Time of Operation

Time of Operation

[2] Time of Operation は、 運用時間を記述する方式を定めています。

[1] ARINC 424-17 128ページ

5.195 Time of Operation

Definition/Description: The “Time of Operation” field is used to indicate the times of operation of a Facility or Restriction.

Source/Content: The times of operation are derived from official government source. Each “Time of Operation” group contains the definition of a daily period of operations within a calendar week. The first two positions identify days of the week, with Monday equal to 1 and Sunday equal to 7. A single day, for example, Monday, is depicted as “01”. A consecutive series of days, for example Monday through Friday, is depicted as “15”. Non-consecutive days require multiple Time of Operation entries. The remaining 8 characters define a starting time of four characters and an ending time of four characters. These times are in the format HHMM (H= hours, M= minutes) using a 24 hour time system. For example, 00012350 starts at one minute after midnight and ends at 10 minutes before midnight. 07152000 starts at 07:15 hours and ends at 20:00 hours.

Times of Operation can also be expressed in terms of Sunrise (SR) and Sunset (SS). When a “Time of Operation” is defined as starting at or ending at Sunrise, that time is specified as “000R”. When a “Time of Operation” is defined as starting at or ending at Sunset, that time is specified as “000S”. When a “Time of Operation” is defined as starting at or ending at a certain number of hours/minutes before or after Sunrise or Sunset, those times are specified as in the following examples:

030R for 30 minutes before Sunrise or R030 for 30 minutes after Sunrise.

100R for 1 hour before Sunrise or R100 for 1 hour after Sunrise.

030S for 30 minutes before Sunset or S030 for 30 minutes after Sunset.

100S for 1 hour before Sunset or S100 for 1 hour after Sunset

Of the three digits associated with “R” or “S,” the first is an expression of hours, the second and third an expression of minutes. 1 hour, 30 minutes would be 130, 2 hours, 15 minutes would be 215, etc.

When multiple definitions are required to fully define the “Time of Operation” for a given calendar week, these are coded as second and subsequent “Time of Operation” fields.


A restriction valid on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays only, 0700 to 1700, would require three “Time of Operation” entries, one for 01 (Monday), one for 03 (Wednesday), one for 05 (Friday) and would be expressed as 0107001700 0307001700 0507001700.

A continuous restriction, starting on Monday at 0700 and ending on Friday at 1700 would require three “Time of Operation” entries, one for Monday of 0107002359, one for Tuesday through Thursday of 2400002359 and one for Friday of 0500001700.

When the times to be defined go over midnight, the second four characters of time information are valid on the actual ending day. For example, a “Time of Operation” of Monday through Friday, 1700 to 0300 actually ends on Saturday and would be shown as 1617000300, not 1517000300.

Length: 10 characters

Character Type: Alpha/numeric