

[1] James Clark's Random Thoughts: More on MicroXML ( 版) <http://blog.jclark.com/2010/12/more-on-microxml.html>

[2] James Clark's Random Thoughts: MicroXML ( ( 版)) <http://blog.jclark.com/2010/12/microxml.html>

[4] >>3 を最後に XML Core WG の作業リストからは消えています。

[5] XML Core Working Group ( 版) <http://www.w3.org/XML/2015/05/xml-core-charter.html>

the XML Core Working Group is chartered to decide whether to develop a MicroXML Recommendation based on the work of the MicroXML Community Group. If it decides to go ahead with MicroXML work a W3C Advisory Committee Review would be needed to confirm the necessary change to this charter.

[6] MicroXML の紹介: 第 1 回 MicroXML の基本原則を探る ( 版) <http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/jp/xml/library/x-microxml1/>

[7] MicroXML Community Group ( 版) <https://www.w3.org/community/microxml/>

[8] MicroXML ( 版) <https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/microxml/raw-file/tip/spec/microxml.html>

[9] public-microxml@w3.org Mail Archives ( 版) <https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-microxml/>

[10] MicroXML Editor's Draft ( 版) <http://ccil.org/~cowan/MicroXML-old.html>

[11] Why do we need MicroXML? — Anne’s Blog ( 版) <https://annevankesteren.nl/2010/12/why-microxml>

[12] Some New Year notes on XML Core WG issues (Paul Grosso 著, 版) <https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-xml-core-wg/2016Jan/0002.html>

This does not change

our charter and therefore does not change what we can discuss

if any member so requests, but it means we can stop looking

at issues that we never discuss.

I have deleted XML Test Suite, LEIRIs, and MicroXML items.