
失効 (証明書)

[12] 証明書を、その有効期限の満了を待たずに無効とすることを失効 (revocation) といいます。


  1. プロトコル
  2. データベース
  3. 歴史


[13] 失効情報は、 CA が発行し、何らかの方法で証明書の (潜在的) 利用者に伝達する必要があります。失効情報の伝達方法は色々あります。

[3] いずれも問題を抱えており、万能な方法は無いようです。 各実装はそれぞれの方針に従い組み合わせて使っていますが、 それにもそれぞれの問題があるようです。

[24] 中には失効の検査を行わない実装もあるようです。 当然それには不正な証明書を検出できないリスクがあります。

[25] プログラマーは汎用のライブラリーのデフォルト設定のまま使えばそれなりに適切なセキュリティーが得られると期待しがちですが、 その期待は裏切られるかもしれません。よく使われる著名なライブラリーでも、 特別に失効の検査をしないものがあります。 TLSライブラリーや、 TLS応用である HTTP などのライブラリーを選ぶときには、 失効の検査がどう実装されているかを注意しなければなりません。

[15] CA は、CRL を作成できます。証明書には、 CRL を配布する URL を記述できます。

[33] CA は、 OCSP により失効情報を提供できます。証明書には、 OCSPエンドポイントURL を記述できます。 証明書検証したい者は、証明書に記述された URL を使って OCSP でアクセスし、証明書失効していないか確認できます。

[35] TLSサーバーは、予め CA から OCSP 情報を入手しておき、 TLSクライアントに対して OCSP stapling によってこれを提供できます。 TLSクライアントは、 OCSP の処理を OCSP stapling の情報で代用できます。

[43] GoogleCRLSets として、 MozillaOneCRL として主要な証明書の失効情報を集約したものを用意し、 ChromeFirefox は定期的にこれをダウンロードして検証に利用します。




[6] CA:ImprovingRevocation - MozillaWiki ( 版) https://wiki.mozilla.org/CA:ImprovingRevocation

[8] CA:RevocationPlan - MozillaWiki ( 版) https://wiki.mozilla.org/CA:RevocationPlan

[32] RFC 7525 - Recommendations for Secure Use of Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS) ( 版) https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7525#section-6.5

[2] 証明書の失効を構成する ( ()) https://technet.microsoft.com/ja-jp/library/cc771079(v=ws.11).aspx

[9] ImperialViolet - No, don't enable revocation checking ( (Adam Langley著, )) https://www.imperialviolet.org/2014/04/19/revchecking.html

[36] The current state of certificate revocation (CRLs, OCSP and OCSP Stapling) ( ()) https://www.maikel.pro/blog/current-state-certificate-revocation-crls-ocsp/

[37] How Certificate Revocation Works ( ()) https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee619754(WS.10).aspx

[38] Issue 305443 - chromium - Chrome for Android doesn't seem to respect CRL - Monorail ( ()) https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=305443

Oct 9, 2013

Android has never supported revocation checking.

[39] Issue 362696 - chromium - Missing warning on revoked certificate - Monorail ( ()) https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=362696

On all platforms that perform revocation checks as a system-level component (eg: on Windows and OS X), we always pass flags to allow cached revocation checks. That is, if another application has caused a revoked certificate to be known, we (Chrome) will treat it as revoked. Additionally, we pass flags to disable online revocation checks. However, in certain circumstances, the OS will ignore those flags and force an online revocation check. In those cases as well, the revocation will be picked up.

Absent both of those cached settings, however, we utilize CRLSets, the contents of which are described at a previous link and, by design, do not contain *every* revoked certificate.

[40] Security FAQ - The Chromium Projects ( ()) https://www.chromium.org/Home/chromium-security/security-faq#TOC-What-s-the-story-with-certificate-revocation-

[41] ImperialViolet - Revocation still doesn't work ( (Adam Langley著, )) https://www.imperialviolet.org/2014/04/29/revocationagain.html

[4] 854346 – Treat expired certs with no revocation information as revoked, and do not allow an override ( ()) https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=854346

[5] IO::Socket::SSL - search.cpan.org ( ()) http://search.cpan.org/~sullr/IO-Socket-SSL-2.027/lib/IO/Socket/SSL.pod

It will also check the revocation of the certificate with OCSP, but currently only if the server provides OCSP stapling (for deeper checks see ocsp_resolver method).

[7] Microsoft、不正SSL証明書問題に対処 Firefoxは再度更新 - ITmedia エンタープライズ ( ()) http://www.itmedia.co.jp/enterprise/articles/1109/07/news017.html

[10] Add CRL generation to revocation updater · Issue #232 · letsencrypt/boulder ( ()) https://github.com/letsencrypt/boulder/issues/232

[11] Check Certificate Revocation Lists the OCSP status of an (SSL) Certificate ( ()) https://certificate.revocationcheck.com/

[1] 1024809 – (OneCRL) Add Revoked Intermediate Certs to revocation list push mechanism ( ()) https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1024809#c59

I would encourage you to re-think the Issuer+SerialNumber being the only blocking mechanism. Both CRLSets and Microsoft's Certificate Distrust Lists have found that in the real world of revocations (most notably, DigiNotar), issuer+serial number is NOT sufficient. There are times where you want Subject+Public Key, as a given Subject+PublicKey may have many issuers, some of which the affected CA does not disclose.

[14] Requiring OCSP for EV (was Re: [ct-policy] Proposed changes to EV/CT Plan) - Google グループ ( ()) https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/forum/#!topic/security-dev/jmbbIgmGbdk

> For Chrome, AIUI you already aim to have your CRLSets cover all EV certs, so why demand OCSP Stapling for EV as well?


This is not correct, and something we have repeatedly clarified. CRLSets first and foremost has been a means to deal with emergency revocations outside of the binary updates, such as those employed by Firefox, or system updates, such as those employed by Microsoft (prior to certificate distrust lists, which operate comparably) or Apple. Our commitment is to rapid response, and the focus here is on intermediates and certificates with powerful/dangerous capabilities that put a broad base of users at risk.

In the course of developing this, we saw an opportunity to optimize some of the CRL delivery for end-entity certs, but this was merely opportunistic. While we still employ it, especially for CAs that can provide meaningful revocation information, this is a "nice to have", and may be removed in the future. While I'm sure this would kick off a centithread alone, I don't think we should focus on this.

[16] cURL - How To Use ( ()) https://curl.haxx.se/docs/manpage.html#--crlfile

--crlfile <file>

(HTTPS/FTPS) Provide a file using PEM format with a Certificate Revocation List that may specify peer certificates that are to be considered revoked.

[17] cURL - SSL CA Certificates ( ()) https://curl.haxx.se/docs/sslcerts.html

Schannel will run CRL checks on certificates unless peer verification is disabled. Secure Transport on iOS will run OCSP checks on certificates unless peer verification is disabled. Secure Transport on OS X will run either OCSP or CRL checks on certificates if those features are enabled, and this behavior can be adjusted in the preferences of Keychain Access.

[18] マイナンバーカードでSSHする - AAA Blog (hamano著, ) https://www.osstech.co.jp/~hamano/posts/jpki-ssh/


[19] グローバルサインのルート証明書が一時的に失効するトラブル | スラド IT ( ()) http://it.srad.jp/story/16/10/24/0624223/


10月7日時点では問題は発生していなかったのだが、10月13日に証明書失効情報を提供するためのOnline Certificate Status Protocol(OCSP)で使われるデータベースが更新され、10月7日に発行されたCRLの情報を取り込んだために問題が発覚した模様。

[20] GoDaddyのSSL証明書発行の際のドメイン所有者確認システムにバグ、証明書8,850件が失効 | スラド セキュリティ () https://security.srad.jp/story/17/01/13/2232244/

[21] Are revoked certificates detected in Safari and Chrome? - Server - Let's Encrypt Community Support () https://community.letsencrypt.org/t/are-revoked-certificates-detected-in-safari-and-chrome/42677/6

[22] 361820 - Check For Server Certificate Revocation checkbox is confusing - chromium - Monorail () https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=361820

[23] No bug, Automated blocklist update from host bld-linux64-spot-302 - a… (ffxbld著, ) https://github.com/mozilla/gecko-dev/commit/3d37781c2d360dfbc41d5ef40f5111166475010c#diff-6977f1da0159242e38daf7645b72e52a