1//EN"> <html> ... </html> -- > <!-- Feature Test Entities --> <!ENTITY % HTML.Recommended "INCLUDE"> <!ENTITY % html-1 PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0 Level 1//EN"> %html-1;
This is the SGML Declaration for HyperText Markup Language.
これはハイパーテキスト・マーク付け言語の SGML 宣言です。
<!SGML "ISO 8879:1986" -- SGML Declaration for HyperText Markup Language (HTML). -- CHARSET BASESET "ISO 646:1983//CHARSET International Reference Version (IRV)//ESC 2/5 4/0" DESCSET 0 9 UNUSED 9 2 9 11 2 UNUSED 13 1 13 14 18 UNUSED 32 95 32 127 1 UNUSED BASESET "ISO Registration Number 100//CHARSET ECMA-94 Right Part of Latin Alphabet Nr. 1//ESC 2/13 4/1" DESCSET 128 32 UNUSED 160 96 32 CAPACITY SGMLREF TOTALCAP 150000 GRPCAP 150000 ENTCAP 150000 SCOPE DOCUMENT SYNTAX SHUNCHAR CONTROLS 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 127 BASESET "ISO 646:1983//CHARSET International Reference Version (IRV)//ESC 2/5 4/0" DESCSET 0 128 0 FUNCTION RE 13 RS 10 SPACE 32 TAB SEPCHAR 9 NAMING LCNMSTRT "" UCNMSTRT "" LCNMCHAR ".-" UCNMCHAR ".-" NAMECASE GENERAL YES ENTITY NO DELIM GENERAL SGMLREF SHORTREF SGMLREF NAMES SGMLREF QUANTITY SGMLREF ATTSPLEN 2100 LITLEN 1024 NAMELEN 72 -- somewhat arbitrary; taken from internet line length conventions -- PILEN 1024 TAGLVL 100 TAGLEN 2100 GRPGTCNT 150 GRPCNT 64 FEATURES MINIMIZE DATATAG NO OMITTAG YES RANK NO SHORTTAG YES LINK SIMPLE NO IMPLICIT NO EXPLICIT NO OTHER CONCUR NO SUBDOC NO FORMAL YES APPINFO "SDA" -- conforming SGML Document Access application -- > <!-- $Id: html.decl,v 1.17 1995/06/08 14:59:32 connolly Exp $ Author: Daniel W. Connolly <connolly@w3.org> See also: http://www.w3.org/hypertext/WWW/MarkUp/MarkUp.html -->
The SGML standard describes an "entity manager" as the portion or component of an SGML system that maps SGML entities into the actual storage model (e.g., the file system). The standard itself does not define a particular mapping methodology or notation.
SGML 規格は SGML システムの部分または構成部品で SGML 実体を実際の蓄積模型 (例えばファイル・システム) に写像する「実体管理器」 を説明しています。 SGML 規格自体は特定の写像方式や記法を定義していません。
To assist the interoperability among various SGML tools and systems, the SGML Open consortium has passed a technical resolution that defines a format for an application-independent entity catalog that maps external identifiers and/or entity names to file names.
種々の SGML 工具・システム間の相互運用性の補助のため、 SGML Open consortium は外部識別子[及び/又は]]実体名をファイル名に写像する、 応用非依存の実体型録の書式を定義する技術解決を出しています。
Each entry in the catalog associates a storage object identifier (such as a file name) with information about the external entity that appears in the SGML document. In addition to entries that associate public identifiers, a catalog entry can associate an entity name with a storage object identifier. For example, the following are possible catalog entries:
型録の各項目は蓄積物体識別子 (ファイル名など) と SGML 文書に出現する外部実体についての情報を関連付けます。 カタログ項目は公開識別子の他、実体名も蓄積物体識別子に関連付けることができます。 例えば、次が考えられる型録項目です。
-- catalog: SGML Open style entity catalog for HTML -- -- $Id: catalog,v 1.3 1995/09/21 23:30:23 connolly Exp $ -- -- Ways to refer to Level 2: most general to most specific -- PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML//EN" html.dtd PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN" html.dtd PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML Level 2//EN" html.dtd PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0 Level 2//EN" html.dtd -- Ways to refer to Level 1: most general to most specific -- PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML Level 1//EN" html-1.dtd PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0 Level 1//EN" html-1.dtd -- Ways to refer to Strict Level 2: most general to most specific -- PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML Strict//EN" html-s.dtd PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0 Strict//EN" html-s.dtd PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML Strict Level 2//EN" html-s.dtd PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0 Strict Level 2//EN" html-s.dtd -- Ways to refer to Strict Level 1: most general to most specific -- PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML Strict Level 1//EN" html-1s.dtd PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0 Strict Level 1//EN" html-1s.dtd -- ISO latin 1 entity set for HTML -- PUBLIC "ISO 8879-1986//ENTITIES Added Latin 1//EN//HTML" ISOlat1\ sgml
The HTML DTD defines the following entities. They represent particular graphic characters which have special meanings in places in the markup, or may not be part of the character set available to the writer.
HTML DTD は次の実体を定義しています。 これらの実体はマークで特別な意味を持つ図形文字や筆者が利用できる文字集合の一部でないかもしれない図形文字を表現します。
The following table lists each of the characters included from the Numeric and Special Graphic entity set, along with its name, syntax for use, and description. This list is derived from `ISO Standard 8879:1986//ENTITIES Numeric and Special Graphic//EN'. However, HTML does not include for the entire entity set -- only the entities listed below are included.
この表は ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Numeric and Special Graphic//EN
に由来します。しかし、 HTML はこの実体集合全体を含んでいません。
GLYPH NAME SYNTAX DESCRIPTION < lt < Less than sign > gt > Greater than signn & amp & Ampersand
The following public text lists each of the characters specified in the Added Latin 1 entity set, along with its name, syntax for use, and description. This list is derived from ISO Standard 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Latin 1//EN. HTML includes the entire entity set.
次の公開文は追加 Latin 1 実体集合で規定された文字を、 その名前と使用する構文、説明と共に示します。 これは ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Added Latin 1//EN に由来し、実体集合全体を含んでいます。
<!-- (C) International Organization for Standardization 1986 Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with conforming SGML systems and applications as defined in ISO 8879, provided this notice is included in all copies. --> <!-- Character entity set. Typical invocation: <!ENTITY % ISOlat1 PUBLIC "ISO 8879-1986//ENTITIES Added Latin 1//EN//HTML"> %ISOlat1; --> <!-- Modified for use in HTML $Id: ISOlat1.sgml,v 1.2 1994/11/30 23:45:12 connolly Exp $ --> <!ENTITY AElig CDATA "Æ" -- capital AE diphthong (ligature) --> <!ENTITY Aacute CDATA "Á" -- capital A, acute accent --> <!ENTITY Acirc CDATA "Â" -- capital A, circumflex accent --> <!ENTITY Agrave CDATA "À" -- capital A, grave accent --> <!ENTITY Aring CDATA "Å" -- capital A, ring --> <!ENTITY Atilde CDATA "Ã" -- capital A, tilde --> <!ENTITY Auml CDATA "Ä" -- capital A, dieresis or umlaut mark --> <!ENTITY Ccedil CDATA "Ç" -- capital C, cedilla --> <!ENTITY ETH CDATA "Ð" -- capital Eth, Icelandic --> <!ENTITY Eacute CDATA "É" -- capital E, acute accent --> <!ENTITY Ecirc CDATA "Ê" -- capital E, circumflex accent --> <!ENTITY Egrave CDATA "È" -- capital E, grave accent --> <!ENTITY Euml CDATA "Ë" -- capital E, dieresis or umlaut mark --> <!ENTITY Iacute CDATA "Í" -- capital I, acute accent --> <!ENTITY Icirc CDATA "Î" -- capital I, circumflex accent --> <!ENTITY Igrave CDATA "Ì" -- capital I, grave accent --> <!ENTITY Iuml CDATA "Ï" -- capital I, dieresis or umlaut mark --> <!ENTITY Ntilde CDATA "Ñ" -- capital N, tilde --> <!ENTITY Oacute CDATA "Ó" -- capital O, acute accent --> <!ENTITY Ocirc CDATA "Ô" -- capital O, circumflex accent --> <!ENTITY Ograve CDATA "Ò" -- capital O, grave accent --> <!ENTITY Oslash CDATA "Ø" -- capital O, slash --> <!ENTITY Otilde CDATA "Õ" -- capital O, tilde --> <!ENTITY Ouml CDATA "Ö" -- capital O, dieresis or umlaut mark --> <!ENTITY THORN CDATA "Þ" -- capital THORN, Icelandic --> <!ENTITY Uacute CDATA "Ú" -- capital U, acute accent --> <!ENTITY Ucirc CDATA "Û" -- capital U, circumflex accent --> <!ENTITY Ugrave CDATA "Ù" -- capital U, grave accent --> <!ENTITY Uuml CDATA "Ü" -- capital U, dieresis or umlaut mark --> <!ENTITY Yacute CDATA "Ý" -- capital Y, acute accent --> <!ENTITY aacute CDATA "á" -- small a, acute accent --> <!ENTITY acirc CDATA "â" -- small a, circumflex accent --> <!ENTITY aelig CDATA "æ" -- small ae diphthong (ligature) --> <!ENTITY agrave CDATA "à" -- small a, grave accent --> <!ENTITY aring CDATA "å" -- small a, ring --> <!ENTITY atilde CDATA "ã" -- small a, tilde --> <!ENTITY auml CDATA "ä" -- small a, dieresis or umlaut mark --> <!ENTITY ccedil CDATA "ç" -- small c, cedilla --> <!ENTITY eacute CDATA "é" -- small e, acute accent --> <!ENTITY ecirc CDATA "ê" -- small e, circumflex accent --> <!ENTITY egrave CDATA "è" -- small e, grave accent --> <!ENTITY eth CDATA "ð" -- small eth, Icelandic --> <!ENTITY euml CDATA "ë" -- small e, dieresis or umlaut mark --> <!ENTITY iacute CDATA "í" -- small i, acute accent --> <!ENTITY icirc CDATA "î" -- small i, circumflex accent --> <!ENTITY igrave CDATA "ì" -- small i, grave accent --> <!ENTITY iuml CDATA "ï" -- small i, dieresis or umlaut mark --> <!ENTITY ntilde CDATA "ñ" -- small n, tilde --> <!ENTITY oacute CDATA "ó" -- small o, acute accent --> <!ENTITY ocirc CDATA "ô" -- small o, circumflex accent --> <!ENTITY ograve CDATA "ò" -- small o, grave accent --> <!ENTITY oslash CDATA "ø" -- small o, slash --> <!ENTITY otilde CDATA "õ" -- small o, tilde --> <!ENTITY ouml CDATA "ö" -- small o, dieresis or umlaut mark --> <!ENTITY szlig CDATA "ß" -- small sharp s, German (sz ligature)-> <!ENTITY thorn CDATA "þ" -- small thorn, Icelandic --> <!ENTITY uacute CDATA "ú" -- small u, acute accent --> <!ENTITY ucirc CDATA "û" -- small u, circumflex accent --> <!ENTITY ugrave CDATA "ù" -- small u, grave accent --> <!ENTITY uuml CDATA "ü" -- small u, dieresis or umlaut mark --> <!ENTITY yacute CDATA "ý" -- small y, acute accent --> <!ENTITY yuml CDATA "ÿ" -- small y, dieresis or umlaut mark -->
Anchors, embedded images, and all other elements which contain URIs as parameters may cause the URI to be dereferenced in response to user input. In this case, the security considerations of [URL] apply.
アンカー、埋込み画像、その他すべての URI をを引数として持つ要素は、利用者の入力への応答で URI の参照解決を引起こすかもしれません。この場合、 RFC 1738 の保安についての考察が適用されます。
The widely deployed methods for submitting forms requests -- HTTP and SMTP -- provide little assurance of confidentiality. Information providers who request sensitive information via forms -- especially by way of the `PASSWORD' type input field (see 8.1.2, "Input Field: INPUT") -- should be aware and make their users aware of the lack of confidentiality.
フォーム要求を提出する方法として広く用いられている HTTP
や SMTP は、機密性がほとんど保証されていません。
特に password
Berners-Lee, T., "Universal Resource Identifiers in WWW:
A Unifying Syntax for the Expression of Names and
Addresses of Objects on the Network as used in the
World- Wide Web", RFC 1630, CERN, June 1994.
Berners-Lee, T., Masinter, L., and M. McCahill, "Uniform
Resource Locators (URL)", RFC 1738, CERN, Xerox PARC,
University of Minnesota, December 1994.
[HTTP] Berners-Lee, T., Fielding, R., and H. Frystyk Nielsen, "Hypertext Transfer Protocol - HTTP/1.0", Work in Progress, MIT, UC Irvine, CERN, March 1995.
Borenstein, N., and N. Freed. "MIME (Multipurpose
Internet Mail Extensions) Part One: Mechanisms for
Specifying and Describing the Format of Internet Message
Bodies", RFC 1521, Bellcore, Innosoft, September 1993.
Fielding, R., "Relative Uniform Resource Locators", RFC
1808, June 1995
[GOLD90] Goldfarb, C., "The SGML Handbook", Y. Rubinsky, Ed., Oxford University Press, 1990.
[DEXTER] Frank Halasz and Mayer Schwartz, "The Dexter Hypertext Reference Model", Communications of the ACM, pp. 30-39, vol. 37 no. 2, Feb 1994.
Postel, J., "Media Type Registration Procedure",
RFC 1590, USC/Information Sciences Institute, March 1994.
Reynolds, J., and J. Postel, "Assigned Numbers", STD 2,
RFC 1700, USC/Information Sciecnes Institute, October
1994. URL:ftp://ds.internic.net/rfc/rfc1700.txt
SoftQuad. "The SGML Primer", 3rd ed., SoftQuad Inc.,
1991. URL:http://www.sq.com/
ISO/IEC 646:1991 Information technology -- ISO 7-bit
coded character set for information interchange
ISO/IEC 10646-1:1993 Information technology -- Universal
Multiple-Octet Coded Character Set (UCS) -- Part 1:
Architecture and Basic Multilingual Plane
ISO 8859. International Standard -- Information
Processing -- 8-bit Single-Byte Coded Graphic Character
Sets -- Part 1: Latin Alphabet No. 1, ISO 8859-1:1987.
ISO 8879. Information Processing -- Text and Office
Systems - Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML),
1986. URL:http://www.iso.ch/cate/d16387.html
The HTML document type was designed by Tim Berners-Lee at CERN as part of the 1990 World Wide Web project. In 1992, Dan Connolly wrote the HTML Document Type Definition (DTD) and a brief HTML specification.
HTML 文書型は CERN の Tim Berners-Lee により 1990 World Wide Web 計画の一部として設計されました。 1992年に、 Dan Connolly が HTML 文書型定義と簡単な HTML 仕様書を書きました。
Since 1993, a wide variety of Internet participants have contributed to the evolution of HTML, which has included the addition of in-line images introduced by the NCSA Mosaic software for WWW. Dave Raggett played an important role in deriving the forms material from the HTML+ specification.
1993年から、非常に様々なインターネット関係者が HTML の発展に貢献してきました。 NCSA Mosaic ソフトウェアが WWW に導入した行内画像の追加もこれに含みます。 Dave Raggett はフォーム関係を HTML+ 仕様書から派生させるのに重要な役割を果たしました。
Dan Connolly and Karen Olson Muldrow rewrote the HTML Specification in 1994. The document was then edited by the HTML working group as a whole, with updates being made by Eric Schieler, Mike Knezovich, and Eric W. Sink at Spyglass, Inc. Finally, Roy Fielding restructured the entire draft into its current form.
Dan Connolly と Karen Olson Muldrow は1994年に HTML 仕様書を書き直しました。その文書はその後全体的に HTML 作業部会で編集し、 Eric Schieler, Mike Knezovich, Spyglass, Inc. の Eric W. Sink が更新を行いました。 最後に、 Roy Fielding が原案全体を現在の形に再構築しました。
Special thanks to the many active participants in the HTML working group, too numerous to list individually, without whom there would be no standards process and no standard. That this document approaches its objective of carefully converging a description of current practice and formalization of HTML's relationship to SGML is a tribute to their effort.
HTML 作業部会の多くの活発な参加者には、特に感謝致します。 数が多過ぎるので個々の名前を書き連ねることはしませんが、 もし参加して下さらなければ標準化過程もこの規格もなかったことでしょう。 この文書が HTML の現状の記述を注意深くまとめ、 SGML との関係を公式化するというもくてきを達成できたのは、 ひとえにみなさまのご尽力によるものであります。
Tim Berners-Lee Director, W3 Consortium MIT Laboratory for Computer Science 545 Technology Square Cambridge, MA 02139, U.S.A. > Phone: +1 (617) 253 9670 Fax: +1 (617) 258 8682 EMail: timbl@w3.org
Daniel W. Connolly Research Technical Staff, W3 Consortium MIT Laboratory for Computer Science 545 Technology Square Cambridge, MA 02139, U.S.A. > Phone: +1 (617) 258 8682 EMail: connolly@w3.org URI: http://www.w3.org/hypertext/WWW/People/Connolly/
This list details the code positions and characters of the HTML document character set, specified in 9.5, "SGML Declaration for HTML". This coded character set is based on [ISO-8859-1].
これは、 HTML 文書文字集合の符号位置と文字の詳細を並べたものです。 この符号化文字集合は ISO/IEC 8859-1 に基づいています。
REFERENCE DESCRIPTION -------------- ----------- � -  Unused 	 Horizontal tab Line feed  -  Unused Carriage Return  -  Unused   Space ! Exclamation mark " Quotation mark # Number sign $ Dollar sign % Percent sign & Ampersand ' Apostrophe ( Left parenthesis ) Right parenthesis * Asterisk + Plus sign , Comma - Hyphen . Period (fullstop) / Solidus (slash) 0 - 9 Digits 0-9 : Colon ; Semi-colon < Less than = Equals sign > Greater than ? Question mark @ Commercial at A - Z Letters A-Z [ Left square bracket \ Reverse solidus (backslash) ] Right square bracket ^ Caret _ Horizontal bar (underscore) ` Acute accent a - z Letters a-z { Left curly brace | Vertical bar } Right curly brace ~ Tilde  - Ÿ Unused   Non-breaking Space ¡ Inverted exclamation ¢ Cent sign £ Pound sterling ¤ General currency sign ¥ Yen sign ¦ Broken vertical bar § Section sign ¨ Umlaut (dieresis) © Copyright ª Feminine ordinal « Left angle quote, guillemotleft ¬ Not sign ­ Soft hyphen ® Registered trademark ¯ Macron accent ° Degree sign ± Plus or minus ² Superscript two ³ Superscript three ´ Acute accent µ Micro sign ¶ Paragraph sign · Middle dot ¸ Cedilla ¹ Superscript one º Masculine ordinal » Right angle quote, guillemotright ¼ Fraction one-fourth ½ Fraction one-half ¾ Fraction three-fourths ¿ Inverted question mark À Capital A, grave accent Á Capital A, acute accent  Capital A, circumflex accent à Capital A, tilde Ä Capital A, dieresis or umlaut mark Å Capital A, ring Æ Capital AE dipthong (ligature) Ç Capital C, cedilla È Capital E, grave accent É Capital E, acute accent Ê Capital E, circumflex accent Ë Capital E, dieresis or umlaut mark Ì Capital I, grave accent Í Capital I, acute accent Î Capital I, circumflex accent Ï Capital I, dieresis or umlaut mark Ð Capital Eth, Icelandic Ñ Capital N, tilde Ò Capital O, grave accent Ó Capital O, acute accent Ô Capital O, circumflex accent Õ Capital O, tilde Ö Capital O, dieresis or umlaut mark × Multiply sign Ø Capital O, slash Ù Capital U, grave accent Ú Capital U, acute accent Û Capital U, circumflex accent Ü Capital U, dieresis or umlaut mark Ý Capital Y, acute accent Þ Capital THORN, Icelandic ß Small sharp s, German (sz ligature) à Small a, grave accent á Small a, acute accent â Small a, circumflex accent ã Small a, tilde ä Small a, dieresis or umlaut mark å Small a, ring æ Small ae dipthong (ligature) ç Small c, cedilla è Small e, grave accent é Small e, acute accent ê Small e, circumflex accent ë Small e, dieresis or umlaut mark ì Small i, grave accent í Small i, acute accent î Small i, circumflex accent ï Small i, dieresis or umlaut mark ð Small eth, Icelandic ñ Small n, tilde ò Small o, grave accent ó Small o, acute accent ô Small o, circumflex accent õ Small o, tilde ö Small o, dieresis or umlaut mark ÷ Division sign ø Small o, slash ù Small u, grave accent ú Small u, acute accent û Small u, circumflex accent ü Small u, dieresis or umlaut mark ý Small y, acute accent þ Small thorn, Icelandic ÿ Small y, dieresis or umlaut mark
The HTML DTD references the "Added Latin 1" entity set, which only supplies named entities for a subset of the non-ASCII characters in [ISO-8859-1], namely the accented characters. The following entities should be supported so that all ISO 8859-1 characters may only be referenced symbolically. The names for these entities are taken from the appendixes of [SGML].
HTML DTD は「追加 Latin 1」実体集合を参照していますが、 この実体集合は ISO/IEC 8859-1 の非 ASCII の部分集合、 というかアクセント付き文字の分しか名前付き実体を用意していません。 次の実体は ISO/IEC 8859-1 のすべての文字を記号的に参照できるようにするために対応するべきものです。 これらの実体の名前は ISO 8879 の附属書から取りました。
<!ENTITY nbsp CDATA " " -- no-break space --> <!ENTITY iexcl CDATA "¡" -- inverted exclamation mark --> <!ENTITY cent CDATA "¢" -- cent sign --> <!ENTITY pound CDATA "£" -- pound sterling sign --> <!ENTITY curren CDATA "¤" -- general currency sign --> <!ENTITY yen CDATA "¥" -- yen sign --> <!ENTITY brvbar CDATA "¦" -- broken (vertical) bar --> <!ENTITY sect CDATA "§" -- section sign --> <!ENTITY uml CDATA "¨" -- umlaut (dieresis) --> <!ENTITY copy CDATA "©" -- copyright sign --> <!ENTITY ordf CDATA "ª" -- ordinal indicator, feminine --> <!ENTITY laquo CDATA "«" -- angle quotation mark, left --> <!ENTITY not CDATA "¬" -- not sign --> <!ENTITY shy CDATA "­" -- soft hyphen --> <!ENTITY reg CDATA "®" -- registered sign --> <!ENTITY macr CDATA "¯" -- macron --> <!ENTITY deg CDATA "°" -- degree sign --> <!ENTITY plusmn CDATA "±" -- plus-or-minus sign --> <!ENTITY sup2 CDATA "²" -- superscript two --> <!ENTITY sup3 CDATA "³" -- superscript three --> <!ENTITY acute CDATA "´" -- acute accent --> <!ENTITY micro CDATA "µ" -- micro sign --> <!ENTITY para CDATA "¶" -- pilcrow (paragraph sign) --> <!ENTITY middot CDATA "·" -- middle dot --> <!ENTITY cedil CDATA "¸" -- cedilla --> <!ENTITY sup1 CDATA "¹" -- superscript one --> <!ENTITY ordm CDATA "º" -- ordinal indicator, masculine --> <!ENTITY raquo CDATA "»" -- angle quotation mark, right --> <!ENTITY frac14 CDATA "¼" -- fraction one-quarter --> <!ENTITY frac12 CDATA "½" -- fraction one-half --> <!ENTITY frac34 CDATA "¾" -- fraction three-quarters --> <!ENTITY iquest CDATA "¿" -- inverted question mark --> <!ENTITY Agrave CDATA "À" -- capital A, grave accent --> <!ENTITY Aacute CDATA "Á" -- capital A, acute accent --> <!ENTITY Acirc CDATA "Â" -- capital A, circumflex accent --> <!ENTITY Atilde CDATA "Ã" -- capital A, tilde --> <!ENTITY Auml CDATA "Ä" -- capital A, dieresis or umlaut mark --> <!ENTITY Aring CDATA "Å" -- capital A, ring --> <!ENTITY AElig CDATA "Æ" -- capital AE diphthong (ligature) --> <!ENTITY Ccedil CDATA "Ç" -- capital C, cedilla --> <!ENTITY Egrave CDATA "È" -- capital E, grave accent --> <!ENTITY Eacute CDATA "É" -- capital E, acute accent --> <!ENTITY Ecirc CDATA "Ê" -- capital E, circumflex accent --> <!ENTITY Euml CDATA "Ë" -- capital E, dieresis or umlaut mark --> <!ENTITY Igrave CDATA "Ì" -- capital I, grave accent --> <!ENTITY Iacute CDATA "Í" -- capital I, acute accent --> <!ENTITY Icirc CDATA "Î" -- capital I, circumflex accent --> <!ENTITY Iuml CDATA "Ï" -- capital I, dieresis or umlaut mark --> <!ENTITY ETH CDATA "Ð" -- capital Eth, Icelandic --> <!ENTITY Ntilde CDATA "Ñ" -- capital N, tilde --> <!ENTITY Ograve CDATA "Ò" -- capital O, grave accent --> <!ENTITY Oacute CDATA "Ó" -- capital O, acute accent --> <!ENTITY Ocirc CDATA "Ô" -- capital O, circumflex accent --> <!ENTITY Otilde CDATA "Õ" -- capital O, tilde --> <!ENTITY Ouml CDATA "Ö" -- capital O, dieresis or umlaut mark --> <!ENTITY times CDATA "×" -- multiply sign --> <!ENTITY Oslash CDATA "Ø" -- capital O, slash --> <!ENTITY Ugrave CDATA "Ù" -- capital U, grave accent --> <!ENTITY Uacute CDATA "Ú" -- capital U, acute accent --> <!ENTITY Ucirc CDATA "Û" -- capital U, circumflex accent --> <!ENTITY Uuml CDATA "Ü" -- capital U, dieresis or umlaut mark --> <!ENTITY Yacute CDATA "Ý" -- capital Y, acute accent --> <!ENTITY THORN CDATA "Þ" -- capital THORN, Icelandic --> <!ENTITY szlig CDATA "ß" -- small sharp s, German (sz ligature) --> <!ENTITY agrave CDATA "à" -- small a, grave accent --> <!ENTITY aacute CDATA "á" -- small a, acute accent --> <!ENTITY acirc CDATA "â" -- small a, circumflex accent --> <!ENTITY atilde CDATA "ã" -- small a, tilde --> <!ENTITY auml CDATA "ä" -- small a, dieresis or umlaut mark --> <!ENTITY aring CDATA "å" -- small a, ring --> <!ENTITY aelig CDATA "æ" -- small ae diphthong (ligature) --> <!ENTITY ccedil CDATA "ç" -- small c, cedilla --> <!ENTITY egrave CDATA "è" -- small e, grave accent --> <!ENTITY eacute CDATA "é" -- small e, acute accent --> <!ENTITY ecirc CDATA "ê" -- small e, circumflex accent --> <!ENTITY euml CDATA "ë" -- small e, dieresis or umlaut mark --> <!ENTITY igrave CDATA "ì" -- small i, grave accent --> <!ENTITY iacute CDATA "í" -- small i, acute accent --> <!ENTITY icirc CDATA "î" -- small i, circumflex accent --> <!ENTITY iuml CDATA "ï" -- small i, dieresis or umlaut mark --> <!ENTITY eth CDATA "ð" -- small eth, Icelandic --> <!ENTITY ntilde CDATA "ñ" -- small n, tilde --> <!ENTITY ograve CDATA "ò" -- small o, grave accent --> <!ENTITY oacute CDATA "ó" -- small o, acute accent --> <!ENTITY ocirc CDATA "ô" -- small o, circumflex accent --> <!ENTITY otilde CDATA "õ" -- small o, tilde --> <!ENTITY ouml CDATA "ö" -- small o, dieresis or umlaut mark --> <!ENTITY divide CDATA "÷" -- divide sign --> <!ENTITY oslash CDATA "ø" -- small o, slash --> <!ENTITY ugrave CDATA "ù" -- small u, grave accent --> <!ENTITY uacute CDATA "ú" -- small u, acute accent --> <!ENTITY ucirc CDATA "û" -- small u, circumflex accent --> <!ENTITY uuml CDATA "ü" -- small u, dieresis or umlaut mark --> <!ENTITY yacute CDATA "ý" -- small y, acute accent --> <!ENTITY thorn CDATA "þ" -- small thorn, Icelandic --> <!ENTITY yuml CDATA "ÿ" -- small y, dieresis or umlaut mark -->