[1] OAuth / ProblemReporting ( 版) <http://wiki.oauth.net/w/page/12238543/ProblemReporting>
The parameter named oauth_problem_advice consists of free-form text to be shown to the User. It SHOULD describe the problem in a way that's meaningful to the User, and suggest how to resolve the problem. The Consumer MUST NOT interpret it as HTML or any other markup language; all the characters MUST be displayed to the user. To indicate a line break, the single character LF (Unicode U+000A) MUST be used.
[2] 認証と認可 — サイボウズ Live・API ドキュメント ( 版) <https://developer.cybozulive.com/doc/current/pub/authorize.html>
レスポンスの oauth_problem_advice に “application_is_not_active” や “application_is_stopped” が設定されている場合には注意してください。