[6] ReSpec は、 W3C でよく使われる仕様書生成ツールの1つです。
2006-03-07 01:34:06 +09:00
版) http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2006/webapi/ReSpec/docs/publish/ReSpec.xhtml[2] IRC logs: freenode / #whatwg / 20120828 ( ( 版)) http://krijnhoetmer.nl/irc-logs/whatwg/20120828
[3] ReSpec ( ( 版)) http://www.w3.org/respec/
[4] ReSpec Documentation 1.0 (2006-03-07 01:34:06 +09:00
版) http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2006/webapi/ReSpec/docs/publish/ReSpec.xhtml?rev=1.1#scheme-respec
[5] Deprecating old IDL (Marcos Caceres 著, 版) https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-script-coord/2015JulSep/0074.html
[7] remove the markdown syntax by siusin · Pull Request #104 · w3c/preload () https://github.com/w3c/preload/pull/104
[8] remove the markdown syntax (#104) (siusin著, ) https://github.com/w3c/preload/commit/5d13ba946a6e932cca567e68448fc60d7355cc2e
The data-format attribute allows sections, or other block-level elements, of your spec to be treated as markdown. It takes only one value: "markdown". Other formats may be supported in the future.
[10] Markdown formatter breaks <pre> blocks by stripping whitespace · Issue #724 · w3c/respec () https://github.com/w3c/respec/issues/724
Tells ReSpec to treat the document as being in a format other than HTML. Supported formats:
Interpreted as GitHub flavored markdown
ReSpec will do its best to correctly format the markdown. Please remember that markdown is supposed to be placed flush against the left margin - but we do support padded sections.
## This is ok
Event tho it is not flush to the left margin.
[13] Support markdown includes · Issue #993 · w3c/respec () https://github.com/w3c/respec/issues/993
[14] tobie/pr-preview: Adds preview and diff to spec pull requests. () https://github.com/tobie/pr-preview