


  1. Boolean、ブール値 (JavaScript)
  2. Boolean オブジェクト (JavaScript)
  3. メモ

Boolean、ブール値 (JavaScript)#


A boolean value is a member of the type Boolean and is one of two unique values, true and false.


The type Boolean represents a logical entity and consists of exactly two unique values. One is called true and the other is called false.

Boolean オブジェクト (JavaScript)#


A Boolean object is a member of the type Object and is an instance of the built-in Boolean object. That is, a Boolean object is created by using the Boolean constructor in a new expression, supplying a boolean as an argument. The resulting object has an implicit (unnamed) property that is the boolean. A Boolean object can be coerced to a boolean value.


[7] Bug 28477 – Warn against boolean arguments defaulting to true ( 版) <>

[8] Write structured clone algorithm in terms of ECMAScript · whatwg/html@bfb960c ( 版) <>

[1] Breaking: refactor structured clone into serialize/deserialize (domenic著, ) <>