update animations and send events

update animations and send events


  1. 歴史
    1. CSSアニメーションの実行とイベント送信



[12] CSSアニメーションの実行とイベント送信 (run CSS animations and send events)

[13] Web Applications 1.0 r8849 Flesh out how rendering happens in the event loop. This also defines requestAnimationFrame() and obsoletes the 'Timing control for script-based animations' spec (by request of that spec's editors) ( 版) <https://html5.org/r/8849>

[1] Introduce 'update animations and send events' procedure (birtles著, ) <https://github.com/w3c/web-animations/commit/c50e070fa4efb46e1e386eec71f3fd9149f16f50>

[2] Drop the section of the global clock (birtles著, ) <https://github.com/w3c/web-animations/commit/3bf456cc07ef3dcc46242e57555c349b541b4ec0>

[3] Use pending animation event queue for animation playback events (birtles著, ) <https://github.com/w3c/web-animations/commit/38f2d3baaef7bd0ded8905b67ec48d96f2380dbc>

[4] "run the fullscreen rendering steps" and "run CSS animations and send events" do not actaully exist anywhere · Issue #707 · whatwg/html () <https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/707>

[5] Properly reference "update animations and send events" (domenic著, ) <https://github.com/whatwg/html/commit/99c9e027417d453ed2bd35e08df16d47524fddd2>

[6] "run the fullscreen rendering steps" and "run CSS animations and send events" do not actaully exist anywhere · Issue #707 · whatwg/html () <https://github.com/whatwg/html/issues/707>

[7] Properly reference "update animations and send events" by domenic · Pull Request #3305 · whatwg/html () <https://github.com/whatwg/html/pull/3305>