[5] 2文字言語符号、3文字言語符号については言語部分タグ参照。
[4] KS X ISO 639-1:2002
[7] DSSSL, 2001-08-19T05:28:49.000Z, 2023-11-23T08:14:19.063Z http://www.y-adagio.com/public/standards/jis_dsssl/cls12.txt
(45) 特質language:は,#f又はISO 639で定義する言語コードを大文字で指定する。これは,行の組立てに処理系固有の方法で影響する。初期値は#fとする。
[14] ISO 639-6:2009 は、言語符号を定めていた国際規格の1つでした。 >>8, >>13
[15] 方言レベルの粒度の言語をラテン文字4文字の符号で表そうとしていました。 >>8, >>13
[16] しかしうまく運用できる見込みがなく、完全なリストが公表されることなく廃止されたといいます。 >>8, >>20
[19] >>18 >>17 規格本文の冒頭。
[21] Microsoft Word - tc37-nwip-cmt.docx - 16132-tc37-nwip-cmt.pdf, 2016-05-06T20:44:07.000Z, 2024-04-04T13:28:43.745Z https://unicode.org/L2/L2016/16132-tc37-nwip-cmt.pdf
[22] 関連: 中文言語タグ
The optional ‘lang’ property in the payload can be used to specify the ISO 939-2 code for the language of the comment. If omitted the default is to assume a comment in English, so the above example is not actually necessary (there is no distinction in that particular ISO standard between British and American English, for example, but I doubt that’s something we have to worry about).
shopperLanguageCode: String, optionalISO ISO 639-1 language code indicating the preferred language of the shopper, where supported by the Payment Provider.
shopperLanguageCode: String, optional
ISO ISO 639-1 language code indicating the preferred language of the shopper, where supported by the Payment Provider.
Translations to non-English languages of the purposes will be hosted athttps://vendorlist.consensu.org/purposes-language.json with older versions athttps://vendorlist.consensu.org/v-versionnum/purposes-language.json where language is thetwo-letter lowercase ISO 639-1 language code.
Translations to non-English languages of the purposes will be hosted at
https://vendorlist.consensu.org/purposes-language.json with older versions at
https://vendorlist.consensu.org/v-versionnum/purposes-language.json where language is the
two-letter lowercase ISO 639-1 language code.
ConsentLanguage 12 bits Two-letter ISO639-1language code thatCMP asked forconsent inEach letter should be encoded as 6 bits,a=0..z=25 . This will result in the base64-encoded bytes spelling out the languagecode (in uppercase).
ConsentLanguage 12 bits Two-letter ISO639-1
language code that
CMP asked for
consent in
Each letter should be encoded as 6 bits,
a=0..z=25 . This will result in the base64-
encoded bytes spelling out the language
code (in uppercase).
The human language code in which the Expression is drafted (a three-letter code according to ISO 639-2 alpha-3). For an Akoma Ntoso XML representation, this value MUST correspond to the content of the first element <FRBRlanguage> in the metadata section. According with ISO 639-2 alpha-3 “mul” means multilingual document (text with different languages), while “und” means undetermined language
[3] Z39.82-200x TOC/F'word - https://groups.niso.org/apps/group_public/download.php/6541/, 2020-10-13T02:01:21.000Z https://groups.niso.org/apps/group_public/download.php/6541/