[6] kagecgi - kamichi.jp, http://kamichi.jp/kagecgi.html


[7] >>4 GPL

[1] KAGE/engineを勝手に改造した丸ゴシック試作エンジン, , http://www.mars.dti.ne.jp/glyph/

[8] GlyphWiki:KAGEデータ仕様 - GlyphWiki, https://glyphwiki.org/wiki/GlyphWiki:KAGE%e3%83%87%e3%83%bc%e3%82%bf%e4%bb%95%e6%a7%98

[9] GitHub - kurgm/kage-engine: Kanji-glyph Automatic Generating Engine, https://github.com/kurgm/kage-engine

[13] ⿰方字: zi.tools, https://zi.tools/?secondary=ids

[14] >>13 IDS から KAGE漢字字形を組み立てています。

This engine will compose glyphs based on IDS expressions, and output them via KAGE Engine. You are free to use glyphs generated by KAGE Engine from this page. All components used are from Glyphwiki, we would like to express special thanks to all contributors in Glyphwiki. If IDS Expressions input exactly match the glyphs in Glyphwiki, they will be returned directly.

[5] 関連: CHISE, GlyphWiki, 和田研フォント, 分合活字

[15] GitHub - ge9/kage-afdko-toolkit: Building Fonts from KAGE Data with AFDKO, https://github.com/ge9/kage-afdko-toolkit

[16] GlyphWiki:井戸端-保存2014年まで - GlyphWiki, https://glyphwiki.org/wiki/GlyphWiki:%e4%ba%95%e6%88%b8%e7%ab%af-%e4%bf%9d%e5%ad%982014%e5%b9%b4%e3%81%be%e3%81%a7#i15

[17] 黒字に白抜きの囲み文字外枠文字部分がグリフ本体データに入っておらず、 内側文字部分 (白抜きでなく通常の黒字) だけがグリフ本体データになっているようです。

[20] KAGE Glyph Editor, , https://glyphwiki.org/kage-editor/

<div>白抜き <select><option value="none">なし</option><option value="circle">丸</option><option value="squareWithRoundedCorners">角丸四角</option><option value="square">四角</option><option value="diamond">菱形</option></select></div>

rt={none:"",circle:"M 123.2 13.4 137.9 18.8 151.5 26.6 163.5 36.7 173.5 48.7 181.3 62.2 186.7 76.9 189.4 92.4 189.4 108 186.7 123.4 181.3 138.1 173.5 151.7 163.5 163.7 151.5 173.7 137.9 181.6 123.2 186.9 107.8 189.6 92.1 189.6 76.7 186.9 62 181.6 48.4 173.7 36.4 163.7 26.4 151.7 18.6 138.1 13.2 123.4 10.5 108 10.5 92.4 13.2 76.9 18.6 62.2 26.4 48.7 36.4 36.7 48.4 26.6 62 18.8 76.7 13.4 92.1 10.7 107.8 10.7 Z",squareWithRoundedCorners:"M 176.9 15.1 178.8 15.7 180.5 16.6 182 17.9 183.3 19.4 184.2 21.1 184.8 23 185 25 185 175 184.8 176.9 184.2 178.8 183.3 180.5 182 182 180.5 183.3 178.8 184.2 176.9 184.8 175 185 25 185 23 184.8 21.1 184.2 19.4 183.3 17.9 182 16.6 180.5 15.7 178.8 15.1 176.9 15 175 15 25 15.1 23 15.7 21.1 16.6 19.4 17.9 17.9 19.4 16.6 21.1 15.7 23 15.1 25 15 175 15 Z",square:"M 185 185 15 185 15 15 185 15 Z",diamond:"M 190 100 100 190 10 100 100 10 Z"}