[12] EBML は、データ形式の一種です。

[13] XML の影響を受けていますが、 バイナリーデータの交換を想定しており、構文上もデータモデル上も直接の互換性はありません。

[14] XML 同様に文書型を定義して任意の目的に利用できるデータ形式 (メタ言語) を謳っていますが、実際には MatroskaWebM でしか使われていないようです。

[1] EBML Homepage - the opensource Extensible Binary Meta-Language ( 版) <http://ebml.sourceforge.net/>

[2] EBML - Technical Specifications ( 版) <http://ebml.sourceforge.net/specs/>

[3] draft-lhomme-cellar-ebml-00 - Extensible Binary Meta Language () <https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-lhomme-cellar-ebml-00>

[4] Specifications | Matroska () <https://www.matroska.org/technical/specs/index.html>

[5] ebml-specification/specification.markdown at master · Matroska-Org/ebml-specification () <https://github.com/Matroska-Org/ebml-specification/blob/master/specification.markdown>

[6] libEBML by the Matroska team () <https://matroska-org.github.io/libebml/>

[7] libEBML by the Matroska team () <https://matroska-org.github.io/libebml/>

EBML was designed to be a simplified binary extension of XML for the purpose of storing and manipulating data in a hierarchical form with variable field lengths.

It uses the same paradigms as XML files, meaning that syntax and semantics are separated. So a generic EBML library could read any format based on it. The interpretation of data is up to a specific application that knows how each elements (equivalent of XML tag) has to be handled.

[8] Matroska-Org/ebml-specification: the specification for the EBML format () <https://github.com/Matroska-Org/ebml-specification>

This repository contains the formal and official specification for the Extensible Binary Meta Language (EBML).

[9] EBML RFC (Draft) | Matroska () <https://matroska.org/technical/specs/rfc/index.html>

[10] libEBML specifications () <https://matroska-org.github.io/libebml/specs.html>

[11] EBML: A binary encoding format () <https://docs.racket-lang.org/ebml/index.html>