[1] draft-kunze-temper-01 - Temporal Enumerated Ranges (TEMPER) (5/10/2017, 10:02:46 AM) <https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-kunze-temper-01>
temper – This value is used for dates coded according to Temporal Enumerated Ranges . TEMPER is a simple date and time syntax for representing points, lists, and ranges of timestamps. The syntax is designed to be easy to parse and for humans to read, and compatible with basic lexical sorting algorithms.<dateCreated encoding="temper">1860~-1872</dateCreated>
temper – This value is used for dates coded according to Temporal Enumerated Ranges . TEMPER is a simple date and time syntax for representing points, lists, and ranges of timestamps. The syntax is designed to be easy to parse and for humans to read, and compatible with basic lexical sorting algorithms.
<dateCreated encoding="temper">1860~-1872</dateCreated>
Google search: TEMPER