[10] WebPlatform.org は、 Web 関連技術の開発者向け文書の整備を行う W3C のプロジェクトおよびその Webサイトです。
[1] WebPlatform.org — Your Web, documented ( ( 版)) <http://www.webplatform.org/>
[2] WebPlatform Docs ( ( 版)) <http://docs.webplatform.org/wiki/Main_Page>
Web Platform is a project of the W3C and the Web Platform stewards — Adobe, Apple, Facebook, Google, HP, Intel, Microsoft, Mozilla, Nokia, and Opera. It’s a collaboration between those who make the specs, those who build the browsers, and developers from all over the world.
In order to bring this site to the community, and to maintain it, we rely on the generosity of the Web Platform stewards.
This site has been convened by W3C. The other stewards, listed below, support it through content, people, funding, and other contributions.
WebPlatform is a site dedicated to documenting and teaching people about open web standards, those technologies standardized by the W3C, IETF, and other standardization bodies, which are created as part of an open process to be free for anyone to use. This project is not controlled by any one company.
[6] WPD:Stewardship Committee Charter · WPD:Stewardship Committee Charter · WPD · WebPlatform.org ( 版) <https://docs.webplatform.org/wiki/WPD:Stewardship_Committee_Charter>
[8] HTTPS で使われている EV SSL証明書の発行先組織は World Wide Web Consortium となっています。
[7] Web Platform Specs は webplatform.org ドメイン下にあり、下部プロジェクトのようですが、 明確な説明は見つかっていません。
[9] public-webplatform@w3.org Mail Archives ( 版) <https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webplatform/>
[12] Re: Webplatform dead? (Ric Johnson著, ) <https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-webplatform/2016Sep/0000.html>
[13] 503 Service unavailable — WebPlatform.org () <https://specs.webplatform.org/>
Notice: The WebPlatform project, supported by various stewards between 2012 and 2015, has been discontinued.
[15] webplatform/webplatform.github.io: Static version of webplatform.org () <https://github.com/webplatform/webplatform.github.io/>
[16] We’ve got a 404 error! () <http://docs.webplatform.org/Main_Page>
、RSS、Atom、 OpenSearch といった W3C 外の技術の多くは対象外となっているようです。 一般的な理解でいう Web platform の範囲をカバーするには程遠いのが現状です。