[1] Speech Application Language Tags (SALT) Forum - Home (2007-01-07 14:19:09 +09:00 版) <> (名無しさん)

[2] SALT Profile for SVG ( 版) <>

[3] Speech Application Language Tags - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ( 版) <>

[4] Submission of SALT 1.0 specification to the Multimodal Interactio n Working Group (Dahl, Deborah A 著, 版) <>

[5] SASDK - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ( 版) <>

[6] Welcome to the Microsoft Speech Application SDK ( 版) <>

[7] SALT Programmer's Reference ( 版) <>

[8] SALT Programmer's Reference ( 版) <>

SALT is an extension to HTML that enables developers to add a spoken dialogue interface to Web applications. Using SALT, speech applications can be written for two types of browsers. The first is a voice-only browser in which speech is the only form of communication for the user. This browser is commonly connected to one or more telephone lines. The second type is the multimodal browser. Multimodal browsers are devices that use a graphic user interface (GUI) in combination with speech commands. Multimodal browsers can run on devices such as Pocket PCs, mobile phones, portable computers, and desktop computers.

SALT is a small set of Extensible Markup Language (XML) elements that apply a speech interface to a document using HTML. Web application developers can use SALT effectively with HTML, XHTML, cHTML, wireless markup language (WML), or pages derived from any other standard generalized markup language (SGML). SALT markup also provides DTMF for telephony browsers running voice-only applications.

[9] SALT Programmer's Reference ( 版) <>

<html xmlns:salt="">


<object id="SpeechTags" CLASSID="clsid:DCF68E5B-84A1-4047-98A4-0A72276D19CC" VIEWASTEXT></object>



<?import namespace="salt" implementation="#SpeechTags" />

<input name="txtBoxCity" type="text" onclick=recoCity.Start()/>

<!- Speech Application Language Tags -->

<salt:listen id=recoCity>

<salt:grammar src="city.grxml" />

<salt:bind targetelement="txtBoxCity" value="//city" />




[10] Appendix A: SALT DTD ( 版) <>