




  1. 仕様書から
    1. 定義
    2. RFC 2295 (HTTP 透過折衝) 7 Remote variant selection algorithms
      1. 7.1 Version numbers
    3. RFC の部分の License
  2. メモ




RFC2295 2.2 抜粋

remote variant selection algorithm
A standardized algorithm by which a server can sometimes choose a best variant on behalf of a negotiating user agent. The algorithm typically computes whether the Accept- headers in the request contain sufficient information to allow a choice, and if so, which variant is the best variant. The use of a remote algorithm can speed up the negotiation process.

サーバーが折衝している利用者エージェントに代わって最善の変種を選ぶことが時々できる標準化された算法。 この算法は典型的には要求中の Accept-頭群が選択を行うのに十分な情報を含んでいるか、そうであればどれが最善の変種であるかを計算します。 遠隔算法の使用によって折衝過程が高速化できます。

RFC 2295 (HTTP 透過折衝) 7 Remote variant selection algorithms#


A remote variant selection algorithm is a standardized algorithm by which a server can choose a best variant on behalf of a negotiating user agent. The use of a remote algorithm can speed up the negotiation process by eliminating a request-response round trip.

A remote algorithm typically computes whether the Accept- headers in the request contain sufficient information to allow a choice, and if so, which variant is the best variant. This specification does not define any remote algorithms, but does define a mechanism to negotiate on the use of such algorithms.

7.1 Version numbers#

A version numbering scheme is used to distinguish between different remote variant selection algorithms.


  • rvsa-version = major "." minor
  • major = 1*4DIGIT
  • minor = 1*4DIGIT

An algorithm with the version number X.Y, with Y>0, MUST be downwards compatible with all algorithms from X.0 up to X.Y. Downwards compatibility means that, if supplied with the same information, the newer algorithm MUST make the same choice, or a better choice, as the old algorithm. There are no compatibility requirements between algorithms with different major version numbers.

版番号 X.y (Y > 0) の算法は X.0 から X.Y までのすべての算法と互換でなければなりません。 下方互換性とは、同じ情報が供給された場合、新しい方の算法は古い算法と同じ選択かより良い選択を行わなければならないことを意味します。 異なる大版番号の算法間での互換性はありません。

RFC の部分の License#

