[9] PPAPI は、 Chromeプラグインとの間の API です。

[10] NPAPI にかわるものとして開発されました。現在の Chrome 用のプラグインPPAPI を使っています。

[1] Pepper C API - Native Client — Google Developers ( ( 版)) <https://developers.google.com/native-client/pepperc/>

[2] ppapi - Pepper Plugin API - Google Project Hosting ( 版) <https://code.google.com/p/ppapi/>

[3] [chrome] Index of /trunk/src/ppapi ( 版) <http://src.chromium.org/viewvc/chrome/trunk/src/ppapi/>

[4] GettingStarted - ppapi - Writing a simple plugin - Pepper Plugin API - Google Project Hosting ( 版) <https://code.google.com/p/ppapi/wiki/GettingStarted>

[5] Concepts - ppapi - Important concepts for working with PPAPI. - Pepper Plugin API - Google Project Hosting ( 版) <https://code.google.com/p/ppapi/wiki/Concepts>

[6] Pepper plugin implementation - The Chromium Projects ( 版) <https://sites.google.com/a/chromium.org/dev/developers/design-documents/pepper-plugin-implementation>

[7] Pepper API Best Practices - The Chromium Projects ( 版) <https://sites.google.com/a/chromium.org/dev/developers/pepper-api-best-practices>

[8] Pepper API Proposals - Google Docs ( 版) <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sjR0ZlDFVaxnKYdYCeLShumcaeYYSC_CgTM05gKcfXs/edit?pli=1#heading=h.y526gzy584nh>

[11] Technical Overview - Google Chrome ( 版) <https://developer.chrome.com/native-client/overview>

The Pepper plug-in API (PPAPI), called Pepper for convenience, is an open-source, cross-platform C/C++ API for web browser plug-ins. Pepper allows a C/C++ module to communicate with the hosting browser and to access system-level functions in a safe and portable way. One of the security constraints in Native Client is that modules cannot make OS-level calls. Pepper provides analogous APIs that modules can use instead.

[12] 琴線探査: ChromeのFlash(PPAPI)のSharedObjectの場所 ( ()) <http://kinsentansa.blogspot.jp/2014/02/chromeflashppapisharedobject.html>