

[1] Dynamic HTML in Communicator ( 版) <http://web.archive.org/web/19971016003150/developer.netscape.com/library/documentation/communicator/dynhtml/webfont1.htm#1032362>

[2] HTML 5 ( 版) <http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/#fonts-and-colors>

When a font element has a pointsize attribute, the user agent is expected to parse that attribute's value using the rules for parsing non-negative integers, and if this doesn't generate an error, then the user agent is expected to use the parsed value as a point length for a presentational hint for the 'font-size' property on the element.

[3] (X)HTML5 Tracking ( 版) <http://html5.org/tools/web-apps-tracker?from=4024&to=4025>