[1] OpenSocial Public Certificates List ( 版) <https://opensocialresources.appspot.com/certificates>
[2] xoauth_signature_publickey / xoauth_public_key - Google Groups ( 版) <https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/opensocial-and-gadgets-spec/MNMYPFwrRnA>
[3] OpenSocial Core Gadget Specification 1.0 ( 版) <http://opensocial-resources.googlecode.com/svn/spec/1.0/Core-Gadget.xml#SignedFetch>
Optional. An opaque identifier for the public key used to sign the request. This parameter may be omitted by containers that do not use public keys to sign requests, or if the container arranges other means of key distribution with the target of the request.
[4] 署名付きリクエストで使用する公開鍵の更新手順について << mixi Developer Center (ミクシィ デベロッパーセンター) ( 版) <http://developer.mixi.co.jp/news/news_apps/009994.html>
[5] Validating Signed Requests - OpenSocial ( 版) <http://web.archive.org/web/20100316062204/http://wiki.opensocial.org/index.php?title=Validating_Signed_Requests>
For requests signed with RSA-SHA1, the xoauth_signature_publickey contains the name of the public key used to sign the request.
[6] Validating Signed Requests - OpenSocial ( 版) <http://web.archive.org/web/20100316062204/http://wiki.opensocial.org/index.php?title=Validating_Signed_Requests>
For RSA-SHA1, you will need to obtain the certificate referenced by xoauth_signature_publickey. For your convenience, there is a list of public keys for each container available at https://opensocialresources.appspot.com/certificates/ along with links to each certificate. This site is for convenience only and not approved by the containers listed! For the best security, be sure to check your containers documentation to verify the location of the appropriate public key!
[7] 署名付きリクエストの検証 << mixi Developer Center (ミクシィ デベロッパーセンター) ( 版) <http://developer.mixi.co.jp/appli/ns/pc/validating_signed_requests/>
[8] Firefox 22 での Cookie有効化について << mixi Developer Center (ミクシィ デベロッパーセンター) ( 版) <http://developer.mixi.co.jp/appli/ns/pc/firefox_22_cookie/>