An object is a member of the type
. It is an unordered collection of properties each of which contains a primitive value, object, or function. A function stored in a property of an object is called a method.
ECMAScript is object-based: basic language and host facilities are provided by objects, and an ECMAScript program is a cluster of communicating objects. An ECMAScript object is an unordered collection of properties each with zero or more attributes that determine how each property can be used ...; an object is a member of the remaining built-in type Object; and a method is a function associated with an object via a property.
ES3 15[[Construct]]
プロトタイプ・オブジェクト ES3 15.2.3[[Put]]
length | ECMA 標準 | ES3 |
prototype | ECMA 標準 | ES3 |
ES3 15.2.4[[Default]]
ES3 15.2.3[[Put]]
constructor | ECMA 標準 | ES3 |
hasOwnProperty | ECMA 標準 | ES3 |
isPrototypeOf | ECMA 標準 | ES3 |
propertyIsEnumerable | ECMA 標準 | ES3 |
valueOf | ECMA 標準 | ES3 |
toLocaleString | ECMA 標準 | ES3 |
toString | ECMA 標準 | ES3 |
[9] JSON におけるオブジェクトは、 零個以上の名前と値の組の順序を持たない集成です。 ただし、名前は文字列であり、値は文字列、数値、boolean、 null、オブジェクト、配列のいずれかです。
[11] オブジェクトは、 プラットフォームオブジェクトか利用者オブジェクトか、 どちらでもないものです >>10。
[13] Write structured clone algorithm in terms of ECMAScript · whatwg/html@bfb960c ( 版)
[14] Only clone own properties of ordinary objects and arrays · whatwg/html@31ef428 ( 版)
[15] Gloss Web IDL "object" instead of "Object" · whatwg/html@ea7db14 ( 版)
[16] Breaking: refactor structured clone into serialize/deserialize (domenic著, )
[17] Add an algorithm to create a platform object (Ms2ger著, )
[18] Add an algorithm to create a platform object. by Ms2ger · Pull Request #635 · heycam/webidl ()