[272] 各図表には、製作者の政治的立場が反映されている可能性があることには注意が必要です。
例えば CIA の時間帯図では、
CIA がその事実を把握していないとは考えづらく、
「Taken from Prof. Milne's table of civil times, printed in the Geographical Journal,
February, 1899.」とする表が掲載されています >>698。
Milne の元の表の抜粋のようです。
Japan / / Since January, 1888, this time has been used
for all purposes. It is regulated daily by a
time signal sent to all telegraph stations.
Korea / / I.T.B. O.D.
India / In towns and villages in many parts of India, local and
other time is announced by clocks striking, gongs, bells,
guns―these signals being given from churches, treasury
buildings, forts, telegraph offices, etc. Local time is
determined for each place, where there is a Government
telegraph office, with reference to its meridian, as so many
minutes (the nearest minute to the exact time being
taken) in advance of or behind the mean time of the
Madras Observatory, which has been adopted as the
standard time for the whole of India. This time is telegraphed
daily from Madras to every telegraph office.
Section XII. of the ‘Indian Telegraph Guide,' published
in Calcutta, consists of a closely printed table extending
over forty-nine pages, showing the difference between
Madras time and local mean time for all Government
telegraph offices in India.
/ Madras time is used on through lines of railway, and in
recording the time of despatch of foreign telegraphic
messages. For all other ordinary public and official
transactions, as well as private business, local time is
employed. To this, however, there appear to be exceptions,
as in Rajputana, Delhi, Umballa, Simla, etc., where
Madras time is employed for all purposes. O.D.
/ The determinations of the difference between Madras time
and Greenwich mean time are as follows:―
Series A. ±0.155
Series B. ±0.163
Series C. ±0.0227
Series D. ±0.127
Series E. ±0.125
/ Series C. is the most recently determined, and probably the
most accurate. (Meteorological reporter to the Government
North-West Provinces and Oudh.)
/ The Director of the Madras Observatory gives ,
as the most correct.
/ Ajmere / Merwara / Madras time is used, but at the Ajmere Observatory the time
used is 22m. later than this. O.D.
/ Baluchistan / Quetta / / Madras or railway time. O.D.
/ Bengal / Calcutta / / This time is in ordinary use at Bankura,
Bhagalpur, Burdwan, Darjiling, Dinajpur, Hooghly, Howrah, Jalpaiguri,
Jessore, Khulna, Malda, Midnapore, Murshidabad, Nadiya, Rajshahi, the
Twenty-four Parganas.
Madras time is used for railways and telegraphs.
It is also used by the public at
Champaran, Darbhanga, and possibly
other places.
A local mean time is also in use. O.D.
/ Bombay, Colaba Observatory / / L.T.S. This is local mean time used at the
/ Central Provinces / Nagpur / Madras civil time. . O.D.
/ Coorg / Merkasra / . O.D.
/ Hyderabad / Madras or railway time used in Government offices, but
local Amraoti time is 10m. S. on this. O.D.
/ Karachi / / L.T.S.
/ Karikal (French India) / / Madras time. O.D.
/ Lucknow / Madras time used by railways, telegraphs, and for public affairs. O.D.
/ Madras / / See India.
/ Nepal / At Katmandu, the capital, there are neither railways nor
telegraphs, and its longitude has not been accurately
determined. O.D.
/ North-West Provinces / Allahabad / Madras time used by railways, telegraphs, and for public
affairs. O.D.
/ Oudh / See Allahabad. (Madras time.)
/ Panjim (Goa) / / This is official time. The West of India Portuguese
railway use Madras time. O.D.
/ Pondichery (French India) / / Madras time. O.D.
/ Rajputana / Madras time for railways, telegraphs, and public affairs.
(Local time is therefore not in use.) O.D.
Ceylon / Madras mean time used from May 1, 1898. Prior to this
Colombo mean time, , was used. O.D.
Burma / Rangoon / Time ball observatory at Rangoon. O.D.
Borneo, Dutch / Local mean time. See Java.
Celebes / Local mean time. See Java.
Java / Batavia / / For towns in Java and the Dutch East
Indies, local mean time is used. For
the railways, Batavia time is kept for
West Java, Samarang time for Mid-Java,
and Surabaya time for East Java. O.D.
/ Tanjong Priok / / L.T.S. Tanjong Priok mean time.
/ Surabaya / / L.T.S. Surabaya mean time.
Sumatra / Local mean time. See Java.
Sunda Islands / Local mean time. See Java.
Cochin China / Saigon / / This refers to the meridian of Saigon. This
time is used in Lower Laos, Cambodia,
Annam. O.D.
/ Tongking, Haifong / / Haifong mean time. L.T.S.
Philippine Islands / Manila / / Manila mean time. L.T.S.
Siam / Bangkok / / This refers to the meridian of the old flagstaff
at the palace, Bangkok. Time is
wired daily to telegraph stations. The
railway uses this time, but regulates its
clocks five minutes behind it. O.D.
Straits Settlements / Penang / / O.D.
/ Singapore / / O.D.
China / / This is used by the telegraph companies
(Great Northern and Great Eastern).
It is appriximately Shanghai time. The
foreigners at ports on the coast use their
own local mean time.
The Chinese at most places use an approximate
apparent sun time, obtained from
sun-dials. O.D.
/ Amoy / / Amoy Custom House mean time. L.T.S.
/ Chifu / / O.D.
/ Chunking / Local mean time should be . O.D.
/ Fuchau / / Mean time for the merdian of Pagoda
anchorage, about 12 miles from Fuchau. O.D.
/ Newchwang / / This is local mean time of the Chinese town
of Zingtzu, known to foreigners as Newchwang.
The real Newchwang is 30 miles to the north-east. O.D.
The meridian used is that of the Custom
House flagstaff, 122.15.30E. This
has recently been corrected to 122.14.0E.
A time gun is fired weekly at noon.
/ Pekin / / This is local mean time used by foreigners
in Pekin and railways in North China.
The telegraphs do not appear to keep a
uniform time. It is not Pekin, Tientsin,
Shanghai, nor apparent time. O.D.
/ Shanghai / / (Zikawei Observatory time). O.D.
is Shanghai mean time. L.T.S.
/ Swatau / / Swatau mean time. L.T.S.
/ Tietsin / / Naval school time. The Tientsin Town
Hall clock should be . The
civil time is determined by the municipal
chronometer, from which the community
may every Saturday set their watches.
This chronometer, however, has sometimes
been known to have an error of
three minutes. O.D.
Madagascar / Antananarivo / / The meridian is that of the Observatory,
15°11′30″E. of Paris.
/ Tamatave / / O.D.
Mauritius / Port Louis / / Meridian of the Royal Alfred Observatory.
Réunion / / The railway keeps a time 10m. slow on this.
Fiji / Suva / / O.D.
Tables issued by Telegraph Companies. December 1, 1898.#✎
British North Borneo, China, (coast from Newchang to Swatow, up Yangtse to Hankow), Formosa, Hong Kong, Labuan, Macao. Philippines, Portuguese Timor, Western Australia.
加奈陀 Labrador (西部), Ontario (82°30'W 以東),
Quebee (67°30'W 以西),
北米合衆國 Connecticut, Delaware,
Florida, Georgia (東部),
Maine, Maryland,
New Hampshire,
New Jersey, New York,
North Carolina, Ohio (東部),
Pennsylvania, Rhode I.,
South Carolina,
Vermont, Virginia
加奈陀 Labrador (西部), Ontario (82°30'W 以東),
Quebee (67°30'W 以西),
北米合衆國 Connecticut, Delaware,
Florida, Georgia (東部),
Maine, Maryland,
New Hampshire,
New Jersey, New York,
North Carolina, Ohio (東部),
Pennsylvania, Rhode I.,
South Carolina,
Vermont, Virginia
加奈陀 Labrador (西部), Ontario (82°30'W 以東),
Quebee (67°30'W 以西),
北米合衆國 Connecticut, Delaware,
Florida, Georgia (東部),
Maine, Maryland,
New Hampshire,
New Jersey, New York,
North Carolina, Ohio (東部),
Pennsylvania, Rhode I.,
South Carolina,
Vermont, Virginia
(a) The following municipalities located on the boundary between
the eastern and the central time zones use eastern standard time:
Detroit, Mich.
Toledo, Ohio, and all
other cities in Ohio
situated on this
Williamson, W. Va.
Dungannon, Va.
Bristol, Va.
Asheville, N. C.
Franklin, N. C.
McDonough, Ga.
Macon, Ga., and points
on Southern Railway
between McDonough
and Macon.
Perry, Ga.
Thomasville, Ga.
Apalachicola, Fla.
All other places on this boundary use central standard time.
(6) The following municipalities located on the boundary between
the central and the mountain time zones use central standard time:
Portal, N. Dak.
Flaxton, N. Dak.
Minot, N. Dak.
Murdo, S. Dak.
Mackenzie, S. Dak.
Phillipsburg, Kans.
Stockton, Kans.
Plainville, Kans.
Ellis, Kans.
Liberal, Kans.
All other places on this boundary use mountain standard time.
(c) All municipalities on the boundary between the mountain and
the Pacific time zones use mountain standard time except Hunting-
ton, 0reg., which uses Pacific standard time.
Anglo-Egyptian Sudan,
Cape Colony,
Crete Island,
Cyprus Island,
East Africa (French, Portuguese),
Orange Free State,
Union of South Africa
Australia (Western Australia),
Borneo, British,
China (East Coast, except Hoi-hao and Pak-hoi),
Macao, Portuguese,
Chosen (Korea),
Japanese Empire
(Northern Territory,
South Australia)
(New South Wales,
Bismarck Archipelago,
Caroline Islands (West group),
Marianne Islands,
New Guinea (Eastern)
Caroline Islands (East group),
New Caledonia
Chatam Island,
New Zealand
Fiji Islands
Suva time
Ascension Island
Guinea (French, Portuguese),
Madeira Island,
Sierra Leone
Azores Islands,
Cape Verde Islands
(Fernanho Noronha,
Adopted Jan. 1, 1914
Esperito Santo,
Para Maranhao,
Rio de Janeiro,
Rio Grande do Norte,
Rio Grande do Sul,
Santa Catherina,
Sao Paulo)
Adopted Jan. 1, 1914
St. John's time
Guiana (British)
Falkland Islands
Port Stanley time
Barbados Island
Bridgetown time
Antiqua Islands,
Antilles, Lesser,
Guadaloupe Island,
Guiana (French),
Martinique Island,
Miquelon Island,
Trinidad, British,
Virgin Islands
Matto Grosso)
Adopted Jan. 1, 1914
Argentine Republic
Adopted May 1, 1918
Adopted Sept. 1, 1918
(Labrador (eastern),
New Brunswick,
Nova Scotia,
Ontario (eastern),
Prince Edward's Island,
Quebec (eastern)),
Cape Breton Island
New Guinea (Molukken 政廳ノ管理ニ屬スル下記地方
Kai Islands, Aru Islands, Saumlakki,
Larat, South New Guinea, Boven
Digue, Manokwari, Sorong, Schouten
Is., Jappen Group, Hollandia, West
New Guinea)
Molukken 政廳管理地域
Kai Islands, Aru Islands
Saumlakki, Larat
South New Guinea
Boven Digue, Manokwari
Sorong, Schouten Is.
Jappen Group, Hollandia
West New Guinea
Molukken 政廳管理地域
Kai Islands, Aru Islands
Saumlakki, Larat
South New Guinea
Boven Digue, Manokwari
Sorong, Schouten Is.
Jappen Group, Hollandia
West New Guinea
India: On 1 January 1888, the British' introduced Railway
Time, which was the local time of Madras, now called
Chennai. This was 5h.20m. 50 ahead of GMT. On 1 January
1906, half an hour time zone was introduced and Indian
Standard Time was related to 82°:30' East longitude. Therefore,
IST became 5h. & 30m. ahead of GMT
However, Calcutta and adjoining areas including Bihar,
Orissa and Assam still observed LMT (Local Mean Time),
Calcutta LMT or Bengal Time.
Bangladesh: Bangladesh, being part of Bengal before 15-
8-1947, observed IST/ Bengal Time (+6:30) upto 29-9-1951
as indicated for the whole of Bengal. Therefore Bangladesh
Time is observed w.e.f. 30-9-1951 at 0:00 h, as +6:00 h. zone.