

[1] Authentication ( ( 版)) <http://api-doc.assembla.com/content/authentication.html>

[2] Working with the New Relic REST API (v1) (deprecated) | New Relic Documentation ( 版) <https://docs.newrelic.com/docs/apm/apis/new-relic-rest-api-v1/working-new-relic-rest-api-v1-deprecated>

Be sure to set the x-api-key header with every request.

[3] New Relic REST API (v2): Getting started | New Relic Documentation ( 版) <https://docs.newrelic.com/docs/apm/apis/requirements/new-relic-rest-api-v2-getting-started>

New Relic API calls require an API key in the call header. This API key unqiuely identifies your account, and authorizes access to your account data. The placeholder ${API_KEY} is borrowed from Unix shell programming; replace ${API_KEY} with your API key.+

[4] Magnum CI - Hosted Continuous Integration Platform for Private Repositories ( 版) <https://magnum-ci.com/docs/api>

User API authentication token could be passed as a request parameter:

api_token or api_key

Or as a header:


GET /api/v1/profile?api_token=YOUR_API_TOKEN

[5] Authentication () <https://docs.logentries.com/docs/authentication>

For Resources which only require Read/Write credentials i.e any reqest other then Account or User, your authentication will only involve you adding a Header to your request called 'x-api-key' where the value is your Read/Write key. An example of this can be shown below

headers = {'x-api-key': '7f7c461f-2e71-4d50-8cdf-06c11ee67789'}'