

[9] unified, unified collective, , https://unifiedjs.com/

[1] GitHub - unifiedjs/unified: ☔️ interface for parsing, inspecting, transforming, and serializing content through syntax trees, https://github.com/unifiedjs/unified

unified is a collective of 500+ free and open source packages that work with content as structured data (ASTs)

Several ecosystems are built on unified around different kinds of content. Notably, remark (markdown), rehype (HTML), and retext (natural language). These ecosystems can be connected together.

[2] GitHub - remarkjs/remark: markdown processor powered by plugins part of the @unifiedjs collective, https://github.com/remarkjs/remark

[3] GitHub - rehypejs/rehype: HTML processor powered by plugins part of the @unifiedjs collective, https://github.com/rehypejs/rehype

[4] GitHub - syntax-tree/hast: Hypertext Abstract Syntax Tree format, https://github.com/syntax-tree/hast

[5] >>4 この説明読むと DOMvirtual DOM もわかってない人が作ってるように見えるが大丈夫? DOMvirtual DOM も関係ないただの木オブジェクトAPIじゃん?

[7] それはそれでその用途にはいいのだろうから、 DOM を僭称する必要ないんじゃない? 説明のために DOMvirtual DOM みたいなものだというのはまあいいとして、 virtual DOM です言うてるのはあかんのちゃう?

[8] AST 称してるんだから DOM固有名詞だってことはわかってるはずで、 それでこういう書き方してるのは悪質じゃないかなあ。

[6] GitHub - retextjs/retext: natural language processor powered by plugins part of the @unifiedjs collective, https://github.com/retextjs/retext

[10] GitHub - syntax-tree/nlcst: Natural Language Concrete Syntax Tree format, https://github.com/syntax-tree/nlcst

[11] >>10 Web IDL-like っていってるけど云うほど Web IDL かなあ? like つければなんでもいいと思ってるんちゃうか?

[12] 関連: PostHTML