[1] Web NFC API ( ( 版)) <>

[2] Web NFC API ( 版) <>

Beware. This specification is no longer in active maintenance and the Near Field Communications Working Group does not intend to maintain it further.

[3] Mail Archives ( 版) <>

[4] Near Field Communications Working Group now Closed (Coralie Mercier 著, 版) <>

After the charter expiration, we have been considering how to continue the

group's work to bring the NFC API specification to the stage of

Recommendation. However, we could not get enough support from browser

vendors for the specification and its implementations due to several

issues. The Director has now made a decision to close the Working Group.

[5] Near Field Communications (NFC) Working Group - W3C ( 版) <>

[6] Near Field Communications Working Group Charter ( 版) <>

[7] Near field communications (NFC) - W3C Wiki ( 版) <>

[8] Web NFC API Specification ( 版) <>

[9] Web NFC API ( 版) <>

[10] Webinos NFC API ( 版) <>

[11] Web NFC Community Group ( 版) <>

[12] Mail Archives ( 版) <>

[13] Web NFC API ( 版) <>

[14] Web NFC Community Group Charter ( 版) <>

[15] Web NFC API ( 版) <>