

DOM Module: URI Generic

[1] The URI Generic Module provides a number of interfaces to extract components of URIs.

[2] Feature.

The URIImplementation interface

[3] The URIImplementation interface provides factory methods to create URIReference objects.



[5] The createURIReference method returns a URIReference object. It creates a URIReference object with specified DOM URI.

This method takes a parameter uri, of DOMString, which is the DOM URI of the created object.

[6] The method MUST return a new URIReference object whose uriReference attribute is set to uri.

[7] In Perl binding, the following value MUST be set to the uriReference attribute of the returned object:

UNIVERSAL::isa ($uri, 'Message::IF::URIReference')
    ? $uri->uri_reference
    : ref $uri eq 'SCALAR'
        ? ''.$$uri
        : ''.$uri

... where $uri is the value of the uri parameter.

The URIReference interface

See URIReference
