[1] Processing Instruction <http://docs.roxen.com/roxen/2.1/programmer/pike/tag.xml> (名無しさん [sage])
The <?pike ... ?> processing instruction tag (PI for short) is used to smoothly inline pike code in your pages. The perhaps most usable aspect of this is for quickly throwing together a small webpage application or for experimenting and toying around with the roxen programming environment. Since the code resides in the page, it won't be so reusable a component, as would a roxen module, but the short cycle time between applying a change and seeing the results right after another page reload make it an ideal development tool.
(名無しさん [sage])
<?pike //X <gtext>Server Info</gtext><br /> write("This is %s running %s, and we've been up for %d seconds.", roxen.version, roxen["pike-version"], roxen.uptime); //X <br /><gtext>Cookies</gtext><br /> //X <pre><insert scope='cookie' variables='full' /></pre> if(cookie.hi == "Hi!") cookie.hi = "Ho!"; else cookie.hi = "Hi!"; ?>