[7] 隣接異体は、透過折衝可能資源と同じディレクトリーにある異体資源です。
[3] 隣接異体は、
HTTP URL を持ち、それがHTTPにおけるURLの比較によって最後の /
までが折衝可能資源の絶対URLと一致するような異体資源です >>2。
[6] 折衝可能資源の異体がすべて隣接異体である必要はありませんが、 隣接異体であれば遠隔異体選択アルゴリズムと選択応答を使った最適化が可能です >>2。
- neighboring variant
- A variant resource is called a neighboring variant resource of some transparently negotiable HTTP resource if the variant resource has a HTTP URL, and if the absolute URL of the variant resource up to its last slash equals the absolute URL of the negotiable resource up to its last slash, where equality is determined with the URI comparison rules in section 3.2.3 of [1]. The property of being a neighboring variant is important because of security considerations (section 14.2). Not all variants of a negotiable resource need to be neighboring variants. However, access to neighboring variants can be more highly optimized by the use of remote variant selection algorithms (section 7) and choice responses (section 10.2).