HTML 6.9.0

HTML6 (Dmitry Turin)

[2] HTML6 は、 Dmitry Turin による革新的な HTML 風文書(?)記述言語の提案です。 彼は本気のようで、2008年末には実装費用の見積もりの依頼を W3C HTML WGメイリング・リストに流したりもしていますが、興味を示した Webブラウザー開発者は皆無のようです。 別の意味で色々と興味を持たれてはいますがねwwww

[1] HTML6 (Dmitry Turin 著, 版)

HTML6 is project of novations, allowing to write broken line from any to any HTML-element, to refer to place without attribute "id" and "name", to display table 3x100 of DBMS as table 10x10 of browser, to display hyper-cube as table, to hide and show HTML-elements. It proposes new control "picture" (attached graphic file is displayed in document), style for attribute to display its value. HTML6 enters new elements, which send data like form, but automatically: to browse column of database and to browse tree of database. And many others.

[4] Archive ( ())

I want to discuss what kind of information could be HTTP-pushed. For instance, HTML 6.0 once suggested to provide changes (delta) of the document. Maybe this does not fit well into current HTTP 2.0 spec - a new frame type is needed.

I am not the author of HTML 6.0 (D. Tyurin is).

[3] 他の提案については HTML6 参照。