

[13] インターネット (Internet) は、世界規模のネットワークです。


  1. プロトコル
  2. 組織
  3. インターネット軍事技術説
  4. 文化
  5. 関連
  6. メモ


[14] アドレス:

[15] アプリケーション:






Although the ARPANET was designed to survive subordinate-network losses, the principal reason was that the switching nodes and network links were unreliable, even without any nuclear attacks. About the resources scarcity that spurred the creation of the ARPANET, Charles Herzfeld, ARPA Director (1965–1967), said:

The ARPANET was not started to create a Command and Control System that would survive a nuclear attack, as many now claim. To build such a system was, clearly, a major military need, but it was not ARPA’s mission to do this; in fact, we would have been severely criticized had we tried. Rather, the ARPANET came out of our frustration that there were only a limited number of large, powerful research computers in the country, and that many research investigators, who should have access to them, were geographically separated from them.


It was from the RAND study that the false rumor started claiming that the ARPANET was somehow related to building a network resistant to nuclear war. This was never true of the ARPANET, only the unrelated RAND study on secure voice considered nuclear war. However, the later work on Internetting did emphasize robustness and survivability, including the capability to withstand losses of large portions of the underlying networks.

[16] 「インターネットは軍事の産物・軍事技術」というのは正確ではないので注意されたし - Togetterまとめ () http://togetter.com/li/1037921

[19] インターネット側がどれだけ軍事技術でないと主張しても、 日本学術会議が禁止したい軍事研究ではあるのでは...?

[22] 防衛省が予算を出す研究費を取ってくるだけで日本学術会議の方から来ました」 って人から圧力がかかって軍事研究扱いされる世界観で 「ARPA が金出してるけど軍事研究ではない」 が通るとは思えん。



[18] Web の文化の項も参照。

[20] IETF の思想の項も参照。



[1] Internetinternet を区別するのに片仮名インターネットと書くよりラテン文字のまま Internet とか internet と書くのが良いと思います。

[2] ついでに言えば、文脈によっては Internet のことは冠詞をつけて the Internet と書きましょう。 (日本語文脈では一般には不要と思いますが。)

[12] RFC 1958 - Architectural Principles of the Internet ( ( 版)) http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1958


[21] 参議院法制局 (, ) https://houseikyoku.sangiin.go.jp/column/column106.htm
