[1] HTML の td
[4] 仕様書:
and TD
直下属性名 | 属性値の型 | 既定値 | 説明 | 状態 | 出典 |
abbr | %Text | (なし) | 省略形 | [HTML 4] | |
align | 揃え | [HTML 4] %cellhalign | |||
axis | # | (なし) | 関連する見出し | [HTML 4] | |
background | %URI | 背景画像 | 非標準 | ||
bgcolor | 背景色 | [HTML 4] 非推奨 | |||
bordercolor | %Color | 境界色 | 非標準 | ||
bordercolordark | %Color | 境界色 (明色) | 非標準 | ||
bordercolorlight | %Color | 境界色 (暗色) | 非標準 | ||
char | 揃える文字 | [HTML 4] %cellhalign | |||
charoff | 揃える文字 | [HTML 4] %cellhalign | |||
class | 級 | [HTML 4] %coreattr | |||
colspan | NUMBER | 1 | 列またぎ | [HTML 4] | |
content | |||||
dir | 書字方向 | [HTML 4] %i18n | |||
headers | IDREFS | (なし) | 見出しこま | [HTML 4] | |
height | 高さ | [HTML 4] 非推奨 | |||
csheight | 非標準 | ||||
id | 一意識別子 | [HTML 4] %coreattr | |||
istarget | 非標準 | Windows Live Spaces | |||
lang | 自然言語 | [HTML 4] %i18n | |||
xml:lang | 自然言語 | [XHTML1] | |||
nowrap | (真偽値属性) | (偽) | 折返しなし | [HTML 4] 非推奨 | |
onclick | [HTML 4] %events | ||||
ondblclick | [HTML 4] %events | ||||
onkeydown | [HTML 4] %events | ||||
onkeypress | [HTML 4] %events | ||||
onkeyup | [HTML 4] %events | ||||
onmousedown | [HTML 4] %events | ||||
onmousemove | [HTML 4] %events | ||||
onmouseout | [HTML 4] %events | ||||
onmouseover | [HTML 4] %events | ||||
onmouseup | [HTML 4] %events | ||||
orientationpreference | 非標準 | Windows Live Spaces | |||
rowspan | NUMBER | 1 | 行またぎ | [HTML 4] | |
scope | %Scope | (なし) | 見出し適用範囲 | [HTML 4] | |
style | スタイル情報 | [HTML 4] %coreattr | |||
title | 注釈的題 | [HTML 4] %coreattr | |||
valign | 垂直配置 | [HTML 4] %cellvalign | |||
width | 幅 | [HTML 4] 非推奨 | |||
xmlns | http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml 固定 | 名前空間名 | W3C 勧告 | XHTML m12n | |
xpos | NUMBER | 非標準 |
[8] HTMLElement
[5] HTML 4 の DTD の注釈宣言 (参考) には
TH is for headers, TD for data, but for cells acting as both use TD
<TABLE summary="This table charts the number of cups of coffee consumed by each senator, the type of coffee (decaf or regular), and whether taken with sugar."> <CAPTION>Cups of coffee consumed by each senator</CAPTION> <TR> <TH>Name</TH> <TH>Cups</TH> <TH>Type of Coffee</TH> <TH>Sugar?</TH> <TR> <TD>T. Sexton</TD> <TD>10</TD> <TD>Espresso</TD> <TD>No</TD> <TR> <TD>J. Dinnen</TD> <TD>5</TD> <TD>Decaf</TD> <TD>Yes</TD> </TABLE>
(HTML 4 仕様書より)
Cups of coffee consumed by each senator Name Cups Type of Coffee Sugar? T. Sexton 10 Espresso No J. Dinnen 5 Decaf Yes
[6] (X)HTML5 Tracking ( 版) http://html5.org/tools/web-apps-tracker?from=3517&to=3518
[7] Merge the two table cell interfaces together · whatwg/html@e383ae2 ( 版) https://github.com/whatwg/html/commit/e383ae23776362cafb2fb4bbba70c8c9080d4b0f
[9] Editorial: Cross-reference DOM "child" where appropriate in rendering (zcorpan著, ) https://github.com/whatwg/html/commit/e8c91c05edc8d6cdb33fdd5452e052359d40490b
RESOLVED: <li> and <td>, INS DEL have to be %flow;
(i.e. (%inline;|%block)*)
[11] Specifiy name and description rules for td, th and tr elements - issue … (asurkov著, ) https://github.com/w3c/html-aam/commit/7ef3eb19602be3179b39b728494639788c9f4f36
[12] Specifiy name and description rules for td, th and tr elements - issu… by asurkov · Pull Request #132 · w3c/html-aam () https://github.com/w3c/html-aam/pull/132
[13] HTML-AAM: td and tr Name and Description Computation not specified · Issue #44 · w3c/html-aam () https://github.com/w3c/html-aam/issues/44
[14] Change <td hidden> to render as display: none (zcorpan著, ) https://github.com/whatwg/html/commit/b3c7c89e198bcebefab7c57777e9564ecd83f7e4
[15] Specifiy name and description rules for td, th and tr elements - issue … (asurkov著, ) https://github.com/w3c/html-aam/commit/7ef3eb19602be3179b39b728494639788c9f4f36
[16] Specifiy name and description rules for td, th and tr elements - issu… by asurkov · Pull Request #132 · w3c/html-aam () https://github.com/w3c/html-aam/pull/132
[17] HTML-AAM: td and tr Name and Description Computation not specified · Issue #44 · w3c/html-aam () https://github.com/w3c/html-aam/issues/44
[18] HTML-AAM: td and tr Name and Description Computation not specified · Issue #352 · w3c/aria () https://github.com/w3c/aria/issues/352