Tagged JSON

Tagged JSON

[1] TJSON: Tagged JSON with rich type annotations (Tony Arcieri著, ) <https://www.tjson.org/>

TJSON (Tagged JSON) is a tagging scheme/microformat for enriching the types that can be stored in JSON documents. It augments the existing types present in JSON, codifiying ad hoc practices already commonly used for processing JSON into a schema-free, self-describing format.

TJSON documents are amenable to "content-aware hashing" where different encodings of the same data (including both TJSON and binary formats like Protocol Buffers, MessagePack, BSON, etc) can share the same content hash and therefore the same cryptographic signature. This is possible with content hash algorithms that are aware of the underlying structure of data, such as Ben Laurie's objecthash.

[2] Tagged JavaScript Object Notation (TJSON) Data Interchange Format () <https://www.tjson.org/spec/>