

[5] jQuery は、00年代後半に流行した JavaScriptフレームワークです。

[6] 当時はかなり大流行し、既存の他の JavaScript ライブラリーがほとんど使われなくなると思われるほどでした。 Webアプリケーションの開発手法や DOM 等の Web API にも大きな影響を与えました。

[1] jQuery: BaseExpression <http://jquery.com/docs/BaseExpression/> (名無しさん )


[2] Official jQuery Blog | New Wave Javascript ( (jQuery Foundation - jquery.org著, )) <http://blog.jquery.com/>

[3] jQuery ( (jQuery Foundation - jquery.org著, )) <http://jquery.com/>

[4] jquery-foundation/standards: Giving web developers a voice in the standards process () <https://github.com/jquery-foundation/standards>

The jQuery Standards Group exists to give web developers a voice in the standards process.

It has three primary goals:

Represent the web developer community, including people involved with any project at the jQuery Foundation, to any web standards body and working group (W3C, ECMA/TC39, WHATWG, Khronos, etc) with the intention of developing and improving existing standards to better meet the needs of web developers.

Represent the web developer community, including people involved with any project at the jQuery Foundation, to browser vendors with the intent of helping them identify standards that they should prioritize for implementing, and proofs of concept that they can build.

Help the jQuery Foundation projects adopt new standards and browser features as appropriate.