[2] Implementers' Draft: OAuth Session 1.0 Draft 1 ( 版) <http://oauth.googlecode.com/svn/spec/ext/session/1.0/drafts/1/spec.html>
[1] OAuth Authorization Model - YDN ( 版) <http://web.archive.org/web/20120117120610/http://developer.yahoo.com/oauth/>
Yahoo!'s OAuth implementation is fully compliant with OAuth Core 1.0 and the OAuth Session Extension draft (1). In order to support OAuth in a scalable way, Yahoo! proposed and helped create the OAuth Session Extension together with AOL and Google. The extension is currently being added to all the major OAuth client libraries as well as the Y!OS SDK.
[4] OAuth1.0:OAuth1.0 - Yahoo!デベロッパーネットワーク ( 版) <http://developer.yahoo.co.jp/other/oauth/>
Yahoo! JAPANのOAuthは、OAuth Core 1.0 Revision A(英語)(外部サイト) およびOAuth Session 1.0 Draft 1(英語)(外部サイト)に対応しています。