[1] eDOM Introduction <http://www.playsophy.com/edom/edom.html>

The w3c DOM lacks many of the methods and objects needed to build document editors. eDOM is a module of editing routines build over the w3c DOM for CSS-enabled XML and XHTML editing in any standards-based browser. Geiko-based browsers like Mozilla are the initial target. First releases tackle text/object manipulation (editing and styling); later releases will address layout editing.


[2] >>1 がいつのまにかなくなっている件。 (名無しさん 2005-11-19 02:09:02 +00:00)

[3] eDOM Introduction <http://web.archive.org/web/20050204043725/http://playsophy.com/edom/edom.html> (名無しさん)

[4] O'Reilly Network -- Mozile: What You See is What You Edit <http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/a/mozilla/2003/10/03/mozile.html> (名無しさん)