Proclamation 031101
Time and Date Policy
Part I.
Molossia as a nation is unique and individual. As such, uniqueness should be fostered in every date. Thus, His Excellency, The President has decreed that Molossia will have its own time zone "Molossian Standard Time". This time zone is to be 19 minutes ahead of Pacific Standard Time and 41 minutes behind Mountain Standard Time. Furthermore, Molossia will not recognize "Daylight Savings Time", and thus clocks will not move forward or back in Molossia. This time will be used for all official functions, and citizens are directed to comply.
Part II.
Henceforth, Molossian dates will be modified. All dates will be written in the standard Gregorian Calendar format, with the addition of a roman numeral afterward. This numeral will reflect the years since the foundation of the Molossian Nation, in 1977. Thus all dates will be written, for example, 30 July 2004 XXVII, "XXVII" indicating 27 years since the foundation of Molossia. This date system will be used for all official functions, and citizens are directed to comply.
This Proclamation has the force of law, effective 1 November 2003 XXVI.
On 9 June 2007 XXX our newest rocket rose aloft. The "Oracle" shot skyward at 8:00 AM Molossian Standard Time.
At about 2:00 PM Molossian Standard Time,
At 12:10 PM Molossian Standard Time (MST) the racers arrived at the Flats and helped set up the start and finish lines. Then at about 12:30 PM MST the first race took place, with cameras rolling and spectators cheering.