
リンク型 type (HTTP)


  1. 仕様書
  2. 意味
  3. メモ
  4. 歴史



[3] 文脈資源対象IRIで示される資源実現値であることを示します。 特にHTTPヘッダーで使った場合、本体意味的な型 (semantic type) がその対象IRIであることを示します。 >>1

[4] type が複数指定した場合は複数の型の実現値を表します。 >>1


[2] 意味的な型といいますが、具体的にそれが一体何なのかは明確にされていません。 RFC の例示から rdf:type のようなものと推察されますが、 RDF 乃至それに類するデータモデルとの関係も何ら示されておらず、詳細は不明です。 処理モデルも応用例も説明されていないので、どのように利用できるのかまったく不明です。 これでは著者の自己満足くらいにしか使えません。 ほとんど欠陥仕様と言っても良いでしょう。


[5] Linked Data Platform 1.0 ( ( 版)) <>

[6] Linked Data Platform 1.0 ( 版) <>

[7] Linked Data Platform 1.0 ( 版) <> LDP servers exposing an LDP Non-RDF Source may advertise this by exposing a HTTP Link header with a target URI of, and a link relation type of type (that is, rel="type") in responses to requests made to the LDP-NR's HTTP Request-URI [RFC5988].

[8] Linked Data Platform 1.0 ( 版) <> LDP servers exposing LDPCs must advertise their LDP support by exposing a HTTP Link header with a target URI matching the type of container (see below) the server supports, and a link relation type of type (that is, rel="type") in all responses to requests made to the LDPC's HTTP Request-URI. LDP servers may provide additional HTTP Link: rel="type" headers.

[9] Linked Data Platform Paging 1.0 ( 版) <>

LDP Paging servers must provide an HTTP Link header whose target URI is, and whose link relation type is type [RFC5988] in responses to GET requests with any in-sequence page resource as the Request-URI. This is one mechanism by which clients know that the resource is one of a sequence of pages.

[10] Web Annotation Protocol () <>

The response from the Annotation Server must have a Link header entry where the target IRI is and the rel parameter value is type. The Annotation type of may also be added with the same rel type. This is to let client systems know that the retrieved representation is a Resource and an Annotation, even if the client cannot process the representation's format.

[11] Web Annotation Protocol () <>

It must advertise its type by including a link where the rel parameter value is type and the target IRI is the appropriate Container Type, such as for Basic Containers.

[12] OSLC Core Version 3.0. Part 5: Attachments () <>

5.4.6 Clients may specify an LDP-NR interaction model when POSTing RDF content to an oslc:AttachmentContainer by including an HTTP Link header where the target URI is and the link relation is type.