XPath 1.0データ型

XPath 1.0 データモデル

[11] XPath 1.0データモデルは、 XPath 1.0 が採用している XML文書の内部表現形式です。 XPath 1.0 の他、 XPath 1.0 を採用する XSLT 1.0 などの言語で使われています。




  1. 節点木データモデル
    1. 元々の XPath 1.0
    2. DOM XPath のデータモデル
    3. XSLT のデータモデル
    4. XPointer
    5. XForms
    6. X#
  2. データ型
  3. 歴史
  4. 実装
  5. メモ


元々の XPath 1.0#

DOM XPath のデータモデル#

[15] DOM3 XPathDOMXPath 1.0データモデルに合わせるため名前空間節点DOM に追加するなどしていますが、実装には無視されていました。

[3] ChromeFirefox とも DocumentType 節点が存在します。 string()name()空文字列になります。

[7] 根節点の扱いについては、根節点の項を参照してください。

XSLT のデータモデル#

[8] 根節点の拡張については、根節点の項を参照してください。

[16] template 要素の扱いは、 DOM XPathXSLT 1.0 とで異なっています。 template

[4] XSL Transformations (XSLT) Version 1.1 ( 版) http://www.w3.org/TR/xslt11/#N11359

[13] RFC 7950 - The YANG 1.1 Data Modeling Language () https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7950#section-6.4

The data model used in the XPath expressions is the same as that used in XPath 1.0 [XPATH], with the same extension for root node children as used by XSLT 1.0 (see Section 3.1 in [XSLT]). Specifically, it means that the root node may have any number of element nodes as its children.


[9] 根節点の拡張については、根節点の項を参照してください。


[5] XForms 1.1 ( 版) http://www.w3.org/TR/xforms/#expr-instance


[2] X Sharp/Data Types ( 版) http://wiki.codeglide.com/X_Sharp/Data_Types#Node

The X# Document Object Model implementation supports all six XML node types:

  • Element
  • Attribute
  • Text (Unicode and Binary text nodes are permitted)
  • Namespace
  • Comment
  • Processing Instruction

「Binary text nodes」


[14] XPath 1.0 には次のデータ型があります。


[12] XPath 1.0データモデルは、 XML情報集合の設計上のベースとなったデータモデルの1つです。

[10] XPath 2.0/XSLT 2.0 以降は XDM を使っています。 XDMXPath 1.0のデータモデルをベースにしているようですが、大きく変更されています。


[6] 760029 – XPath expression `//node()` shouldn’t match the DOCTYPE node ( ( 版)) https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=760029



      XPath 1.0 Data Model
      A namespace URI of an expanded-name should be resolved 
      to an absolute URI reference.
      {P:: Two expanded-names are equal if:
         - they have the same local part and
         - both have a null namespace URI or  
           both have non-null namespace URIs that are equal.
      {LI:: DFN:document order:: The order in which the first 
        character of the XML representation of each node 
        occurs in the document after expansion of general entities. 
        - The attribute nodes and namespace nodes occur before 
          the children of the element.
        - The namespace nodes occur before the attribute nodes.
        - The relative order of namespace nodes and the attribute nodes 
          is implementation-dependent.
      - DFN:reverse document order:: The reverse of document order.
      - DFN:descendants:: The children of the node and 
                            the descendants of the children.
      @@@@: root node
        The root of the tree.  A root node does not occur except 
        as the root of the tree.
        @@@@@: An ordered list of child nodes.
          The concatenation of the CODE:string-values of all 
          text node descendants of the root node in document order.
      @@@@:element node
          Computed by expanding the CODE:QName of the element 
          specified in the tag.  The namespace URI will be null 
          if the CODE:QName has no prefix and there is no 
          applicable default namespace.
          An ordered list of child nodes.  Note that entity references 
          are expanded and character references are resolved.
          The concatenation of the CODE:string-values of all 
          text node descendants in document order.
        @@@@@: unique identifier
          The DTD-determined ID value.  Note that if an XML processor 
          reports two elements in a document as having the same unique 
          ID, the second element in document order must be treated 
          as not having a unique ID.

      @@@@:attribute node
          The owner element.  Note that an attribute node is not 
          a child of the parent element.
        Default attributes are treated the same as specified ones.
          Computed by expanding the CODE:QName specified in the tag. 
          The namespace URI will be null if the CODE:QName does 
          not have a prefix.
          The normalized value.  Note that is might be a zero-length string.

      @@@@:namespace node
        In-scope namespace declarations, including implied 
        XML:xml namespace declaration.
        {NOTE:: An XML:xmlns="" attribute undeclares the 
                default namespace; that element and its 
                descendants have no default namespace node.
          The owner element.  Note that a namespace node is not a 
          child of the parent element.
          The local part is the namespace prefix or empty if 
          the namespace node is for the default namespace.  
          The namespace URI is always null.
          The namespace URI bound to the prefix.  If it is a relative 
          URI, it must be resolved.

       @@@@:processing instruction node
          The local part is the target.  The namespace URI is null.
          The target data (following the target name and any white space).

      @@@@:comment node
          The content of the comment.
      @@@@:text node
          The character data, always has at least one character.