manakai DOM Document Extensions

manakai DOM Document Extensions

[76] manakai DOM Extensions > Extensions to existing interfaces > Interfaces implemented by Document objects

Extension to the Document interface

Character Encoding


partial interface Document {
  attribute DOMString inputEncoding;
  attribute DOMString? manakaiCharset;
  attribute boolean manakaiHasBOM;

partial interface Entity {
  attribute DOMString inputEncoding;
  attribute DOMString? manakaiCharset;
  attribute boolean manakaiHasBOM;

[17] The entity has the encoding. Unless otherwise specified, it is utf-8.

[58] On getting, the inputEncoding attribute of a Entity object MUST return the encoding of the entity, using the same compatible name as the inputEncoding attribute of the Document interface.

[56] On setting, the inputEncoding attribute of a Document or Entity object MUST run the following steps:

  1. Run the get an encoding steps with the input value and let name be the result.
  2. If name is an encoding name and is one of labels for the encoding, set the encoding of the context object to name.

[75] The inputEncoding attribute is originally defined by DOM3 Core and redefined here. Unlike in DOM3 Core, the inputEncoding attribute return utf-8 rather than null if it is not available.

[59] On getting, the charset attribute of the Document interface MUST return the encoding of the document.

[26] The xmlEncoding attribute of Document and Entity interfaces is now read-write.

The setter of the xmlEncoding MUST behave as if the following algorithm is performed:

  1. If the object is a Document and its manakaiIsHTML flag is set to true, then throw a NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR DOMException.
  1. If the object is read-only, throw a NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR.
  2. Otherwise, set the specified value as the new attribute value. Note that the value might be null.
Note that setting this attribute might make the document inconsistent or non-serializable.

[60] The manakaiCharset attribute of the Document interface and the Entity interface represents the charset information included in the Content-Type metadata of the resource from which the document or entity has been created.

[61] For the Document object created by fetching a resource, if the resource has the Content-Type metadata (i.e. Content-Type header field or equivalent) including the charset parameter whose definition is equivalent or subset of at least one of text/* and XML MIME types' charset parameter's definition, then the parameter value MUST be set to the charset metadata of the document. Otherwise the charset metadata of the object MUST be initially set to null.

[62] For the Entity object representing an external entity, if the entity has been created from the resource which has the Content-Type metadata including the charset parameter whose definition is equivalent or subset of at least one of text/* and XML MIME types' charset parameter's definition, then the parameter value MUST be set to the charset metadata of the entity. Otherwise the charset metadata of the object MUST be initially set to null.

[64] Whether the parameter value is valid or not is irrelevant.
[65] When the transfer protocol does not use charset name that is compatible with MIME's definition, then the value has to be converted such that the manakaiCharset attribute exposes the MIME compatible name representing that character encoding.

[63] On getting, the manakaiCharset attribute MUST return the charset metadata of the context object.

[66] On setting, the manakaiCharset attribute MUST set the charset metadata of the context object to the new value.

[67] The manakaiHasBOM attribute of the Document and Entity interfaces represents whether the context object's byte representation has the BOM or not. These objects has the has BOM flag, initially unset.

[68] When the Document object is created by fetching a resource, or the Entity object is created by fetching a external entity, if the resource is represented as byte sequence and starts with the BOM, then the has BOM flag of the object MUST be set.

[69] The manakaiHasBOM attribute, on getting, MUST return the has BOM flag is set or not. On setting, it MUST set the has BOM flag if the new value is true, or unset the flag, otherwise.

Metadata accessors

partial interface Document {
  void manakaiSetURL(DOMString url);

[74] The manakaiSetURL(url) method of the Document interface MUST run these steps:

  1. Resolve url relative to the entry script's base URL.
  2. If the previous step fails, throw a SyntaxError exception and abort these steps.
  3. Set the document's address to the new value.

Scripts in Web pages cannot access this method. How to implement this is binding dependent ?

[15] The manakaiEntityBaseURI attribute contains the base DOM URI of the document entity.

The type of this attribute is DOMString. This attribute is read-write.

If the Document has the base URI information (in XML infoset terminology, the base URI property), then the getter MUST return that base URI. Otherwise, the getter MUST return the documentURI of the Document, possibly null. Note that these result in returning a DOMString that is not a legal absolute URI, if the base URI information or documentURI does not contain a legal absolute URI.

On setting, if the Document is read-only, then a NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR MUST be thrown. Otherwise, if the new value is null, then the base URI information, if any, is unset. If the new value is non-null, then the base URI information is set to that value. Note that no lexical checking is performed on that value. Note also that setting this attribute does not affect on the documentURI attribute.

It is expected that if the Document is created from an XML document entity retrieved from an HTTP entity, then the Content-Location: and / or Content-Base: header fields, if any, are reflected to this attribute.

[16] The allDeclarationsProcessed attribute contains a value that represents whether the XML processor has read the complete DTD when the XML document is parsed. This attribute corresponding to the all declarations processed property of the document information item in the XML Information Set.

Note that this attribute only exposes the information set property. Its value does not indicate whether the document is complete or not, or valid or not. In particular, modifications to the DOM tree does not affect the value of this attribute.
ISSUE: Relationship between the normalizeDocument method and this attribute.

The type of this attribute is boolean. This attribute is read-write.

The getter MUST return the value.

On setting, if the Document is read-only, then a NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR DOMException MUST be thrown. Otherwise, it MUST set the value to the new value.

The createDocument method MUST set the allDeclarationsProcessed attribute of the newly created Document object as false.

If a Document object is created from an XML information set, the allDeclarationsProcessed attribute of the Document object MUST be set to the value of the all declarations processed property of the document information item. If the property is set to true, then the attribute MUST be set to true. Otherwise, including the case the property is missing, the attribute MUST be set to false.

If a Document object is mapped to an XML information set, then the all declarations processed property MUST be set to the value of the allDeclarationsProcessed attribute.

Extensions to the HTMLDocument interface

[25] The manakaiIsHTML attribute represents whether the Document is an HTML document or not.

The type of this attribute is boolean. This attribute is read-write.

The getter MUST return true if and only if the Document is an HTML document. Otherwise it MUST return false.

[54] On setting, following steps MUST be performed:

  1. If the new value is true, run following substeps:
    1. Change the document to HTML document if it is XML document.
    2. Set the content type to text/html.
  2. Otherwise, run following substeps:
    1. Change the document to XML document if it is HTML document.
    2. Set the content type to application/xml.
  3. Set the mode to no quirks mode.

[55] Since the Document that has just been created by createDocument is not an HTML document, its manakaiIsHTML is false.

[53] The manakaiCompatMode attribute of the HTMLDocument interface is a read-write attribute of type DOMString. Its value represents the mode [HTML5] in which the document is interpreted.

This attribute has three values:

no quirks
The no quirks (or standard) mode.
limited quirks
The limited quirks (or almost standard) mode.
The quirks mode.

This attribute MUST return one of three values listed above depending on the mode of the document. Note that XML documents are always in the no quirks mode.

On setting, the specified value MUST be set to the attribute if the specified value is one of three values listed above and the document is an HTML document. Otherwise, the attribute value MUST NOT be changed.

A Document node created by the createDocument method is an XML document and is in the no quirks mode, therefore its manakaiCompatMode attribute value is no quirks. A Document node created by an HTML parser from an HTML document is in one of three modes and its manakaiCompatMode attribute value is a value corresponding to the mode.
Setting the manakaiIsHTML attribute false reset the mode to the no quirks mode.


partial interface Document {
  readonly attribute HTMLHeadElement manakaiHead;
  readonly attribute HTMLHtmlElement manakaiHTML;
  attribute boolean manakaiIsSrcdoc;

[71] The manakaiHead attribute of the document MUST return the head element of the document.

[72] The manakaiHTML attribute of the document MUST return the html element of the document.

[73] On getting, the manakaiIsSrcdoc attribute of the document MUST return whether the document is an iframe srcdoc document or not. On setting, if the attribute is invoked by an author script, it MUST do nothing. Otherwise, the attribute MUST make the document an iframe srcdoc document if the new value is true, or not an iframe srcdoc document otherwise.

Extension to the DocumentTraversal interface

[13] The manakaiCreateSerialWalker method creates and returns a new SerialWalker object.

This method takes four parameters: root, whatToShow, filter, and entityReferenceExpansion.

The root parameter is the node that will serve as the root for the SerialWalker. It is a Node.

The whatToShow flags and the NodeFilter are not considered when setting this value; any node type will be accepted as the root.

The currentNode of the created SerialWalker is initialized to the root Node, whether or not it is visible.

The root functions as a stopping point for traversal method that look upwards in the document structure, i.e. nextNode.

The root MUST NOT be null. If it is, then a NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR exception MUST be thrown.

The whatToShow parameter is the flags that specify which node types may appear in the logical view of the tree presented by the SerialWalker. It is an unsigned short.

The set of the flags are defined in the NodeFilter interface. They can be combined using the binary OR operation.

The filter parameter is the NodeFilter to be used with the created SerialWalker. If null is set, then no filter is used.

The entityReferenceExpansion parameter parameter is the expandEntityReferences flag of the created TreeWalker. It is a boolean value.

If it is set to true, then the contents of the EntityReference nodes are presented in the logical view.

Otherwise, the contents of the EntityReference nodes are not presented in the logical view.

The method returns a SerialWalker. It MUST be a new SerialWalker with following attributes:

memo (informative)