Delta encoding in HTTP HTTP における差分符号化
This document specifies an Internet standards track protocol for the Internet community, and requests discussion and suggestions for improvements. Please refer to the current edition of the "Internet Official Protocol Standards" (STD 1) for the standardization state and status of this protocol. Distribution of this memo is unlimited.
Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2002). All Rights Reserved.
This document describes how delta encoding can be supported as a compatible extension to HTTP/1.1.
この文書は、 HTTP/1.1 に互換な拡張としてどう差分符号化に対応することができるかを記述します。
Many HTTP (Hypertext Transport Protocol) requests cause the retrieval of slightly modified instances of resources for which the client already has a cache entry. Research has shown that such modifying updates are frequent, and that the modifications are typically much smaller than the actual entity. In such cases, HTTP would make more efficient use of network bandwidth if it could transfer a minimal description of the changes, rather than the entire new instance of the resource. This is called "delta encoding."
多くの HTTP (ハイパーテキスト転送プロトコル) 要求は クライアントが既にキャッシュ項目を持つ資源を微妙に修正した実現値を取り出すこととなります。 研究によればそのような修正による更新は頻繁にあり、 その修正は典型的なところでは実体の実体より小さいのです。 そのような場合、 HTTP は資源の新しい実現値全体を転送するのではなく、 変更の最小限の記述を転送することができればネットワーク帯域のより効率的な使用が行えるでしょう。 これを「差分符号化」と呼びます。
1 Introduction.................................................... 3 1.1 Related research and proposals........................... 4 2 Goals........................................................... 5 3 Terminology..................................................... 6 4 The HTTP message-generation sequence............................ 8 4.1 Relationship between deltas and ranges................... 11 5 Basic mechanisms................................................ 13 5.1 Background: an overview of HTTP cache validation......... 13 5.2 Requesting the transmission of deltas.................... 14 5.3 Choice of delta algorithm and format..................... 16 5.4 Identification of delta-encoded responses................ 16 5.5 Guaranteeing cache safety................................ 17 5.6 Transmission of delta-encoded responses.................. 18 5.7 Examples of requests combining Range and delta encoding.. 19 6 Encoding algorithms and formats................................. 22 7 Management of base instances.................................... 23 7.1 Multiple entity tags in the If-None-Match header......... 24 7.2 Hints for managing the client cache...................... 25 8 Deltas and intermediate caches.................................. 27 9 Digests for data integrity...................................... 28 10 Specification.................................................. 28 10.1 Protocol parameter specifications....................... 28 10.2 IANA Considerations..................................... 30 10.3 Basic requirements for delta-encoded responses.......... 30 10.4 Status code specifications.............................. 30 10.4.1 226 IM Used...................................... 31 10.5 Header specifications................................... 31 10.5.1 Delta-Base....................................... 31 10.5.2 IM............................................... 32 10.5.3 A-IM............................................. 33 10.6 Caching rules for 226 responses......................... 35 10.7 Rules for deltas in the presence of content-codings..... 36 10.7.1 Rules for generating deltas in the presence of content-codings.................................. 37 10.7.2 Rules for applying deltas in the presence of content-codings.................................. 37 10.7.3 Examples for using A-IM, IM, and content-codings. 38 10.8 New Cache-Control directives............................ 40 10.8.1 Retain directive................................. 40 10.8.2 IM directive..................................... 40 10.9 Use of compression with delta encoding.................. 41 10.10 Delta encoding and multipart/byteranges................ 42 11 Quantifying the protocol overhead.............................. 42 12 Security Considerations........................................ 44 13 Acknowledgements............................................... 44 14 Intellectual Property Rights................................... 44 15 References..................................................... 44 16 Authors' addresses............................................. 47 17 Full Copyright Statement....................................... 49
The World Wide Web is a distributed system, and so often benefits from caching to reduce retrieval delays. Retrieval of a Web resource (such as a document, image, icon, or applet) over the Internet or other wide-area networks usually takes enough time that the delay is over the human threshold of perception. Often, that delay is measured in seconds. Caching can often eliminate or significantly reduce retrieval delays.
World Wide Web は分散システムであり、したがってしばしば取出しの遅延を削減するためにキャッシュ付けから利益を得ます。インターネットや他の広域網上の Web 資源 (文書, 画像, アイコンや applet) の取出しは通常遅延が人間の認識の閾値を超えるのに十分な時間がかかります。 しばしば、この遅延は秒単位となります。キャッシュ付けはしばしば取出し遅延を除去したり著しく削減したりすることができます。
Many Web resources change over time, so a practical caching approach must include a coherency mechanism, to avoid presenting stale information to the user. Originally, the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) provided little support for caching, but under operational pressures, it quickly evolved to support a simple mechanism for maintaining cache coherency.
多くの Web 資源は刻々と変化するので、現実的なキャッシュ付け手法は腐敗した情報を利用者に提示することを避けるための密着機構を含まなければなりません。元々、ハイパーテキスト転送プロトコル (HTTP) はキャッシュ付けにほとんど対応していませんでしたが、運用の圧力の元、キャッシュの密着性を維持するための単純な仕組みを提供するようにすばやく改良されました。
In HTTP/1.0 [2], the server may supply a "last-modified" timestamp with a response. If a client stores this response in a cache entry, and then later wishes to re-use the response, it may transmit a request message with an "If-modified-since" field containing that timestamp; this is known as a conditional retrieval. Upon receiving a conditional request, the server may either reply with a full response, or, if the resource has not changed, it may send an abbreviated reply, indicating that the client's cache entry is still valid. HTTP/1.0 also includes a means for the server to indicate, via an "Expires" timestamp, that a response will be valid until that time; if so, a client may use a cached copy of the response until that time, without first validating it using a conditional retrieval.
HTTP/1.0 では、鯖は応答に「最終修正」時刻印を供給することができます。クライアントがこの応答をキャッシュ項目に蓄積していて、後からその応答を再利用したいと思うなら、時刻印を含めた
省略した返答を送信しても構いません。 HTTP/1.0
HTTP/1.1 [10] adds many new features to improve cache coherency and performance. However, it preserves the all-or-none model for responses to conditional retrievals: either the server indicates that the resource value has not changed at all, or it must transmit the entire current value.
HTTP/1.1 はキャッシュの密着性と効率を向上させるための新しい機能を多く加えました。 しかし、条件付取出しに対する応答の「すべてまたは何もなし」模型はそのままにしています。 鯖は資源値が全く変更されていないことを示すか、または現在値全体を転送しなければなりません。
Common sense suggests (and traces confirm), however, that even when a Web resource does change, the new instance is often substantially similar to the old one. If the difference, or "delta", between the two instances could be sent to the client instead of the entire new instance, a client holding a cached copy of the old instance could apply the delta to construct the new version. In a world of finite bandwidth, the reduction in response size and delay could be significant.
しかし常識的に (そして追跡が裏付けるように)、 Web 資源が変更される時といっても、しばしば大抵は新しい実現値は古い実現値と似ています。 その二つの実現値の差異、「差分」を新しい実現値全体の代わりにクライアントに送信することができれば、古い実現値のキャッシュした複製を保持しているクライアントは新しい版を構築するために差分を適用することができます。 有限の帯域の世界では、応答の寸法と遅延の削減は重大となり得ます。
One can think of deltas as a way to squeeze as much benefit as possible from client and proxy caches. Rather than treating an entire response as the "cache line", with deltas we can treat arbitrary pieces of a cached response as the replaceable unit, and avoid transferring pieces that have not changed.
差分はクライアントと串のキャッシュから可能な限り利益を絞り取る方法であると考えることができます。応答全体を「キャッシュ線」として扱うよりもむしろ、 差分をもってキャッシュした資源の任意の欠片を置換可能な単位として扱い、 変更されていない欠片を転送することを避けることができます。
This document proposes a set of compatible extensions to HTTP/1.1 that allow clients and servers to use delta encoding with minimal overhead.
この文書は、クライアントと鯖が最小の overhead で差分符号化を使用することを可能にする HTTP/1.1 への互換な拡張の集合を提案します。
We assume that the reader is familiar with the HTTP/1.1 specification.
読者は HTTP/1.1 仕様書に精通しているものと想定します。
The idea of delta encoding to reduce communication or storage costs is not new. For example, the MPEG-1 video compression standard transmits occasional still-image frames, but most of the frames sent are encoded (to oversimplify) as changes from an adjacent frame. The SCCS and RCS [27] systems for software version control represent intermediate versions as deltas; SCCS starts with an original version and encodes subsequent ones with forward deltas, whereas RCS encodes previous versions as reverse deltas from their successors. Jacobson's technique for compressing IP and TCP headers over slow links [17] uses a clever, highly specialized form of delta encoding.
通信や蓄積の経費の削減のために差分符号化を行うという考えは新しい物ではありません。例えば、 MPEG-1 ビデオ圧縮規格は刻々の静止画こまを転送しますが、送られるこまのほとんどは (簡単に言えば) 隣のこまからの変更として符号化します。 ソフトウェア版制御のための SCCS や RCS のシステムは、 中間版を差分で表現します。 SCCS は元の版から開始し、後の版を正の差分で符号化し、逆に RCS は前の版を次の版からの逆向きの差分として符号化します。 遅い連結で IP や TCP の頭を圧縮する Jacobson の技法は巧妙で非常に特化した形の差分符号化を使用しています。
In spite of this history, it appears to have taken several years before anyone thought of applying delta encoding to HTTP, perhaps because the development of HTTP caching has been somewhat haphazard. The first published suggestion for delta encoding appears to have been by Williams et al. in a paper about HTTP cache removal policies [30], but these authors did not elaborate on their design until later [29].
このような歴史にもかかわらず、 HTTP に差分符号化を適用しようと考える人が出てくるまでには幾年も要しました。おそらくは、 HTTP キャッシュ付けの開発に行き当たりばったりなどころがあるからでしょう。 差分符号化についての最初の出版された提案は Williams 他の HTTP キャッシュ削除方針についての論文のようですが、この著者は後になるまでその設計を詰めてはいませんでした。
The WebExpress project [15] appears to be the first published description of an implementation of delta encoding for HTTP (which they call "differencing"). WebExpress is aimed specifically at wireless environments, and includes a number of orthogonal optimizations. Also, the WebExpress design does not propose changing the HTTP protocol itself, but rather uses a pair of interposed proxies to convert the HTTP message stream into an optimized form. The results reported for WebExpress differencing are impressive, but are limited to a few selected benchmarks.
WebExpress 計画は最初に HTTP の差分符号化の実装の記述を出版したようです (そこでは「差異取り」と呼ばれています)。 WebExpress は特に無線環境を考慮しており、数々の直交する最適化を含んでいました。 また、 WebExpress の設計は HTTP プロトコル自体の変更を提案してはおらず、 HTTP メッセージ流を最適化形に変換する仲介串の組を使用していました。 WebExpress 差異取りの結果の報告は目覚しい物ではありますが、 少数の選択された評価基準に限られています。
Banga et al. [1] describe the use of optimistic deltas, in which a layer of interposed proxies on either end of a slow link collaborate to reduce latency. If the client-side proxy has a cached copy of a resource, the server-side proxy can simply send a delta (or a 304 [Not Modified] response). If only the server-side proxy has a cached copy, it may optimistically send its (possibly stale) copy to the client-side proxy, followed (if necessary) by a delta once the server-side proxy has validated its own cache entry with the origin server. The use of optimistic deltas, unlike delta encoding, actually increases the number of bytes sent over the network, in an attempt to improve latency by anticipating a "Not Modified" response from the origin server. The optimistic delta paper, like the WebExpress paper, did not propose a change to the HTTP protocol itself, and reported results only for a small set of selected URLs.
Banga 他は、遅い連結の一端で仲介串の層が待ち時間の削減に協力するという楽天的差分の使用を記述しています。クライアント側串が資源のキャッシュした複製を有していれば、鯖側串は単に差分 (または 204
(未修正) 応答) を送ることができます。鯖側串がキャッシュした複製を有していれば、楽観的に (腐敗しているかもしれない) 複製をクライアント側串に送り、 (必要なら) 鯖側串は自身のキャッシュ項目を起源鯖で検証して差分を続けて送ります。
楽天的差分の論文は、 WebExpress の論文と同様に、 HTTP
プロトコル自体の変更は提案せず、選択された URL
Mogul et al. [23] collected lengthy traces, at two different sites, of the full contents of HTTP messages, to quantify the potential benefits of delta-encoded responses. They showed that delta encoding can provide remarkable improvements in response-size and response-delay for an important subset of HTTP content types. They proposed a set of HTTP extensions, but without the level of detail required for a specification. Douglis et al. [8] used the same sets of full-content traces to quantify the rate at which resources change in the Web.
Mogul 他は、二つの異なるサイトにおいて、 HTTP メッセージの完全な内容の長さ的追跡を集成し、差分符号化応答の潜在的利益を数量化しました。 そこでは差分符号化が HTTP 内容型の重要な部分集合で応答の寸法と遅延において著しい改善を行えることを示しました。 彼らは HTTP 拡張の集合を提案しましたが、仕様書に必要な詳細度ではありませんでした。 Douglis 他は完全な内容の追跡の同じ集合を使用して Web の資源の変更率を数量化しました。
The HTTP Distribution and Replication Protocol (DRP), proposed to W3C by Marimba, Netscape, Sun, Novell, and At Home, aims to provide a collection of new features for HTTP, to support "the efficient replication of data over HTTP" [13]. One aspect of the DRP proposal is the use of "differential downloading," which is essentially a form of delta encoding. The original DRP proposal uses a different approach than is described here, but a forthcoming revision of DRP will be revised to conform to the proposal in this document.
HTTP 配布模造プロトコルは Marimba, Netscape, Sun, Novell, At Home が W3C に提案した物でありますが、これは 「HTTP 上でデータの効率的な模造」を支援するために HTTP に新しい機能の集成を提供することを目指しています。 DRP プロトコルの一つの側面は「差異取り寄せ」の使用であり、 これは本質的には差分符号化の一形態です。元の DRP プロトコルはここで説明する物とは異なる手法を使っていますが、 いずれ改訂された時には DRP はこの文書での提案に適合するものとなります。
Tridgell and Mackerras [28] describe the "rsync" algorithm, which accomplishes something similar to delta encoding. In rsync, the client breaks a cache entry into a series of fixed-sized blocks, computes a digest value for each block, and sends the series of digest values to the server as part of its request. The origin server does the same block-based computation, and returns only those blocks whose digest values differ. We believe that it might be possible to support rsync using the "instance manipulation" framework described later in this document, but this has not been worked out in any detail.
Tridgell と Mackerras は、差分符号化と似た物を実現する「rsync」 算法を記述しています。 rsync では、クライアントはキャッシュ項目を固定長の塊の系列に分割し、各塊の要約値を計算し、要約値の系列を要求の一部として鯖に送信します。起源鯖は同じ塊をもとにした計算を行い、 要約値が異なる塊のみを返します。この文書で後から説明する 「実現値操作」の枠組みを使用して rsync に対応することは可能であろうと考えていますが、その詳細な作業は行われていません。
The goals of this proposal are:
- 1. Reduce the mean size of HTTP responses, thereby improving latency and network utilization.
- 2. Avoid any extra network round trips.
- 3. Minimize the amount of per-request and per-response overheads.
- 4. Support a variety of encoding algorithms and formats.
- 5. Interoperate with HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.1.
- 6. Be fully optional for clients, proxies, and servers.
- 7. Allow moderately simple implementations.
The goals do not include:
- Reducing the number of HTTP requests sent to an origin server.
- Reducing the size of every HTTP message.
- Increasing the cache-hit ratio of HTTP caches.
- Allowing excessively simplistic implementations of delta encoding.
- Delta encoding of request messages, or of responses to methods other than GET.
以外の方式に対する応答の差分符号化。Nothing in this specification specifically precludes the use of a delta encoding for the body of a PUT request. However, no mechanism currently exists for the client to discover if the server can interpret such messages, and so we do not attempt to specify how they might be used.
この仕様書は特に PUT
HTTP/1.1 [10] defines the following terms:
HTTP/1.1 は次の用語を定義しています。
- resource
- A network data object or service that can be identified by a URI, as defined in section 3.2. Resources may be available in multiple representations (e.g. multiple languages, data formats, size, resolutions) or vary in other ways.
- entity
- The information transferred as the payload of a request or response. An entity consists of metainformation in the form of entity-header fields and content in the form of an entity-body, as described in section 7.
- variant
- A resource may have one, or more than one, representation(s) associated with it at any given instant. Each of these representations is termed a `variant.' Use of the term `variant' does not necessarily imply that the resource is subject to content negotiation.
The dictionary definition for "entity" is "something that has separate and distinct existence and objective or conceptual reality" [21]. Unfortunately, the definition for "entity" in HTTP/1.1 is similar to that used in MIME [12], based on a false analogy between MIME and HTTP.
「実体」の辞書的定義は「分離された異なる存在ならびに物体的または概念的現実性を有するもの」です。 不幸にも、 HTTP/1.1 の「実体」の定義は MIME で使われているものと同様で、 完全に間違った MIME と HTTP との類似性に基づいています。
In MIME, electronic mail messages do have distinct and separate existences. MIME defines "entity" as something that "refers specifically to the MIME-defined header fields and contents of either a message or one of the parts in the body of a multipart entity."
MIME では、電子メイル・メッセージは異なる分離された存在を有していました。 MIME は「実体」を「メッセージまたは多部分実体の本体中の部分の一つのいずれかの MIME 定義頭欄および内容を特に指す」ものとして定義しています。
In HTTP, however, a response message to a GET does not have a distinct and separate existence. Rather, it reflects the current state of a resource (or a variant, subject to a set of constraints). The HTTP/1.1 specification has no term to describe "the value that would be returned in response to a GET request at the current time for the selected variant of the specified resource." This leads to awkward wordings in the HTTP/1.1 specification in places where this concept is necessary.
しかし、 HTTP では、 GET
むしろ、応答メッセージは資源の現在の状態 (制約の集合の対象となる、変体)
を記述しています。 HTTP/1.1 仕様書は「指定された資源の選択された変体についての現時点で
を記述する用語を提供していません。このために、 HTTP/1.1
To express this concept, we define a new term, for use in this document:
HTTP/1.1 仕様書での用語遣いの失敗を修正するのにはもう遅すぎますので、 代わりにこの文書で使用するために新しい用語を定義します。
- instance
- The entity that would be returned in a status-200 response to a GET request, at the current time, for the selected variant of the specified resource, with the application of zero or more content-codings, but without the application of any instance manipulations (see below) or transfer-codings.
実現値操作や転送符号化は適用していない実体。It is convenient to think of an entity tag, in HTTP/1.1, as being associated with an instance, rather than an entity. That is, for a given resource, two different response messages might include the same entity tag, but two different instances of the resource should never be associated with the same (strong) entity tag.
HTTP/1.1 の実体札は、実体と関連付けられていると考えるよりは、 実現値と関連付けられていると考えた方が便利です。 すなわち、ある資源について、二つの異なる応答メッセージは同じ実体札を返すかもしれませんが、 その資源の二つの異なる実現値は決して同じ (強い) 実体札に関連付けられるべきではありません。
We will informally use the term "delta," in this document, to mean an HTTP response encoded as the difference between two instances.
この文書では用語「差分」を非公式に、二つの実現値間の差異を符号化した HTTP 応答を意味して使います。
More formally, delta encodings are members of a potentially larger class of transformations on instances, leading to this new term:
より公式に、差分符号化はこの新しい用語を導く、 潜在的により大きな実現値の変形の種別の一員です。
- instance manipulation
- An operation on one or more instances which may result in an instance being conveyed from server to client in parts, or in more than one response message. For example, a range selection or a delta encoding. Instance manipulations are end-to-end, and often involve the use of a cache at the client.
For reasons that will become clear later on, it is convenient to think about subrange selection as a form of instance manipulation. In some contexts, compression might also be treated as an instance manipulation, rather than as a content-coding or transfer-coding.
後々明らかになってくる理由から、部分範囲選択を実現値操作の一形式と考えると便利です。 文脈によっては、圧縮もまた内容符号化や転送符号化ではなく実現値操作として扱われるかもしれません。
→ HTTP//変形
In this section, we explain the concepts behind delta encoding. This is not meant as a formal specification of the proposed extensions; see section 10 for that.
この章では、差分符号化の背後にある概念を説明します。 これは提案する拡張の正式な仕様を意味する物ではありません。 正式な仕様は10章を参照して下さい。
When a client has a response in its cache, and wishes to ensure that this cache entry is current, HTTP/1.1 allows the client to do a "conditional GET", using one of two forms of "cache validators." In the traditional form, available in both HTTP/1.0 and in HTTP/1.1, the client may use the "If-Modified-Since" request-header to present to the server the "Last-Modified" timestamp (if any) that the server provided with the response. If the server's timestamp for the resource has not changed, it may send a response with a status code of 304 (Not Modified), which does not transmit the body of the resource. If the timestamp has changed, the server would normally send a response with a status code of 200 (OK), which carries a complete copy of the resource, and a new Last-Modified timestamp.
クライアントがキャッシュに応答を有する時で、このキャッシュ項目が原稿の物であると確かめたい時には、 HTTP/1.1 ではクライアントは二つの
を行うことができます。 HTTP/1.0 と HTTP/1.1 の双方で利用可能な伝統的書式では、クライアントは、鯖が応答で示した Last-Modified
時刻印を (あれば) 示すために If-Modified-Since
資源の本体は転送しない、 304
(未修正) 状態符号の応答を送ることができます。時刻印が変更されていれば、鯖は通常のように状態符号 200
(了解) の応答を送り、資源の完全な複製と新しい Last-Modified
This timestamp-based approach is prone to error because of the lack of timestamp resolution: if a resource changes twice during one second, the change might not be detectable. Therefore, HTTP/1.1 also allows the server to provide an entity tag with a response. An entity tag is an opaque string, constructed by the server according to its own needs; the protocol specification imposes a bare minimum of requirements on entity tags. (In particular, a "strong" entity tag must change if the value of the resource changes.) In this case, the client may validate its cache entry by sending its conditional request using the "If-None-Match" request-header, presenting the entity tag associated with the cached response. (The protocol defines several other ways to transmit entity tags, such as the "If-Range" header, used for short-circuiting an otherwise necessary round trip.) If the presented entity tag matches the server's current tag for the resource, the server should send a 304 (Not Modified) response. Otherwise, the server should send a 200 (OK) response, along with a complete copy of the resource.
この時刻印を基にした手法は、時刻印の解像度の欠如のために誤りを起こす傾向にあります。資源が一秒の間に二度変更されれば、その変更は検出できないかもしれません。このため、 HTTP/1.1 では鯖が応答と共に実体札を提供することもできます。実体札は不透明な文字列であり、鯖が自身の必要に応じて構築します。
この場合、クライアントはキャッシュ項目をキャッシュした資源に関連付けられた実体札を示した If-None-Match
要求頭を用いた条件付要求を送信することによって検証できます。 (HTTP は他にも If-Range
示された実態札が鯖の資源の現在の札に一致すれば、鯖は 304
(未修正) 応答を送信するべきです。そうでなければ、鯖は資源の完全な複製と共に
(了解) 応答を送信するべきです。
In the existing HTTP protocol (HTTP/1.0 or HTTP/1.1), a client sending a conditional request can expect either of two responses:
既存の HTTP プロトコル (HTTP/1.0 または HTTP/1.1) では、 条件付要求を送信するクライアントは次の二つの応答のいずれかを期待できます。
- status = 200 (OK), with a full copy of the resource, because the server's copy of the resource is presumably different from the client's cached copy.
- status = 304 (Not Modified), with no body, because the server's copy of the resource is presumably the same as the client's cached copy.
(了解) で、資源の完全な複製付き。
(未修正) で、本体なし。
資源の鯖の複製がクライアントのキャッシュした複製とおそらく同じである。Informally, one could think of these as "deltas" of 100% and 0% of the resource, respectively. Note that these deltas are relative to a specific cached response. That is, a client cannot request a delta without specifying, somehow, which two instances of a resource are being differenced. The "new" instance is implicitly the current instance that the server would return for an unconditional request, and the "old" instance is the one that is currently in the client's cache. The cache validator (last-modified time or entity tag) is what is used to communicate to the server the identity of the old instance.
非公式に、この両者を資源のそれぞれ 100% と 0% の「差分」と考えることができます。これらの差分は特定のキャッシュした応答に対するものであることに注意して下さい。 つまり、クライアントはともかくも資源のどの二つの実現値が異なっているのかを指定しなければ差分を要求できないのです。 「新しい」実現値は陰に非条件付要求なら鯖が返すであろう現在の実現値であり、 「古い」実現値は現在クライアントのキャッシュにある実現値です。 キャッシュ検証子 (最終修正時刻または実体札) が古い実現値の識別について鯖と通信するために使用する物です。
In order to support the transmission of actual deltas, an extension to HTTP/1.1 needs to provide these features:
実際の差分の転送に対応するために、 HTTP/1.1 への拡張は次の機能を提供する必要があります。
- 1. A way to mark a request as conditional.
- 2. A way to specify the old instance, to which the delta will be applied by the client.
- 3. A way to indicate that the client is able to apply one or more specific forms of delta encoding.
- 4. A way to mark a response as being delta-encoded in a particular format.
The first two features are already provided by HTTP/1.1: the presence of a conditional request-header (such as "If-Modified-Since" or "If-None-Match") marks a request as conditional, and the value of that header uniquely specifies the old instance (ignoring the problem of last-modified timestamp granularity).
最初の二つの機能は既に HTTP/1.1 にあります。
条件的要求頭 (If-Modified-Since
) の存在が要求を条件付であると印付けし、
その頭の値が (差異修正時刻印の粒度の問題を無視すれば)
We defer discussion of the fourth feature, until section 5.6.
The third feature, a way for the client to indicate that it is able to apply deltas (aside from the trivial 0% and 100% deltas), can be accomplished by transmitting a list of acceptable delta-encoding formats in a request-header field; specifically, the "A-IM" header. The presence of this list in a conditional request indicates that the client is able to apply delta-encoded cache updates.
三番目の機能、クライアントが (自明な 0% や 100% の差分以外の) 差分を適用することができると示す方法は、
受入れ可能差分符号化書式の一覧を要求頭欄 A-IM
For example, a client might send this request:
GET /foo.html HTTP/1.1 Host: If-None-Match: "123xyz" A-IM: vcdiff, diffe, gzip
The meaning of this request is that:
- The client wants to obtain the current value of /foo.html.
- It already has a cached response (instance) for that resource, whose entity tag is "123xyz".
- It is willing to accept delta-encoded updates using either of two formats, "diffe" (i.e., output from the UNIX "diff -e" command), and "vcdiff". (Encoding algorithms and formats, such as "vcdiff", are described in section 6.)
- It is willing to accept responses that have been compressed using "gzip," whether or not these are delta-encoded. (It might be useful to compress the output of "diff -e".) However, based on the mandatory ordering constraint specified in section 10.5.3, if both delta encoding and compression are applied, then this "A-IM" request header specifies that compression should be done last.
であるキャッシュ応答 (実現値) を有している。diffe
(すなわち、 UNIX diff -e
命令の出力) と vcdiff
のような符号化算法・書式で、6章に記述されている) の二つの書式のいずれかを用いた差分符号化更新を受入れる意志がある。gzip
は diff -e の出力を圧縮するのに有用かもしれない。)
しかし、10.5.3節で規定する強制順序付け制約に基づき、差分符号化と圧縮の両方が適用されるのであれば、この A-IM
要求頭は圧縮が後から行われれるべきであると指定している。If, in this example, the server's current entity tag for the resource is still "123xyz", then it should simply return a 304 (Not Modified) response, as would a traditional server.
この例において、鯖のこの資源の現在の実体札が依然 "123xyz"
であれば、単に伝統的鯖のように 304
If the entity tag has changed, presumably but not necessarily because of a modification of the resource, the server could instead compute the delta between the instance whose entity tag was "123xyz" and the current instance.
We defer discussion of what the server needs to store, in order to compute deltas, until section 7.
We note that if a client indicates it is willing to accept deltas, but the server does not support this form of instance-manipulation, the server will simply ignore this aspect of the request. (HTTP always allows an implementation to ignore a header that is not required by a specification that the implementation complies with, and the specification of "A-IM" allows the server to ignore an instance-manipulation it does not understand.) So if a server either does not implement the A-IM header at all, or does not implement any of the instance manipulations listed in the A-IM header, it acts as if the client had not requested a delta-encoded response: the server generates a status-200 response.
(HTTP は実装が従うことを仕様で要求していない頭を無視することを実装に常に認めており、 A-IM
ですから鯖が A-IM
または A-IM
つまり、鯖は状態 200
The server is not required to transmit a delta-encoded response. For example, the result might be larger than the current size of the resource. The server might not be able to compute a delta for this type of resource (e.g., a compressed binary format); the server might not have sufficient CPU cycles for the delta computation; the server might not support any of the delta formats supported by the client; or, the network bandwidth might be high enough that the delay involved in computing the delta is not worth the delay avoided by sending a smaller response.
鯖は必ずしも差分符号化応答を転送する必要はありません。 例えば、結果が資源の現在の寸法より大きくなるかもしれません。 鯖はこの型の資源 (例えば圧縮されたバイナリ書式) の差分を計算することができないかもしれません。 鯖は差分計算のための十分な CPU 周期を有しないかもしれません。 鯖はクライアントが対応する差分書式のいずれにも対応していないかもしれません。 ネットワーク帯域が十分広いので差分を計算することによる遅延に小さ目の応答を送信することによって回避される遅延分の価値がないかもしれません。
However, if the server does want to compute a delta, and the set of encodings it supports has more than one encoding in common with the set offered by the client, which encoding should it use? This is mostly at the option of the server, although the client can express preferences using "Quality Values" (or "qvalues") in the "A-IM" header. The HTTP/1.1 specification [10] describes qvalues in more detail. (Clients may prefer one delta encoding format over another that generates a smaller encoding, if the decoding costs for the first format are lower and the client is resource-constrained.)
どの符号化を使用するべきでしょうか。これはほとんど鯖の選択するところであります。ただしクライアントは希望を A-IM
頭中の「品質値」 (qvalue
) を使って表現できます。
HTTP/1.1 仕様書は qvalue
Server implementations have a number of possible approaches. For example, if CPU cycles are plentiful and network bandwidth is scarce, the server might compute each of the possible encodings and then send the smallest result. Or the server might use heuristics to choose an encoding format, based on things such as the content-type of the resource, the current size of the resource, and the expected amount of change between instances of the resource.
鯖実装は数々の可能な手法を有します。例えば、 CPU 周期が豊富でネットワーク帯域が乏しいなら、鯖は可能な符号化をそれぞれ計算して最小の結果を送信するかもしれません。 あるいは鯖が符号化書式を選ぶに当たって資源の内容型や資源の現在の寸法や資源の実現値間の変更の想定量などの点を基にして発見的方法を使用するかもしれません。
Note that it might pay to cache the deltas internally to the server, if a resource is typically requested by several different delta-capable clients between modifications. In this case, the cost of computing a delta may be amortized over many responses, and so the server might use a more expensive computation.
資源が典型的に幾つもの異なる修正間の差分能力のあるクライアントから要求を受けるのであれば、 鯖に内部的に差分をキャッシュするために支払うかもしれないことに注意して下さい。 この場合、差分を計算する経費は多くの応答に分割されて、 鯖はより高価な計算を行なうことになるかもしれません。
A response using delta encoding must be identified as such. This is done using the "IM" response-header, specified in section 10.5.2.
これは10.5.2節で規定する、 IM
However, a simplistic application of this approach would cause serious problems if a delta-encoded response flows through an intermediate (proxy) cache that is not cognizant of the delta mechanism. Because the Internet still includes a significant number of HTTP/1.0 caches, which might never be entirely replaced, and because the HTTP specifications insist that message recipients ignore any header field that they do not understand, a non-delta-capable proxy cache that receives a delta-encoded response might store that response, and might later return it to a non-delta-capable client that has made a request for the same resource. This naive client would believe that it has received a valid copy of the entire resource, with predictably unpleasant results.
しかし、この手法の安易な応用は、差分符号化応答が差分機構を認識しない中間 (串) キャッシュを流通する時に重大な問題を引き起こしかねません。 インターネットは依然として多大な数の HTTP/1.0 キャッシュを含んでいまして、それらはまったく置きかえられることがありませんし、 HTTP 仕様書はメッセージ受信者が理解しない頭欄は無視せよと主張していますから、差分能力の無い串キャッシュが差分符号化応答を受け取ったらこれを蓄積し、同じ資源に後から要求を行った差分能力の無いクライアントにこれを返すことになるやもしれません。この無邪気なクライアントは資源全体の妥当な複製を受信したと信じて、予想通り好ましくない結果となるでしょう。
To solve this problem, we propose that delta-encoded responses (actually, all instance-manipulated responses) be identified as such using a new HTTP status code. For specificity in the discussion that follows, we will use the (currently unassigned) code of 226, with a reason phrase of "IM Used". (We see no benefit in spelling out the words "Instance Manipulation Used," since this requires the transmission of unnecessary bytes, and this Reason-phrase should not normally be seen by human users.) There is some precedent for this approach: the HTTP/1.1 specification introduces the 206 (Partial Content) status code, for the transmission of sub-ranges of a resource. Existing proxies apparently forward responses with unknown status codes, and do not attempt to cache them.
(実際には、すべての実現値操作応答) は新しい HTTP 状態符号を使って識別することを提案します。後の議論にあるように、
(現在割り当てられていない) 符号 236
を、理由語句 IM Used
(IM 使用中)
と共に使用します。 (Instance Manipulation Used
不要なバイトの転送が必要で、この Reason-phrase
この方法には先例がありまして、 HTTP/1.1 仕様書は資源の部分範囲の転送のために 206
(部分内容) 状態符号を導入しています。
An alternative to using a new status code would be to use the "Expires" header to prevent HTTP/1.0 caches from storing the response, then use "Cache-Control: max-age" (defined in HTTP/1.1) to allow more modern caches to store delta-encoded responses. This adds many bytes to the response headers, and so would reduce the effectiveness of delta encoding. It is also not entirely clear that this approach suppresses all caching by all HTTP/1.0 proxies.
HTTP/1.0 キャッシュが蓄積するのを防ぐために Expires
頭を使用し、より現代的なキャッシュが差分符号化応答を蓄積することを認めるために (HTTP/1.1 で定義された) Cache-Control: max-age
また、この方法がすべての HTTP/1.0 串によるすべてのキャッシュ付けを抑制するのかはまったく不明です。
We were reluctant to define an additional status code as part of the support for delta encoding. However, we see no other efficient way to remain compatible with the deployed base of HTTP/1.0 cache implementations.
差分符号化への対応の一部として追加の状態符号を定義することは気が進みませんでした。しかし、現在運用中の HTTP/1.0 キャッシュ実装と互換性を保つ効率のよい他の手段は見つかっていません。
Although we are not aware of any HTTP/1.1 proxy implementations that would attempt to cache a response with an unknown 2xx status code, the HTTP/1.1 specification does allow this behavior if the response carries an Expires or Cache-Control header field that explicitly allows caching. This would present a problem when a 226 (IM Used) response carries such headers.
未知の 2xx
HTTP/1.1 串実装は知られていませんが、 HTTP/1.1 仕様書は
頭欄や Cache-Control
これは 226
(IM 使用中)
The solution in that case is to exploit the Cache Control Extensions mechanism from the HTTP/1.1 specification. We define a new cache-directive, "im", which indicates that the "no-store" cache-directive may be ignored by implementations that conform to the specification for the IM and A-IM headers.
この場合の解決策として、 HTTP/1.1 仕様書のキャッシュ制御拡張機構を利用します。
頭と A-IM
頭の仕様書に適合する実装が no-store
キャッシュ指令を無視してもよいことを示す新しい im
For example, this response:
HTTP/1.1 226 IM Used ETag: "489uhw" IM: vcdiff Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 18:30:05 GMT Cache-Control: no-store, im, max-age=30 ...
"MUST NOT" be stored by a cache that complies with the HTTP/1.1 specification (which states that the max-age cache-directive "implies that the response is cacheable [...] unless some other, more restrictive cache directive is also present."). However, a cache that does comply with the specification for the im cache-directive (i.e., a cache that complies with the specification for the A-IM and IM header fields, and the 226 status code) ignores the no-store directive, and therefore sees the max-age directive as allowing caching.
は HTTP/1.1 仕様書に従うキャッシュは蓄積「してはなりません」
(HTTP/1.1 仕様書では max-age
しかし、 im
(すなわち、 A-IM
頭欄と A-IM
頭欄と 226
は no-store
We are not entirely sure that all HTTP/1.1 caches obey the rule that the max-age directive is overridden by the no-store directive. If operational testing reveals this to be a problem, more elaborate solutions are possible.
すべての HTTP/1.1 キャッシュが no-store
指令で max-age
Warning to origin server implementors: it does not suffice to send
起源鯖実装者へ警告。状態 226
Vary: If-None-Match, A-IMin status-226 responses. We have discovered at least one scenario where this does not prevent a proxy cache that does not implement IM and A-IM from incorrectly "validating" a cached 226 response.
と A-IM
A delta-encoded response differs from a standard response in four ways:
- 1. It carries a status code of 226 (IM Used).
- 2. It carries an "IM" response-header field, indicating which delta encoding is used in this response.
- 3. Its message-body is a delta encoding of the current instance, rather than a full copy of the instance.
- 4. It might carry several other new headers, as described later in this document.
(IM 使用中) を運搬する。IM
現在実現値の差分符号化である。For example, a response to the request given in section 5.2 might look like:
HTTP/1.1 226 IM Used ETag: "489uhw" IM: vcdiff Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 18:30:05 GMT ...
(We do not show the actual contents of the response body, since this is a binary format.)
Note: the Etag header in a 226 response with a delta encoding provides the entity tag of the current instance of the resource variant. It is not meaningful to associate an entity tag with the delta value, which is not an instance.
注意: 差分符号化の 226
応答の Etag
In the example used in section 5.2, the client sends:
5.2 節で使用した例で、クライアントは
GET /foo.html HTTP/1.1 Host: If-None-Match: "123xyz" A-IM: vcdiff, diffe, gzipand the server either responds with a 304 (Not Modified) response, or with the appropriate delta encoding.
と送信し、鯖は 304
(未修正) 応答で応答するか、
Here are a few more examples, to clarify how the client request should be interpreted.
If the client sends
GET /foo.html HTTP/1.1 Host: If-None-Match: "123xyz" A-IM: vcdiff, diffe, gzip, range Range: bytes=0-99then the meaning is the same as in the example above, except that after the delta encoding (and compression, if any) is computed, the server then returns only the first 100 bytes of the output of the delta encoding. (If it is shorter than 100 bytes, the entire delta encoding is returned.) Because the "range" token appears last in the "A-IM" header, this tells the origin server to apply any range selection after the other instance-manipulations.
と送信したとしますと、その意味は、差分符号化 (とあれば圧縮)
前述の例と同じです。 (差分符号化が100バイトより短ければ、
差分符号化全体を返します。) range
字句は A-IM
The interaction between the If-Range mechanism and delta encoding is somewhat complex. (If-Range means, informally, "if the entity is unchanged, send me the part(s) that I am missing; otherwise, send me the entire new entity.") Here is an example that should clarify the use of this combination.
Suppose that the client wants to have the complete current instance of It already has a (complete) cache entry for this URI, with entity tag "A", so it issues this request:
クライアントは既にこの URI の (完全な)
キャッシュ項目 (実体札 "A"
) を持っていますから、
GET /foo.html HTTP/1.1 host: If-None-Match: "A" A-IM: vcdiff
Suppose that the server's current instance has entity tag "B", and that the server also has retained a copy of the instance with entity tag "A". Then, the server could compute the difference between "B" and "A", and respond with:
鯖の現在の実現値は実体札 "B"
鯖は実体札 "A"
この時、鯖は "B"
と "A"
HTTP/1.1 226 IM Used Etag: "B" IM: vcdiff Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 18:30:05 GMT Content-Length: 1000 ...
but the network connection is terminated after the client has received exactly 900 bytes of the message body for the delta-encoded content.
The client wants to retrieve the remaining 100 bytes of the delta encoding that was being sent in the interrupted response. It therefore should send:
クライアントは中断された応答で送信されていた差分符号化の続きの100バイトを取出したいと考えます。 そこで、次のように送信するべきです。
GET /foo.html HTTP/1.1 host: If-None-Match: "A" If-Range: "B" A-IM: vcdiff,range Range: bytes=900-
This rather elaborate request has a well-defined meaning, which depends on the current entity tag Tcur of the instance when the server receives the request:
このなんとも凝った要求はよく定義された意味を有していまして、 その意味は鯖が要求を受信した時点の実現値の現在実体札 Tcur に依存します。
- Tcur = "A"
- (i.e., for some reason, the instance has reverted to the value already in the client's cache). The server should return a 304 (Not Modified) response, as required by the HTTP/1.1 specification for "If-None-Match".
鯖は If-None-Match
についての HTTP/1.1 仕様が要求している通り、 304
- Tcur = "B"
- (i.e., the instance has not changed again). The HTTP/1.1 specification for "If-None-Match", in this case, is that the header field is ignored (by a server that does not understand delta encoding). Therefore, this is equivalent to the client's previous request, except that the Range selection is applied after the vcdiff instance manipulation (if both are to be applied). So the (delta-aware) server again computes the delta between the "A" instance and the "B" instance (or uses a cached computation of the delta), then applies the Range selection, and returns a 226 (IM Used) response, with an message-body containing bytes 900 to 999 of the result of the vcdiff encoding, with an "IM:vcdiff,range" response header.
の HTTP/1.1 仕様は、この場合、
その頭欄を無視するとしています。従って、これは vcdiff
実現値操作の後に Range
選択が (両者とも適用されるのであれば) 適用されることを除いては、クライアントの前の要求と同等です。
ですから、 (差分を知っている) 鯖は再び "A"
実現値の差分を計算 (またはキャッシュしている差分の計算結果を使用) して、それから Range
(IM 使用中) 応答を vcdiff
符号化の結果のバイト 900〜999 を含む message-body
と IM:vcdiff,range
- Tcur = "C"
- (i.e., the instance has changed again). In this case, the HTTP/1.1 specification for "If-None-Match" again means that this is equivalent to an unconditional request for the current instance. The specification for "If-Range" requires the server to return the entire current instance. However, a delta-aware server can construct the delta between the "A" instance described by the "If-None-Match" field and the current ("C") instance, and return a 226 (IM Used) response, with an "IM:vcdiff" response header.
この場合、 If-None-Match
についての HTTP/1.1
しかし、差分を知っている鯖は If-None-Match
欄が記述する実現値 "A"
と現在 ("C"
実現値の差分を構築し、 226
(IM 使用中)
応答を IM:vcdiff
If the client's request had not included the "If-None-Match: "A"" header field, the server could not have computed a delta, since it would not have known which entire instance was already available to the client. If the request had not included the "If-Range: "B"" header field, the server could not have distinguished between the latter two cases (Tcur = "B" or Tcur = "C") and would not have been able to apply the Range selection to the result of delta encoding.
クライアントの要求が If-None-Match: "A"
要求が If-Range: "B"
鯖は後の二つの場合 (Tcur =
か "B"
Tcur =
を区別することができませんし、差分符号化の結果に "C"
On the other hand, suppose that the client has a cache entry for the "A" instance of, and it has already received the first 900 bytes of a new instance "B" (perhaps as the result of an aborted transfer). Now the client wants to receive the entire current instance, so it could send this request:
の "A"
既に新しい実現値 "B"
の最初の 900 バイトを
(多分中断した転送の結果として) 素手に受信しているとします。
GET /foo.html HTTP/1.1 host: If-None-Match: "A" If-Range: "B" A-IM: range,vcdiff Range: bytes=900-
In this example, as in the previous example, if Tcur = "A" then the server should send 304 (Not Modified), and if Tcur = "C", then the server should send the entire new instance, either as a 200 response or as a delta encoding against instance "A".
この例では、前の例の通り、 Tcur =
なら鯖は "A"
(未修正) を送信するべきであり、
Tcur =
なら鯖は完全な新しい実現値を "C"
または実現値 "A"
However, if Tcur = "B", in this case the server should first select the specified range (bytes 900 through the end) from both instances "A" and "B", then compute the delta encoding between these ranges (using vcdiff), and then transmit the result using a 226 (IM Used) response with an "IM:range,vcdiff" response header.
しかし、 Tcur =
であるなら、この場合鯖は最初に特定の範囲 (バイト "B"
から最後まで) を "A"
それから両範囲の差分符号化を (vcdiff
計算し、その結果を 226
(IM 使用中)
応答を使って IM:range,vcdiff
A number of delta encoding algorithms and formats have been described in the literature:
- diff -e
- The UNIX "diff" program is ubiquitously available, and is relatively fast for both encoding and decoding (decoding is actually done using the "ed" program). However, the size of the resulting deltas is relatively large. This algorithm can only be used on text-format files.
UNIX diff プログラムは偏在的に利用可能で、 符号化も復号も比較的高速です (復号は通常 ed プログラムを使って行います)。 しかし、結果の差分の寸法は比較的大きいです。この算法は文書式ファイルにのみ使用出来ます。
- diff -e | gzip
- Running the output of "diff" through a compression algorithm such as "gzip" [5] (or, perhaps better, "deflate" [7, 6]) yields a more compact encoding, but the costs of encoding and decoding are much higher than for "diff" by itself. This algorithm can only be used on text-format files.
diff の出力に gzip
(あるいは、たぶん deflate
がよりよい) のような圧縮算法を通すとより短小な符号化ができますが、符号化と復号の経費は diff 自体より高くつきます。
- vcdiff (vdelta)
- The algorithm that generates the "vcdiff" format [19,20] inherently compresses its output, and generally produces smaller results than the combination of "diff" and "gzip". The algorithm also runs much faster, and can be applied to binary-format input. The "vcdiff" format is based on previous work on an algorithm named "vdelta." (Note that the "vcdiff" format can be used either for delta encoding or as a compressed format, so two different instance-manipulation values would have to be registered in order to distinguish these two uses, should its use as a compressed format be adopted.) The most recent published study suggests that "vdelta" is the best overall delta algorithm [16].
書式を生成する算法は元々出力を圧縮していまして、通常 diff
と gzip
この算法はより早く実行することもできますし、バイナリ書式入力にも適用できます。 vcdiff
書式は vdelta
という名前の算法についての以前の作業に基づいています。 (vcdiff
最新の研究によれば vdelta
- gdiff
- The gdiff format [14] was specified as a generic, algorithm-independent format for expressing deltas. Because it is more generic it is easy to implement, but it may not be the most compact encoding format.
Our proposal does not recommend any specific algorithm or format, but rather encourages client and server implementors to choose the most appropriate one(s). However, to avoid the possibility of excessively long "A-IM" headers, we suggest that, after some period of experimentation, it might be reasonable to specify a "recommended" set of delta formats for general-purpose HTTP implementations.
しかし、 A-IM
ある程度の実験期間の後に一般目的 HTTP 実装用の「推奨」
We suspect that it should be possible to devise a delta encoding algorithm appropriate for use on typical image encodings, such as GIF and JPEG. Although experiments with vdelta have not shown much potential [23], this may simply be because these experiments used vdelta directly on the already-compressed forms of these encodings. However, it might be necessary to devise a delta encoding algorithm that is aware of the two-dimensional nature of images. We have some expectation that this is possible, since MPEG compression relies on computing deltas between successive frames of a video stream.
典型的な画像符号化、例えば GIF や JPEG について使用するのに適切な差分符号化を工夫することも可能かもしれないと思っています。
これはその実験で単に既にそれぞれの符号化で圧縮された形に直接 vdelta
MPEG 圧縮はビデオ流の前のこまとの差分を計算することに依っているのですから、これは可能であると期待しています。
If the time between modifications of a resource is less than the typical eviction time for responses in client caches, this means that the "old instance" indicated in a client's conditional request might not refer to the most recent prior instance. This raises the question of how many old instances of a resource should be maintained by the server, if any. We call these old instances "base instances."
資源の修正と修正の間の時間がクライアントのキャッシュから応答が立ち退く典型的な時間より短いのであれば、このことはクライアントの条件付要求で示される 「古い実現値」が直前の実現値を指していないかもしれません。 ここから、資源の古い実現値を鯖が維持するとしたらどれだけ維持するべきかという疑問が生じます。その実現値を「基底実現値」と呼ぶことにします。
There are many possible options for server implementors. For example:
- The server might not store any old instances, and so would never respond with a delta.
- The server might only store the most recent prior instance; requests attempting to validate this instance could be answered with a delta, but requests attempting to validate older instances would be answered with a full copy of the resource.
- The server might store all prior instances, allowing it to provide a delta response for any client request.
- The server might store only a subset of the prior instances. The use of a Least Recently Used (LRU) algorithm to determine this kind of subset has proved effective in some similar circumstances, such as cache replacement.
The server might not have to store prior instances explicitly. It might, instead, store just the deltas between specific base instances and subsequent instances (or the inverse deltas between base instances and prior instances). This approach might be integrated with a cache of computed deltas.
鯖は以前の実現値を陽に蓄積しなければならないわけではないでしょう。 代わりに、単に特定の基底実現値と後続実現値の差分 (や基底実現値と以前の実現値との逆差分) を蓄積するかもしれません。 この手法は計算した差分のキャッシュと統合できるかもしれません。
None of these approaches necessarily requires additional protocol support. However, if a server administrator wants to store only a subset of the prior instances, but would like the server to be able to respond using deltas as often as possible, then the client needs some additional information. Otherwise, the client's "If-None-Match" header might specify a base instance not stored at the server, even though an appropriate base instance is held in the client's cache.
そうしなければ、クライアントの If-None-Match
We identify two additional protocol changes to help solve this problem.
Although the examples we have given so far show only one entity tag in an "If-None-Match" header, the HTTP/1.1 specification allows the header to carry more than one entity-tag. This feature was included in HTTP/1.1 to support efficient caching of multiple variants of a resource, but it is not restricted to that use.
我々の示した例は If-None-Match
HTTP/1.1 仕様はこの頭が複数個の entity-tag
HTTP/1.1 に取り込まれましたが、その用途に制限されてはいません。
Suppose that a client has kept more than one instance of a resource in its cache. That is, not only does it keep the most recent instance, but it also holds onto copies of one or more prior, invalid instances. (Alternatively, it might retain sufficient delta or inverse-delta information to reconstruct older instances.) In this case, it could use its conditional request to tell the server about all of the instances it could apply a delta to. For example, the client might send:
クライアントがある資源の複数の実現値をキャッシュに保持しているとします。 つまり、最近の実現値を保持しているだけではなく、 一つ以上の前の、非妥当な実現値の複製をも保持しています。 (代わりに、古目の実現値を再構築するための十分な差分または逆差分を残しているかもしれません。) この場合、クライアントは鯖に差分を適用することのできるすべての実現値を伝える条件付要求を使用することができます。 例えば、クライアントはキャッシュ中にこの資源の三つの実現値を有することを示すために
GET /foo.html HTTP/1.1 host: If-None-Match: "123xyz", "337pey", "489uhw" A-IM: vcdiffto indicate that it has three instances of this resource in its cache. If the server is able to generate a delta from any of these prior instances, it can select the appropriate base instance, compute the delta, and return the result to the client.
と送信することができます。鯖が三つの以前の実現値のいずれかから差分を生成することができれば、適切な基底実現値を選択して差分を計算し、 クライアントに結果を返すことができます。
In this case, however, the server must also tell the client which base instance to use, and so we need to define a response header, named "Delta-Base", for this purpose. For example, the server might reply:
しかし、この場合、鯖はクライアントにどの基底実現値を使用したのかも伝えなければなりませんから、そのために Delta-Base
HTTP/1.1 226 IM Used ETag: "1acl059" IM: vcdiff Delta-Base: "337pey" Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 18:30:05 GMT
This response tells the client to apply the delta to the cached response with entity tag "337pey", and to associate the entity tag "1acl059" with the result.
この応答は、クライアントに実体札 "337pey"
Of course, if the server has retained more than one of the prior instances identified by the client, this could complicate the problem of choosing the optimal delta to return, since now the server has a choice not only of the delta format, but also of the base instance to use.
もちろん、鯖がクライアントの識別する前の実現値の複数個を残しておいていれば、 返すべき最適な差分を選ぶ問題が複雑になるでしょう。 その場合は差分書式についてだけではなく、 使用する基底実現値についても鯖が選ばなければなりませんから。
Support for multiple entity tags in choosing the base instance implies that a client might benefit from storing multiple old instances of a resource in its cache. A client with finite space would not want to keep all old instances, so it must manage its cache for maximal effectiveness by saving those instances most likely to be useful for future deltas. Although this could be accomplished using information purely local to the client (e.g., an LRU algorithm), certain "hint" information from the server could improve the client's ability to manage its cache. The use of hints for improving Web cache performance has been described previously [4, 22].
基底実現値を選ぶに当たって複数の実体札に対応するためには、 クライアントがキャッシュに資源の複数の古い実現値を蓄積することによる利益がなければなりません。 有限空間のクライアントは古い実現値をすべて保持することを望まないでしょうから、クライアントは古い実現値を保存することによって最大の効率でもってキャッシュが将来の差分に最も有用であるように維持しなければなりません。 これは純粋にクライアントに局所的な情報を使用して達成することもできますが (例えば LRU 算法)、鯖からのある「ヒント」でクライアントのキャッシュを維持する能力を向上させることができます。 Web キャッシュの効率向上のためにヒントを使用することは以前に説明されています。
If the server intends to retain certain instances and not others, it can label the responses that transmit the retained instances. This would help the client manage its cache, since it would not have to retain all prior instances on the possibility that only some of them might be useful later. The label is a hint to the client, not a promise that the server will indefinitely retain an instance.
鯖がある実現値は残して他は残さないことを予定しているのなら、 残す実現値を転送する応答に札付けすることができます。 これは、クライアントが一部だけしか後から有用ではないかもしれない前の実現値をすべて残さなくても構いませんから、クライアントがキャッシュを維持する助けとなるでしょう。 札はクライアントへのヒントであって、鯖が際限なく実現値を残すことを約束はしません。
We propose adding a new directive to the existing "Cache-Control" header for this purpose, named "retain". For example, in response to an unconditional request, the server might send:
既存の Cache-Control
HTTP/1.1 200 OK ETag: "337pey" Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 18:30:05 GMT Cache-Control: retainto suggest that a delta-capable client should retain this instance. The "retain" directive could also appear in a delta response, referring to the current instance:
のような応答を送信するかもしれません。 retain
HTTP/1.1 226 IM Used ETag: "1acl059" Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 18:30:05 GMT Cache-Control: retain IM: vcdiff Delta-Base: "337pey"
The "retain" directive includes an optional timeout parameter, which the server can use if it expects to delete an old base instance at a particular time. For example,
HTTP/1.1 200 OK ETag: "337pey" Date: Tue, 25 Nov 1997 18:30:05 GMT Cache-Control: retain=3600means that the server intends to retain this base instance for one hour.
Another situation where a server can provide a hint to a client is where the server supports the delta mechanism in general, but does not intend to provide delta-encoded responses for a particular resource. By sending a "retain=0" directive, it indicates that the client should not waste request-header bytes attempting to obtain a delta-encoded response using this base instance (and, by implication, for this resource). It also indicates that the client ought not waste cache space on this instance after it has become stale. To avoid wasting response-header bytes, a server ought not send "retain=0", except in reply to a request that attempts to obtain a delta-encoded response.
クライアントがこの基底実現値を使って (および、暗示により、この資源について) 差分符号化応答を得ようとして要求頭のバイトを無駄にするべきではないと示します。
Note that the "retain" directive is orthogonal to the "max-age" directive. The "max-age" directive indicates how long a cache entry remains fresh (i.e.,can be used without contacting the origin server for revalidation); the "retain" directive is of interest to a client AFTER the cache entry has become stale.
指令は max-age
を示します。 retain
In practice, the "Cache-Control" response-header field might already be present, so the cost (in bytes) of sending this directive might be smaller than these examples implies.
実際には、 Cache-Control
応答頭欄は既に示されているかもしれませんから、この指令の送信に伴う (バイトでの)
Although we have designed the delta-encoded responses so that they will not be stored by naive proxy caches, if a proxy does understand the delta mechanism, it might be beneficial for it to participate in sending and receiving deltas.
差分符号化応答は無邪気な串キャッシュは蓄積しない様に設計していますが、 串が差分機構を理解するのなら、串が差分の送受信に関与することは有益かもしれません。
A proxy could participate in several independent ways:
- In addition to forwarding a delta-encoded response, the proxy might store it, and then use it to reply to a subsequent request with a compatible "If-None-Match" field (i.e., one that is either a superset of the corresponding field of the request that first elicited the response, or one that includes the "Delta-Base" value in the cached response), and with a compatible "IM" response-header field (one that includes the actual delta-encoding format used in the response.) Of course, such uses are subject to all of the other HTTP rules concerning the validity of cache entries.
HTTP の規則の対象です。
- In addition to forwarding a delta-encoded response, the proxy might apply the delta to the appropriate entry in its own cache, which could then be used for later responses (even from non-delta-capable clients).
- When the proxy receives a conditional request from a delta-capable client, and the proxy has a complete copy of an up-to-date ("fresh," in HTTP/1.1 terminology) response in its cache, it could generate a delta locally and return it to the requesting client.
- When the proxy receives a request from a non-delta-capable client, it might convert this into a delta request before forwarding it to the server, and then (after applying a resulting delta response to one of its own cache entries) it would return a full-body response to the client (or a response with status code 206 or 304, as appropriate).
または 304
の応答) を返すことができます。All of these optional techniques increase proxy software complexity, and might increase proxy storage or CPU requirements. However, if applied carefully, they should help to reduce the latencies seen by end users, and load on the network. Generally, CPU speed and disk costs are improving faster than network latencies, so we expect to see increasing value available from complex proxy implementations.
これらの任意選択の技法のすべてが串ソフトウェアの複雑性を増し、 串の蓄積庫や CPU の要件を増加させるかもしれません。しかし、 注意深く適用すれば、末端利用者から見える待ち時間やネットワークの負荷を削減する助けとなるはずです。 一般に、 CPU 速度とディスク経費はネットワークの待ち時間より速く向上しますから、複雑な串実装から利用可能な値が増加するのを見ることができると期待しています。
When a recipient reassembles a complete HTTP response from several individual messages, it might be necessary to check the integrity of the complete response. For example, the client's cache might be corrupt, or the implementation of delta encoding (either at client or server) might have a bug.
受信者が幾つかの個々のメッセージから完全な HTTP 応答を組立てる際に、 完全な応答の整合性の検査が必要かもしれません。 例えば、クライアントのキャッシュが壊れているかもしれませんし、 (クライアントか鯖の) 差分符号化の実装に虫がいるかもしれません。
HTTP/1.1 includes mechanisms for ensuring the integrity of individual messages. A message may include a "Content-MD5" response header, which provides an MD5 message digest of the body of the message (but not the headers). The Digest Authentication mechanism [11] provides a similar message-digest function, except that it includes certain header fields. Neither of these mechanisms makes any provision for covering a set of data transmitted over several messages, as would be the case for the result of applying a delta-encoded response (or, for that matter, a Range response).
HTTP/1.1 はここのメッセージの整合性を確保するために仕組みを含んでいます。
メッセージは Content-MD5
この頭欄はメッセージの本体の MD5 メッセージ要約を提供します
ある頭欄を含むのを除いて同様の message-digest
(や、それを言うなら、 Range
応答) の場合のような、
Data integrity for reassembled messages requires the introduction of a new message header. Such a mechanism is proposed in a separate document [24]. One might still want to use the Digest Authentication mechanism, or something stronger, to protect delta messages against tampering.
再組立てメッセージのデータ整合性のためには新しいメッセージ頭の導入が必要です。 その仕組みは別の文書で提案しています。それでも、 改竄から差分メッセージを保護するために、要約認証機構やより強い物を使用することを望む人もいるかもしれません。
In this specification, the key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", and "MAY" are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 [3].
この仕様書では、見出し語「しなければならない」、 「してはならない」、「するべきである」、 「するべきではない」、「して構わない」 は RFC 2119 で記述されている通りに解釈します。
→ 実現値操作
→ 実現値操作
A server MAY send a delta-encoded response if all of these conditions are true:
- 1. The server would be able to send a 200 (OK) response for the request.
- 2. The client's request includes an A-IM header field listing at least one delta-coding.
- 3. The client's request includes an If-None-Match header field listing at least one valid entity tag for an instance of the Request-URI (a "base instance").
(了解) 応答を送ることができる。A-IM
の実現値 (「基底実現値」)
についての最低一つの妥当な実体札 を含んでいる。A delta-encoded response:
- MUST carry a status code of 226 (IM Used).
- MUST include an IM header field listing, at least, the delta-coding employed.
- MAY include a Delta-Base header field listing the entity tag of the base-instance.
The following new status code is defined for HTTP.
→ 226
The following headers are defined, for use as entity-headers. (Due to the terminological confusion discussed in section 3, some entity-headers are more properly associated with instances than with entities.)
次の頭群を実体頭として使用する物として定義します。 (3章で議論した用語の混乱により、実体頭の幾つかは実体よりも実現値に関連付けるのがより適切です。)
→ A-IM
→ 226
The use of delta encoding with content-encoded instances adds some slight complexity. When a client (perhaps a proxy) has received a delta encoded response, either or both of that new response and a cached previous response may have non-identity content-codings. We specify rules for the server and client, to prevent situations where the client is unable to make sense of the server's response.
内容符号化実現値と差分符号化を共用することは甚だ複雑さを増します。 クライアント (おそらくは串) が差分符号化応答を受信した時、 その新しい応答とキャッシュした以前の応答の一方または両方が非同一内容符号化を有していても構いません。 クライアントが鯖の応答を理解することができない状況を防ぐために、 鯖とクライアントの規則を規定します。
When a server generates a delta-encoded response, the list of content-codings the server uses (i.e., the value of the response's Content-Encoding header field) SHOULD be a prefix of the list of content-codings the server would have used had it not generated a delta encoding.
(すなわち応答の Content-Encoding
This requirement allows a client receiving a delta-encoded response to apply the delta to a cached base instance without having to apply any content-codings during the process (although the client might, of course, be required to decode some content-codings).
この要件を課すことで差分符号化応答を受信したクライアントが処理の間に内容符号化を適用する必要なしでキャッシュした基底実現値に差分を適用することができるようになります (が、もちろん、クライアントは幾つかの内容符号化を復号する必要があるかもしれません)。
When a client receives a delta response with one or more non-identity content codings:
- 1. If both the new (delta) response and the cached response (instance) have exactly the same set of content-codings, the client applies the delta response to the cached response without removing the content-codings from either response.
- 2. If the new (delta) response and the cached response have a different set of content-codings, before applying the delta the client decodes one or more content-codings from the cached response, until the result has the same set of content-codings as the delta response.
- 3. If a proxy or cache is forwarding the result of applying the delta response to a cached base instance response, or later forwards this result from a cache entry, the forwarded response MUST carry the same Content-Encoding header field as the new (delta) response (and so it must be content-encoded as indicated by that header field).
頭欄を運搬しなければなりません (し、従ってその頭欄が示す内容符号化を行わなければなりません)。The intent of these rules (and in particular, rule #3) is that the results are always consistent with the rule that the entity tag is associated with the result of the content-coding, and that any recipient after the application of the delta-coding receives exactly the same response it would have received as a status-200 response from the origin server (without any delta-coding).
これらの規則 (特に規則 3) の意図は、
差分符号化を適用した後の受信者が起源鯖から (差分符号化なしの)
状態 200
Suppose a client, with an empty cache, sends this request:
GET /foo.html HTTP/1.1 Host: Accept-encoding: gzip
and the origin server responds with:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Date: Wed, 24 Dec 1997 14:00:00 GMT Etag: "abc" Content-encoding: gzip
We will use the notation URI;entity-tag to denote specific instances, so this response would cause the client to store in its cache the entity GZIP(foo.html;"abc").
特定の実現値を表すのに URI;実体札という記法を使います。
Then suppose that the client, a minute later, issues this conditional request:
GET /foo.html HTTP/1.1 Host: If-none-match: "abc" Accept-encoding: gzip A-IM: vcdiff
If the server is able to generate a delta-encoded response, it might choose one of two alternatives. The first is to compute the delta from the compressed instances (although this might not yield the most efficient coding):
鯖が差分符号化応答を生成することができるなら、 二つの選択肢から一つ選ぶことができます。 最初は圧縮した実現値から差分を計算するものです (がそれは最も効率的な符号化を得ないかもしれません)。
HTTP/1.1 226 IM Used Date: Wed, 24 Dec 1997 14:01:00 GMT Etag: "def" Delta-base: "abc" Content-encoding: gzip IM: vcdiff
The body of this response would be the result of VCDIFF_DELTA(GZIP(foo.html;"abc"), GZIP(foo.html;"def")). The client would store as a new cache entry the entity GZIP(foo.html;"def"), after recovering that entity by applying the delta to its previous cache entry.
この応答の本体は VCDIFF差分(GZIP(foo.html;"abc"), GZIP(foo.html;"def"))
の結果となります。クライアントは以前のキャッシュ項目にこの差分を適用して実体 GZIP(foo.html;"def")
The server's other alternative would be to compute the delta from the uncompressed values, returning:
HTTP/1.1 226 IM Used Date: Wed, 24 Dec 1997 14:01:00 GMT Delta-base: "abc" Etag: "ghi" IM: vcdiff
The body of this response would be the result of VCDIFF_DELTA(GUNZIP(GZIP(foo.html;"abc")), foo.html;"ghi"), or more simply VCDIFF_DELTA(foo.html;"abc", foo.html;"ghi"). The client would store as a new cache entry the entity foo.html;"ghi" (i.e., without any content-coding), after recovering that entity by applying the delta to its previous cache entry.
VCDIFF差分(GUNZIP(GZIP(foo.html;"abc")), foo.html;"ghi")
VCDIFF差分(foo.html;"abc", foo.html;"ghi")
となります。クライアントは以前のキャッシュ項目にこの差分を適用して実体 foo.html;"ghi"
Note that the new value of foo.html (at 14:01:00 GMT) without the gzip content-coding must have a different entity tag from the compressed instance of the same underlying file.
の新しい値 (時刻 14:01:00 GMT
The client's second request might have been:
GET /foo.html HTTP/1.1 Host: If-none-match: "abc" Accept-encoding: gzip A-IM: diffe, gzip
The client lists gzip in both the Accept-Encoding and A-IM headers, because if the server does not support delta encoding, the client would at least like to achieve the benefits of compression (as a content-coding). However, if the server does support the diffe delta-coding, the client would like the result to be compressed, and this must be done as an instance-manipulation.
(内容符号化としての) 圧縮の利益は得たいので、
を Accept-Encoding
鯖が diffe
A server that does support diffe might reply:
HTTP/1.1 226 IM Used Date: Wed, 24 Dec 1997 14:01:00 GMT Delta-base: "abc" Etag: "ghi" IM: diffe, gzip
The body of this response would be the result of GZIP(DIFFE_DELTA(GUNZIP(GZIP(foo.html;"abc")), foo.html;"ghi")), or more simply GZIP(DIFFE_DELTA(foo.html;"abc", foo.html;"ghi")). Because the gzip compression is, in this case, an instance-manipulation and not a content-coding, it is not retained when the reassembled response is stored or forwarded, so the client would store as a new cache entry the entity foo.html;"ghi" (without any content-coding or compression).
GZIP(DIFFE_DELTA(GUNZIP(GZIP(foo.html;"abc")), foo.html;"ghi"))
またはより単純に GZIP(DIFFE_DELTA(foo.html;"abc", foo.html;"ghi"))
という結果になります。 gzip
クライアントは新しいキャッシュ項目を実体 foo.html;"ghi"
(内容符号化も圧縮も無し) として蓄積することになります。
We define two new cache-directives (see section 14.9 of RFC 2616 [10] for the specification of cache-directive).
新しい2つのキャッシュ指令を定義します。 (キャッシュ指令の仕様は RFC 2616 14.9 節を参照。)
→ retain
The application of data compression to the diffe and gdiff delta codings has been shown to greatly reduce the size of the resulting message bodies, in many cases. (The vcdiff coding, on the other hand, is inherently compressed and does not benefit from further compression.) Therefore, it is strongly recommended that implementations that support the diffe and/or gdiff delta codings also support the gzip and/or deflate compression codings. (The deflate coding provides a more compact result.) However, this is not a requirement for the use of delta encoding, primarily because the CPU-time costs associated with compression and decompression may be excessive in some environments.
差分符号化や gdiff
(他方 vcdiff
従って、 diffe
しかし、主として圧縮および展開に伴う CPU 時間経費が環境によっては高くつくかもしれないことから、
A client that supports both delta encoding and compression as instance-manipulations signals this by, for example
差分符号化と圧縮の両方に実現値操作として対応するクライアントは、 そのことを例えば次のように通知します。
A-IM: diffe, deflate
The ordering rule stated in section 10.5.3 requires, if the server uses both instance-manipulations in the response, that compression be applied to the result of the delta encoding, rather than vice versa. I.e., the response in this case would include
10.5.3 節で述べた順序付け規則により、鯖が応答で両方の実現値操作を使用する場合には、差分符号化の結果に圧縮を適用する必要があり、 その逆ではいけません。つまり、この場合の応答は次の頭欄を含みます。
- IM: diffe, deflate
Note that a client might accept compression either as a content-coding or as an instance-manipulation. For example:
Accept-Encoding: gzip A-IM: gzip, gdiff
In this example, the server may apply the gzip compression, either as a content-coding or as an instance-manipulation, before delta encoding. Remember that the entity tag is assigned after content-coding but before instance-manipulation, so this choice does affect the semantics of delta encoding.
この例では、鯖は差分符号化の前に gzip
A client may request multiple, non-contiguous byte ranges in a single request. The server's response uses the "multipart/byteranges" media type (section 19.2 of [10]) to convey multiple ranges in a response. If a multipart/byteranges response is delta encoded (i.e, uses a delta-coding as an instance-manipulation), the delta-related headers are associated with the entire response, not with the individual parts. (This is because there is only one base instance and one current instance involved.) A delta-encoded response with multiple ranges MUST use the same delta-coding for all of the ranges.
(つまり差分符号化を実現値操作として使用する) 場合、
If a server chooses to use a delta encoding for a multipart/byteranges response, it MUST generate a response in accordance with the following rules.
鯖が multipart/byteranges
When a multipart/byteranges response uses a delta-coding prior to a range selection, the A-IM and IM header fields list the delta-coding before the "range" literal. (Recall that this is the approach taken to obtain a partial response after a premature termination of a message transmission.) The server firsts generates a sequence of bytes representing the difference (delta) between the base instance and the current instance, then selects the specified ranges of bytes, and transmits each such range in a part of the multipart/byteranges media type.
応答が範囲選択の前に差分符号化を使用する時は、 A-IM
頭欄および IM
頭欄は range
鯖は最初に基底実現値と現在実現値の差異 (差分)を表現するバイト列を生成し、それから指定されたバイトの範囲群を選択し、
各範囲を multipart/byteranges
When a multipart/byteranges response uses a delta-coding after a range selection, the A-IM and IM header fields list the delta-coding after the "range" literal. (Recall that this is the approach taken to obtain an updated version just of selected sections of an instance.) The server first selects the specified ranges from the current instance, and also selects the same specified ranges from the base instance. (Some of these selected ranges might be the empty sequence, if the instance is not long enough.) The server then generates the individual differences (deltas) between the pairs of ranges, and transmits each such difference in a part of the multipart/byteranges media type.
応答が範囲選択の後に差分符号化を用いる時は、 A-IM
頭欄および IM
鯖はそれから範囲の部分間の個々の差異 (差分) を生成し、
各差異を multipart/byteranges
The proposed protocol changes increase the size of the HTTP message headers slightly. In the simplest case, a conditional request (i.e., one for a URI for which the client already has a cache entry) would include one more header, e.g.:
提案しているプロトコル変更は HTTP メッセージ頭群の寸法を著しく増加させます。 単純な場合で、条件付要求 (すなわち、クライアントが既にキャッシュ項目を持っている URI についての要求) では一つ余分の頭を例えば次のように含みます。
- A-IM:vcdiff
This is about 13 extra bytes. A recent study [23] reports mean request sizes from two different traces of 281 and 306 bytes, so the net increase in request size would be between 4% and 5%.
これは約13バイト余分に使います。最新の研究によると二つの異なる追跡による平均要求寸法は281バイトと306バイトであり、 従って要求寸法の増加は4%と5%となります。
Because a client must have an existing cache entry to use as a base for a delta-encoded response, it would never send "A-IM: vcdiff" (or listing other delta encoding formats) for its unconditional requests. The same study showed that at least 46% of the requests in lengthy traces were for URLs not seen previously in the trace; this means that no more than about half of typical client requests could be conditional (and the actual fraction is likely to be smaller, given the finite size of real caches).
クライアントは差分符号化応答についての基底として使用する既存のキャッシュ項目を有しなければなりませんから、 非条件付要求では A-IM: vcdiff (や他の差分符号化書式の列挙) を送信することはありません。 同じ研究は長さにして要求の46%が追跡中で以前に見ていない URL についてのものであると示しています。これは、典型的要求の高々おおよそ半分が条件付となり得ることを意味します (そして実際の割合は、実際のキャッシュは有限の寸法なので、より小さくなるでしょう)。
The study also showed that 64% of the responses in a lengthy trace were for image content-types (GIF and JPEG). As noted in section 6, we do not currently know of a delta-encoding format suitable for such image types. Unless a client did support such a delta-encoding format, it would presumably not ask for a delta when making a conditional request for image content-types.
研究は、長さにして応答の64%が画像内容型 (GIF や JPEG) であることも示しています。6章で記したように、 現在このような画像型に適当な差分符号化書式は知られていません。 クライアントがそのような差分符号化書式に対応していない限り、 画像の内容型について条件付要求するときには差分を頼まないのももっともらしいことでしょう。
Taken together, these factors suggest that the mean increase in request header size would be much less than 5%, and probably below 1%.
まとめると、これらの因子によれば要求頭の平均増加が5%未満、 おそらくは1%未満となると思われます。
Delta-encoded responses carry slightly longer headers. In the simplest case, a response carries one more header, e.g.:
差分符号化応答は甚だ長い頭を運搬します。 最も簡単な場合、応答は例えば次のような一つ余分な頭を運搬します。
- IM:vcdiff
This is about 11 bytes. Other headers (such as "Delta-Base") might also be included. However, none of these extra headers would be included except in cases where a delta encoding is actually employed, and the sender of the response can avoid sending a delta encoding if this results in a net increase in response size. Thus, a delta-encoded response should never be larger than a regular response for the same request.
これは約11バイトです。他の頭 (例えば Delta-Base) も含まれるかもしれません。しかし、これら余分な頭は差分符号化が実際に行われる場合以外には含まれることとはならず、 応答の送信者はこの結果が応答寸法の増加を招くのであれば避けることができます。 従って、差分符号化応答は同じ要求に対する通常の応答より大きくなることはないはずです。
Simulations suggest that, when delta encoding pays off at all, it saves several thousand bytes [23]. Thus, adding a few dozen bytes to the response headers should almost never obviate the savings in the message-body size.
Finally, the use of the "retain" Cache-Control directive might cause some additional overhead. Some server heuristics might be successful in limiting the use of these headers to situations where they would probably optimize future responses. Neither of these headers is necessary for the simpler uses of delta encoding.
最後に、 retain
指令の使用によって、幾らかの overhead が更に必要かもしれません。
We are not aware of any aspects of the basic delta encoding mechanism that affect the existing security considerations for the HTTP/1.1 protocol.
基本差分符号化機構が HTTP/1.1 プロトコルの既存の安全についての考察に影響する点は見つかっていません。
Phong Vo has provided a great deal of guidance in the choice of delta encoding algorithms and formats. Issac Goldstand and Mike Dahlin provided a number of useful comments on the specification. Dave Kristol suggested many textual corrections.
Phong Vo には差分符号化算法・書式の選択の指導で多大な協力を頂きました。 Issac Goldstand と Mike Dahlin には仕様書に数々の有用な意見を頂きました。 Dave Kristol は多くの文面の修正を提案して下さいました。
The IETF has been notified of intellectual property rights claimed in
regard to some or all of the specification contained in this
document. For more information consult the online list of claimed
rights, at
The IETF takes no position regarding the validity or scope of any intellectual property or other rights that might be claimed to pertain to the implementation or use of the technology described in this document or the extent to which any license under such rights might or might not be available; neither does it represent that it has made any effort to identify any such rights. Information on the IETF's procedures with respect to rights in standards-track and standards-related documentation can be found in BCP 11. Copies of claims of rights made available for publication and any assurances of licenses to be made available, or the result of an attempt made to obtain a general license or permission for the use of such proprietary rights by implementors or users of this specification can be obtained from the IETF Secretariat.
1. Gaurav Banga, Fred Douglis, and Michael Rabinovich. Optimistic Deltas for WWW Latency Reduction. Proc. 1997 USENIX Technical Conference, Anaheim, CA, January, 1997, pp. 289-303.
2. Berners-Lee, T., Fielding, R. and H. Frystyk, "Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.0", RFC 1945, May 1996.
3. Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.
4. Edith Cohen, Balachander Krishnamurthy, and Jennifer Rexford. Improving End-to-End Performance of the Web Using Server Volumes and Proxy Filters. Proc. SIGCOMM '98, September, 1998, pp. 241- 253.
5. Deutsch, P., "GZIP file format specification version 4.3", RFC 1952, May 1996.
6. Deutsch, P., "DEFLATE Compressed Data Format Specification version 1.3", RFC 1951, May 1996.
7. Deutsch, P. and J-L. Gailly, "ZLIB Compressed Data Format Specification version 3.3", RFC 1950, May 1996.
8. Fred Douglis, Anja Feldmann, Balachander Krishnamurthy, and Jeffrey Mogul. Rate of Change and Other Metrics: a Live Study of the World Wide Web. Proc. Symposium on Internet Technologies and Systems, USENIX, Monterey, CA, December, 1997, pp. 147-158.
9. Fielding, R., Gettys, J., Mogul, J., Nielsen, H. and T. Berners- Lee, "Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1", RFC 2068, January 1997.
10. Fielding, R., Gettys, J., Mogul, J., Nielsen, H., Masinter, L., Leach, P. and T. Berners-Lee, "Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1", RFC 2616, June 1999.
11. Franks, J., Hallam-Baker, P., Hostetler, J., Leach, P., Luotonen, A., Luotonen, L. and L. Stewart, "HTTP Authentication: Basic and Digest Access Authnetication", RFC 2617, June 1999.
12. Freed, N. and N. Borenstein, "Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part One: Format of Internet Message Bodies", RFC 2045, November 1996.
13. Arthur van Hoff, John Giannandrea, Mark Hapner, Steve Carter, and Milo Medin. The HTTP Distribution and Replication Protocol. Technical Report NOTE-DRP, World Wide Web Consortium, August, 1997.
14. Arthur van Hoff and Jonathan Payne. Generic Diff Format Specification. Technical Report NOTE-GDIFF, World Wide Web Consortium, August, 1997.
15. Barron C. Housel and David B. Lindquist. WebExpress: A System for Optimizing Web Browsing in a Wireless Environment. Proc. 2nd Annual Intl. Conf. on Mobile Computing and Networking, ACM, Rye, New York, November, 1996, pp. 108-116.
16. James J. Hunt, Kiem-Phong Vo, and Walter F. Tichy. An Empirical Study of Delta Algorithms. IEEE Soft. Config. and Maint. Workshop, 1996.
17. Jacobson, V., "Compressing TCP/IP Headers for Low-Speed Serial Links", RFC 1144, February 1990.
18. Khare, R. and S. Lawrence, "Upgrading to TLS Within HTTP/1.1", RFC 2817, May 2000.
19. David G. Korn and Kiem-Phong Vo. A Generic Differencing and Compression Data Format. Technical Report HA1630000-021899-02TM, AT&T Labs - Research, February, 1999.
20. Korn, D. and K. Vo, "The VCDIFF Generic Differencing and Compression Data Format", Work in Progress.
21. Merriam-Webster. Webster's Seventh New Collegiate Dictionary. G. & C. Merriam Co., Springfield, MA, 1963.
22. Jeffrey C. Mogul. Hinted caching in the Web. Proc. Seventh ACM SIGOPS European Workshop, Connemara, Ireland, September, 1996, pp. 103-108.
23. Jeffrey C. Mogul, Fred Douglis, Anja Feldmann, and Balachander Krishnamurthy. Potential benefits of delta encoding and data compression for HTTP. Research Report 97/4, DECWRL, July, 1997.
24. Mogul, J. and A. Van Hoff, "Instance Digests in HTTP", RFC 3230, January 2002.
25. Narten, T. and H. Alvestrand, "Guidelines for Writing an IANA Considerations Section in RFCs", BCP 26, RFC 2434, October 1998.
26. The Open Group. The Single UNIX Specification, Version 2 - 6 Vol Set for UNIX 98. Document number T912, The Open Group, February, 1997.
27. W. Tichy. "RCS - A System For Version Control". Software - Practice and Experience 15, 7 (July 1985), 637-654.
28. Andrew Tridgell and Paul Mackerras. The rsync algorithm. Technical Report TR-CS-96-05, Department of Computer Science, Australian National University, June, 1996.
29. Stephen Williams. Personal communication.
30. Stephen Williams, Marc Abrams, Charles R. Standridge, Ghaleb Abdulla, and Edward A. Fox. Removal Policies in Network Caches for World-Wide Web Documents. Proc. SIGCOMM '96, Stanford, CA, August, 1996, pp. 293-305.
Jeffrey C. Mogul Western Research Laboratory Compaq Computer Corporation 250 University Avenue Palo Alto, California, 94305, U.S.A.
Phone: 1 650 617 3304 (email preferred) EMail:
Balachander Krishnamurthy AT&T Labs - Research 180 Park Ave, Room D-229 Florham Park, NJ 07932-0971, U.S.A.
Fred Douglis AT&T Labs - Research 180 Park Ave, Room B-137 Florham Park, NJ 07932-0971, U.S.A.
Phone: 1 973 360-8775 EMail:
Anja Feldmann University of Saarbruecken, Germany, Computer Science Department Im Stadtwald, Geb. 36.1, Zimmer 310 D-66123 Saarbruecken, Germany
Yaron Y. Goland
Arthur van Hoff Marimba, Inc. 440 Clyde Avenue Mountain View, CA 94043, U.S.A.
Phone: 1 650 930 5283 EMail:
Daniel M. Hellerstein Economic Research Service, USDA 1909 Franwall Ave, Wheaton MD 20902
Phone: 1 202 694-5613 or 1 301 649-4728 EMail: or
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