


  1. 仕様書
  2. 構文
  3. 文脈



[7] 値はラテン文字表記のことが多いですが、漢字などラテン文字以外が含まれることもあります。


[2] BR では必須ではありません >>1

[3] OV の場合は本欄が必要です。 DV の場合はあってはなりません。

[5] EV では必須です >>4

[6] ( 版) <>

In order to include a transliteration/Romanization of the registered name, the Romanization MUST be verified by the

CA using a system officially recognized by the Government in the Applicant’s Jurisdiction of Incorporation.

If the CA can not rely on a transliteration/Romanization of the registered name using a system officially recognized by

the Government in the Applicant’s Jurisdiction of Incorporation, then it MUST rely on one of the options below, in

order of preference:

(A) A system recognized by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO);

(B) A system recognized by the United Nations; or

(C) A Lawyer’s Opinion or Accountant’s Letter confirming the proper Romanization of the registered name.