cloning steps

cloning steps



[15] Chrome では文書の起源も複製されるようです。

cloning steps

[3] 要素依存の clone の処理がいくつかあり、 cloning steps と呼ばれています。


W3C DOM 時代

[19] Elementdeep = falsecloneNode すると、既定属性が自動的に作られるのかは明確ではありません。

[20] UserDataHandler がいつ呼び出されるのかはよくわかりません。 各節点が複製される度に呼ばれるのか、それとも全節点が複製されてから順に呼んでもいいのか。

[21] Firefox 3.1 for developers - MDC ( 版) <>

HTML ノードでの cloneNode ( bug 42976 )。

[22] IEにおけるcloneNodeの問題点 - dhrnameの開発日誌 ( 版) <>


[18] Returns a duplicate of the node, i.e. serves as a generic

      copy constructor for nodes.

      - The duplicate node has no parent, i.e. <A::Node.parentNode>
        is <DOM::null>.  <SRC::DOM1, DOM2, DOM3>
      - The duplicate node has no user data, i.e. user data
        associated to the node is not carried over.  However,
        if any <IF::UserDataHandlers> has been specified along with
        the associated data, those handlers will be called with
        the appropriate parameters before the method returns.  <SRC::DOM3>
      - If the node is an <IF::Element>, all attributes and their values,
        including those representing defaulted attributes (i.e.
        attributes whose <A::Attr.specified> are <DOM::false>),
but the method does not copy any children it contains
        unless it is a deep clone (i.e. <P::deep> is <DOM::true>).
        <SRC::DOM1, DOM2, DOM3>
      - Cloning an <IF::Attr> directly, as oppsed to be cloned
        as part of an <IF::Element> cloning operation, returns
        a specified attribute (i.e. its <A::Attr.specified> is
        set to <DOM::true>).  <SRC::DOM1, DOM2, DOM3>
      - Cloning an <IF::Attr> always clones its children, since
        they represent its value, no matter whether this is a
        deep clone or not.  <SRC::DOM3>
      - Cloning an <IF::tx|EntityReference> automatically constructs
        its subtree if a corresponding <IF::tx|Entity> is available,
        no matter whether this is a deep clone or not.  <SRC::DOM3>
- Cloning an <IF::Attr> always clones its children, since
        they represent its value, no matter whether this is a
        deep clone or not.  <SRC::DOM3>
      - Cloning an <IF::tx|EntityReference> automatically constructs
        its subtree if a corresponding <IF::tx|Entity> is available,
        no matter whether this is a deep clone or not.  <SRC::DOM3>
      - Cloning any other type of node simply returns a copy of the node.
        <SRC::DOM1, DOM2, DOM3>
      - Cloning <IF::Document>, <IF::tx|DocumentType>, <IF::tx|Entity>,
        <IF::tx|Notation> nodes is implementation dependent.
        <SRC::DOM1SE, DOM2, DOM3>
      - Cloning an immutable subtree results in a mutable copy, but
        the children of an <IF::tx|EntityReference> clone are
        read-only.  <SRC::DOM2, DOM3>
- Cloning <IF::Document>, <IF::tx|DocumentType>, <IF::tx|Entity>,
        <IF::tx|Notation> nodes is implementation dependent.
        <SRC::DOM1SE, DOM2, DOM3>
      - Cloning an immutable subtree results in a mutable copy, but
        the children of an <IF::tx|EntityReference> clone are
        read-only.  <SRC::DOM2, DOM3>
      - Cloning a node does not copy the event listeners attached to it.
        <SRC::DOM2 Events, DOM3 Events>
      {NOTE:: <IF::UserDataHandler>s are prohibitted to throw exceptions;
              if a <IF::UserDataHandler> that is registered to the node
              being cloned throws an exception, then the result of
              the method is undefined.

NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR: The node is of type <IF::Document>, <IF::tx|DocumentType>,

          <IF::tx|Entity>, or <IF::tx|Notation> and the implementation
          does not support cloning that type of node.  <SRC::DOM1SE>

          Only in DOM1SE; they are implementation dependent
          in DOM1SE, DOM2, and DOM3.

DOM Standard 時代

[23] (X)HTML5 Tracking ( 版) <>

[25] [whatwg] cloneNode and HTML elements ( ( 版)) <>

[26] [whatwg] cloneNode and HTML elements ( ( 版)) <>

[1] Web Applications 1.0 r6423 DOM Core convergence (cloning) ( ( 版)) <>

[24] IRC logs: freenode / #whatwg / 20120514 ( ( 版)) <>

[27] Sadness. (Default importNode() and cloneNode() to false.) https://www.w3... · 70fdc5f · whatwg/dom ( ( 版)) <>

[12] Define Request/Response clone() methods. Give up on structured clones fo... · ae663b5 · whatwg/fetch ( ( 版)) <>

[13] Tree was incorrectly created when cloning and extracting a Range · 4b102a2 · whatwg/dom ( ( 版)) <>

[14] Range clone algorithm did not set clone children flag where it had to ht... · 5fc973c · whatwg/dom ( ( 版)) <>

[28] Make cloning more explicit regarding attributes. Fixes #30. · whatwg/dom@39e6a33 ( 版) <>

[29] Define copying attributes since @domenic almost called me lazy. · whatwg/dom@1d24476 ( 版) <>

[16] IRC logs: freenode / #whatwg / 20151021 ( 版) <>

[30] Make cloneNode() throw for ShadowRoot objects · whatwg/dom@02ec9c7 ( 版) <>

[31] Add support for custom elements · whatwg/dom@7f63535 ( 版) <>

[32] Add [CEReactions] annotations to mutating methods · whatwg/dom@3cd02d1 ( 版) <>

[33] Make Attr inherit from Node again (annevk著, ) <>

[34] Add cloning steps for textarea (domenic著, ) <>

[36] Copy the origin pointer when cloning a document (annevk著, ) <>

[38] Change handling of is="" in element creation and cloning (domenic著, ) <>

[37] Change handling of is="" in element creation and cloning by domenic · Pull Request #566 · whatwg/dom () <>

[39] Hide nonce content attribute values (mikewest著, ) <>

[40] Define cloning steps for an select element · Issue #644 · whatwg/dom () <>