

[1] てすと - Re: JavaScriptで変数(オブジェクト)が配列かどうかを知る方法 (わかば 著, 版) <http://koton.jp/w/1/> (名無しさん 2007-03-18 07:45:22 +00:00)

[2] Ajaxian » Working aroung the instanceof memory leak ( 版) <http://ajaxian.com/archives/working-aroung-the-instanceof-memory-leak>

[3] JavaScriptのオブジェクト判定tips - Ci.nsIZIGOROu - Mozilla 拡張機能勉強会 ( 版) <http://moz-addon.g.hatena.ne.jp/ZIGOROu/20080526/1211785186>

[4] >>3 これは盲点だね。

[5] Solving the "how do I tell whether I have an HTML element?" (or image element, or whatever) problem (Boris Zbarsky著, ) <https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-script-coord/2013JanMar/0001.html>

[6] Should probably spec a hasInstance for DOM interface objects · Issue #129 · heycam/webidl () <https://github.com/heycam/webidl/issues/129>

[7] Remove custom [[HasInstance]] behaviors (domenic著, ) <https://github.com/heycam/webidl/commit/d0899e98e175282871c1e4597af75907d5b04993>