[6] BSON は MongoDB のデータ形式の1つです。
[7] BSON は Binary JSON の略とされていますが、 JSON とは特に関係ない JSONもどきの一種です。
[1] BSON - Binary JSON ( ( 版)) http://bsonspec.org/
[9] specifications/subtype6.rst at master · mongodb/specifications · GitHub, https://github.com/mongodb/specifications/blob/master/source/client-side-encryption/subtype6.rst
[3] 正規表現, UUID, MD5, JavaScriptコード
UTC datetime - The int64 is UTC milliseconds since the Unix epoch.
Timestamp - Special internal type used by MongoDB replication and sharding. First 4 bytes are an increment, second 4 are a timestamp.
[8] UTC datetime はミリ秒Unix time。
[10] MongoDB Extended JSONにおける日時も参照。
[11] BSON Types — MongoDB Manual, , https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/reference/bson-types/#timestamps
[2] GitHub - mongodb/js-bson: BSON Parser for node and browser, https://github.com/mongodb/js-bson