[2] JSON Patch は、 JSON 文書の差分を JSON として記述する文書形式です。
[4] MIME型としては application/json-patch+json
が規定されています。引数はありません。 >>1
[5] JSON Patch では差分の適用位置を指定するために JSON Pointer が使われています。
[6] The diffing side of JSON Patch - Google グループ ( ( 版)) <https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/json-patch/UcKvMjukhmk>
[7] JSON Merge Patch というものもあります。両者に互換性はありません。
For image resources, two media types are supported:
The application/openstack-images-v2.1-json-patch media type is intended to provide a useful and compatible subset of the functionality defined in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Patch RFC6902, which defines the application/json-patch+json media type.
The application/openstack-images-v2.0-json-patch media type is based on draft 4 of the standard. Its use is deprecated.
The "JSON Patch extension" is an official extension of the JSON API specification. It provides support for modification of resources with the HTTP PATCH method [RFC5789] and the JSON Patch format [RFC6902].
It’s possible to use JSON-Patch by sending the request header Content-Type: application/json-patch+json.