[5] PostHTML · GitHub, https://github.com/posthtml
[1] GitHub - posthtml/posthtml: PostHTML is a tool to transform HTML/XML with JS plugins, https://github.com/posthtml/posthtml
[2] posthtml - HTML/XML processor, https://posthtml.org/#/
transform HTML/XML with JS plugins
だと意味がよくわかりませんが、要は「入力の HTMLもどき」を 「PostHTML プラグイン」の組み合わせを通して 「出力の HTML」 を得るようなソフトウェアらしいです。
[4] なぜか「入力の HTMLもどき」があたかも HTML であるかのように説明され、あたかも
HTML であるかのように利用者は理解しているようですが、
場合によっては class
[16] 基本はサーバー側で実行される前提に見える。「入力の HTMLもどき」はクライアントには送られないのが基本、 のように見えるがどうだろう。
[7] GitHub - posthtml/posthtml-content: Apply functions to tags through custom attributes, https://github.com/posthtml/posthtml-content
[8] GitHub - posthtml/posthtml-shiki: Highlight code blocks with PostHTML and Shiki, https://github.com/posthtml/posthtml-shiki
<shiki> <h1 class="text-xl">Hello</h1> </shiki>
[10] GitHub - posthtml/posthtml-import: Import HTML Plugin, https://github.com/posthtml/posthtml-import
<import src="file.html">
[15] GitHub - posthtml/posthtml-include: Include HTML Plugin, https://github.com/posthtml/posthtml-include
<include src="components/button.html" locals='{ "text": "Button" }'></include>
[14] GitHub - posthtml/posthtml-expressions: Use variables, JS-like expressions, and even markup-powered logic in your HTML., https://github.com/posthtml/posthtml-expressions
<if condition="foo === 'bar'"> <p>Foo really is bar! Revolutionary!</p> </if> <elseif condition="foo === 'wow'"> <p>Foo is wow, oh man.</p> </elseif> <else> <p>Foo is probably just foo in the end.</p> </else>
<when condition="foo === 'bar'"> <p>Foo really is bar! Revolutionary!</p> </when> <elsewhen condition="foo === 'wow'"> <p>Foo is wow, oh man.</p> </elsewhen> <otherwise> <p>Foo is probably just foo in the end.</p> </otherwise>
<switch expression="foo"> <case n="'bar'"> <p>Foo really is bar! Revolutionary!</p> </case> <case n="'wow'"> <p>Foo is wow, oh man.</p> </case> <default> <p>Foo is probably just foo in the end.</p> </default> </switch>
<clause expression="foo"> <when n="'bar'"> <p>Foo really is bar! Revolutionary!</p> </when> <when n="'wow'"> <p>Foo is wow, oh man.</p> </when> <fallback> <p>Foo is probably just foo in the end.</p> </fallback> </clause>
<each loop="item, index in array"> <p>{{ index }}: {{ item }}</p> </each>
You can define custom tag names to use for creating loops:
<for loop="item in [1,2,3]"> <p>{{ item }}</p> </for>
<scope with="author"> <include src="components/profile.html"></include> </scope>
You can define a custom tag name to use for creating scopes:
<context with="author"> <include src="components/profile.html"></include> </context>
<raw> <if condition="foo === 'bar'"> <p>Output {{ foo }} as-is</p> </if> </raw>
You can customize the name of the tag:
<verbatim> <if condition="foo === 'bar'"> <p>Output {{ foo }} as-is</p> </if> </verbatim>
[11] Home | Maizzle - Framework for Rapid Email Prototyping, https://v3.maizzle.com/
Bring Your Own HTML
No need to learn custom syntax or adapt your templates to it. Use your existing HTML, it'll just work.
Supercharged by PostHTML
PostHTML gives your HTML superpowers, enabling you to write complex logic with simple, text editor-friendly markup.
<extends src="src/layouts/main.html"> <block name="template"> <table class="w-600 sm:w-full"> <tr> <td class="text-base text-gray-700"> <h2>Article title</h2> <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</p> </td> </tr> </table> </block> </extends>
[12] いや custom syntax だろw
[18] GitHub - posthtml/posthtml-custom-elements: Custom Elements Plugin, https://github.com/posthtml/posthtml-custom-elements
[20] GitHub - posthtml/posthtml-components: A PostHTML plugin for creating components with HTML-friendly syntax inspired by Laravel Blade. Slots, stack/push, props, custom tag and much more., https://github.com/posthtml/posthtml-components
This PostHTML plugin provides an HTML-friendly syntax for using components in your HTML templates. If you are familiar with Blade, React, Vue or similar, you will find the syntax to be familiar, as this plugin is inspired by them.
[21] >>20 HTML-friendly syntax は HTML でないと言っているようにも読めるが、その後の方ではやっぱり HTML と言っている。
[13] Templates | Maizzle - Framework for Rapid Email Prototyping, https://v3.maizzle.com/docs/templates/