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[1] 日本とオーストラリアの時差とサマータイム http://www.australia.or.jp/gaiyou/life/summertime.html
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[49] DAYLIGHT SAVING BILL 2006 ( ()) http://www.worldlii.org/au/legis/wa/bill/dsb2006175/
[50] DAYLIGHT SAVING BILL (NO. 2) 2006 ( ()) http://www.worldlii.org/au/legis/wa/bill/dsb22006202/
[51] DAYLIGHT SAVING AMENDMENT BILL 2007 ( ()) http://www.worldlii.org/au/legis/wa/bill/dsab2007255/
[52] DAYLIGHT SAVING AMENDMENT BILL (NO. 3) 2007 ( ()) http://www.worldlii.org/au/legis/wa/bill/dsab32007282/
[53] DAYLIGHT SAVING AMENDMENT BILL (NO. 2) 2007 ( ()) http://www.worldlii.org/au/legis/wa/bill/dsab22007282/
[54] STANDARD TIME BILL 2005 - Related Items ( ()) http://www.worldlii.org/au/legis/nt/bill/stb2005147/notes.html
[73] STANDARD TIME ACT 1987 () http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/nsw/consol_act/sta1987137/
[74] STANDARD TIME ACT 1895 () http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/tas/consol_act/sta1895137/
[75] South Australian Legislation () https://www.legislation.sa.gov.au/LZ/C/A/Standard%20Time%20Act%202009.aspx
[76] Standard Time Act 1894 () https://www.legislation.qld.gov.au/LEGISLTN/CURRENT/S/StandTimeA1894.pdf
[77] Western Australian Legislation - The Standard Time Act 1895 - Home Page () https://www.slp.wa.gov.au/legislation/statutes.nsf/main_mrtitle_9949_homepage.html
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[80] New South Wales Standard Time Amendment (Daylight Saving) Act 2007 No 44 () http://www.legislation.nsw.gov.au/acts/2007-44.pdf
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[126] 07 Mar 1899 - STANDARD TIME. - Trove () http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/54429504?searchTerm=standard%20time&searchLimits=
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[128] 01 Feb 1895 - STANDARD TIME. - Trove () http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/100438798?searchTerm=standard%20time&searchLimits=
[129] 02 Feb 1895 - Standard Time. - Trove () http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/124060728?searchTerm=standard%20time&searchLimits=
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[132] 05 Jan 1895 - Standard Time. - Trove () http://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/21627868?searchTerm=standard%20time&searchLimits=
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However Australia also has an unofficial but de facto hybrid time zone called “Australian Central Western Standard Time” (ACWST), which is set halfway between the official Western and Central times. With Western Time at UTC+8:00 and Central Time at UTC+9:30, splitting the difference makes the so-called Central Western Time UTC+8:45. Yes, a time zone that’s based not on the hour or the half-hour, but on the quarter hour!
[12] Page 6421 | Issue 27481, 10 October 1902 | London Gazette | The Gazette () https://www.thegazette.co.uk/London/issue/27481/page/6421
Night and day periods. Sunrise and sunset times
were calculated for the Heard Island region using the
Sol Solar Calculator (v., ©Nick Hubbard). Sunrise
and sunset times were used to determine if individual
dives occurred during night or day periods. During
the study period, night duration ranged from 7.53
to 9.28 h (mean sunrise and sunset time 04:05 h and
20:14 h local time, respectively, UTC + 5 h).
12 Standard time
(1) Where:
(a) an expression of time occurs in an Ordinance; or
(b) the doing of an act, or omission to do an act, at a certain time of day or night or during a certain part of the day or night has an effect in law;
that time shall, unless it is otherwise expressly stated, be deemed to be standard time.
(2) For the purposes of subsection (1), standard time means 6 ½ hours in advance of Greenwich mean time.
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[194] () http://www.asj.or.jp/geppou/archive_open/1919/pdf/191910.pdf
The position of the date line was practically the same, as recorded in 1900, in the pilot chart of the United States Hydrographic Department and in the "Pacific Islands Pilot," Vol. 2, issued by the Admiralty Hydrographic Department. In 1910, the position of the line was somewhat changed, the portion between Samoa and Chatham Islands being moved to the east according to the meridian of 172°30' W.
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[198] When is Daylight Saving Time worldwide? ( ()) http://www.webexhibits.org/daylightsaving/g.html
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時間帯 UTC +8(DST:不明)
Site Last Updated:
01 November, 2017 07:42 PM.
Time Zone: Arborean Standard Time (AST = GMT + 12hr)
Calendar: Gregorian
[555] * australasia: Mention Pearce 2017 for Queensland. (eggert著, ) https://github.com/eggert/tz/commit/5a55c1886af3b45dbfd2ef5b4b6377a2c072f9eb
[26] 08 Jun 1939 - GUBA'S FLIGHT - Trove () https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/193075340
[33] 22 Jun 1939 - GUBA'S FLIGHT. - Trove () https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/46401711
[34] 21 Jun 1939 - GUBA'S LAST STAGE IN OCEAN FLIGHT - Trove () https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/243464283
[118] 22 Jun 1939 - GUBA COMPLETES FLIGHT - Trove () https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/205637317
[123] 15 Jun 1939 - GUBA ON LONG FLIGHT - Trove () https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/92429798
[149] 10 Jun 1939 - SEAPLANE OFF COURSE ON OCEAN HOP - Trove () https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/224436261
[150] 08 Jun 1939 - CUBA REACHES COCOS ISLAND - Trove () https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/145369342
[151] 24 Aug 1992 - 68 boat people land on Christmas Island - Trove () https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/137175276
[4152] 17 Jun 1939 - GUBA CROSSES OCEAN - Trove () https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/205631207
[152] 22 Jun 1939 - GUBA IN AFRICA - Trove () https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/134183439
[155] 05 Jun 1939 - INDIAN OCEAN FLIGHT BEGINS. - Trove () https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/27973504
[4156] 22 Jun 1939 - GUBA'S SURVEY ENDS. - Trove () https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/17600591
[4157] 15 Jun 1939 - GUBA FLIES TO CHAGOS. - Trove () https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/17614639
[156] 05 Apr 1893 - THE POSTAL CONFERENCE. - Trove () https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/25649055
[157] 18 Aug 1930 - THE TAHITI. - Trove () https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/21537116
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[159] Time in Australia - Wikipedia () https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time_in_Australia
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[546] Is it time for a referendum on daylight savings? | Queensland Times ( 11th Dec 2017 11:00 AM | Updated: 4:43 PM Hayden Johnson著, ) https://www.qt.com.au/news/daylight-saving-only-a-matter-of-time-councillor-d/3287623/
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[4] Papers Past | NOTICE TO COMMANDERS OF VESSELS IN HOBSON'S BAY. (New Zealand Spectator and Cook's Strait Guardian, 1854-06-17) (National Library of New Zealand著, ) https://paperspast.natlib.govt.nz/newspapers/NZSCSG18540617.2.19
[24] Papers Past | AUSTRALIAN TELEGRAMS. (New Zealand Herald, 1868-06-23) (National Library of New Zealand著, ) https://paperspast.natlib.govt.nz/newspapers/NZH18680623.2.14
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[5] Daylight saving gets unusual start in 2018 (26 September 2018 Adam Zuchetti著, ) https://www.mybusiness.com.au/management/4987-daylight-savings-gets-unusual-start-in-2018
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The Straits Times 27 October 1984 UPI Microfilm Reel NL14576
love-hate affair in summer time SYDNEY, Fri. Farmers, mothers of small children hate it, Australia's northern, tropical, areas won't tolerate it but the southern golfers and beachgoers love it like it or not daylight saving time comes to eastern Australia on Sunday. daylight saving summer time has been a hotly
[21] [tz] Another change on Brazilian DST time () https://mm.icann.org/pipermail/tz/2018-October/027011.html
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[23] [tz] Indian Pacific Train times (not: Another change on Brazilian DST time) () https://mm.icann.org/pipermail/tz/2018-October/027031.html
[20] Daylight Saving Times ( 版) http://www.bom.gov.au/climate/averages/tables/dst_times.shtml
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[29] Never mind the whingers, WA needs to have daylight saving once and for all | The West Australian () https://thewest.com.au/opinion/never-mind-the-whingers-wa-needs-to-have-daylight-saving-once-and-for-all-ng-b881157039z
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文章 (英文) からどの国か明らかではないが、 賛同者の SNS の発言内容から豪州と推定 (自信はない)。
Fifty-five per cent of the 774 people polled indicated they wanted daylight saving, with 40 per cent opposed and 5 per cent undecided.
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[58] As the US pushes to make daylight saving permanent, should Australia move in the same direction?, Guzyal Hill, https://theconversation.com/as-the-us-pushes-to-make-daylight-saving-permanent-should-australia-move-in-the-same-direction-202627
とこの記述との比較から、 とわかる。