[1] XAML - PukiWiki <http://www.globe.to/~oka326/index.php?XAML> (名無しさん)

[2] XAML Information page. Topics include Microsoft Windows Vista, WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation) and more. <http://www.xaml.net/> (名無しさん)

[3] Microsoft/xaml-standard: Vocabulary specification for the XAML Standard, a unified markup dialect for defining user interface elements and their behavior. ( ()) <https://github.com/Microsoft/xaml-standard>

[4] Introducing XAML Standard and .NET Standard 2.0 - Building Apps for WindowsBuilding Apps for Windows ( ()) <https://blogs.windows.com/buildingapps/2017/05/19/introducing-xaml-standard-net-standard-2-0/#u1x8A2oKJPzIW5yE.97>

[5] xaml-standard/v1draft.md at staging · Microsoft/xaml-standard ( ()) <https://github.com/Microsoft/xaml-standard/blob/staging/docs/v1draft.md>