[16] W3C HTML Activity は、 HTML 関連仕様の標準化を行っています。
[17] 2007年3月以来の HTML Activity は、
[1] Re: Leaving W3C QA Dev. from Tim Berners-Lee on 2006-07-28 (public-qa-dev@w3.org from July 2006) <http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-qa-dev/2006Jul/0020.html>
As you know, new charters for the HTML Activity are in a phase of initial review by the Membership. Some of the anticipated changes are designed to (1) change the HTML Activity so that browser developers are better integrated; this is expected to increase participation which, in turn, should help improve responsiveness; (2) put more emphasis on input from content developers, implementers and users; and (3) increase the priority of connection with the validator community. I expect that the charters will be publicly available in the September time frame.
(名無しさん 2006-08-06 04:45:23 +00:00)
2004年12月に HTML WG と HCG の憲章が切れて、
それから2年も経って in a phase of initial review
(名無しさん 2006-08-06 04:50:42 +00:00)
[3] HTML and Forms Activity Proposals <http://www.w3.org/2006/11/HTML-Forms-recharter-background> (名無しさん 2006-11-23 11:21:10 +00:00)
[4] HTML Working Group <http://www.w3.org/2006/11/HTML-WG-charter.html> (名無しさん 2006-11-23 11:25:28 +00:00)
HTML 標準の更新に着手 ($Author: ashimura $ 著, 2007-03-07 23:56:31 +09:00
版) <http://www.w3.org/2007/03/html-pressrelease>
(名無しさん 2007-03-07 23:38:44 +00:00)
(名無しさん 2007-03-07 23:40:13 +00:00)
W3C HTML Working Group (2007-03-08 00:57:33 +09:00
版) <http://www.w3.org/html/wg/>
(名無しさん 2007-03-07 23:40:53 +00:00)
HTML Working Group (2007-03-07 23:51:58 +09:00
版) <http://www.w3.org/2007/03/HTML-WG-charter.html#deliverables>
(名無しさん 2007-03-07 23:41:11 +00:00)
HTML/XForms/XHTML2 Architectural Vision (2007-03-08 04:02:59 +09:00
版) <http://www.w3.org/2007/03/vision>
(名無しさん 2007-03-07 23:53:34 +00:00)
HTML Activity Statement (2007-03-08 02:12:28 +09:00
版) <http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/Activity#Structure>
WG 一覧だけ更新されている。 (名無しさん 2007-03-07 23:55:05 +00:00)
HTML Reloaded (2007-05-10 05:42:28 +09:00
版) <http://www.w3.org/2007/Talks/Banff-WWW2007-HTMLReloaded/index.html>
(名無しさん 2007-05-10 01:26:02 +00:00)
HTML/XForms/XHTML2 Process Comments (2007-05-10 03:17:25 +09:00
版) <http://www.w3.org/2007/03/html-forms-process-public.html>
(名無しさん 2007-05-10 01:27:17 +00:00)
"Future of the Web Page" session. W3C Track @ WWW2007, Banff, Canada, 9 May 2007 (2007-05-10 06:14:37 +09:00
版) <http://www.w3.org/2007/05/09-future_webpage.html>
(名無しさん 2007-05-10 01:39:56 +00:00)
HTML Activity (1998-06-23 05:12:12 +09:00
版) <http://web.archive.org/web/19980703155255/http://www12.w3.org/MarkUp/Activity>