[2] HTML+TIME は、 SMILHTML に移植したものです。 IE が実装していました。


[4] HTML+TIME, InetSDK, ,

[1] RE: Versioning and html[5] (Ian Hickson 著, 版) (名無しさん )

[3] Introduction to HTML+TIME ( 版)

This topic documents a feature of HTML+TIME 2.0, which is obsolete as of Windows Internet Explorer 9.

HTML+TIME (Timed Interactive Multimedia Extensions), first released in Microsoft Internet Explorer 5, adds timing and media synchronization support to HTML pages. Using a few Extensible Markup Language (XML)-based elements and attributes, you can add images, video, and sounds to an HTML page, and synchronize them with HTML text elements over a specified amount of time. In short, you can use HTML+TIME technology to quickly create multimedia-rich, interactive presentations, easily and with little or no scripting.

HTML+TIME 2.0 is based on the HTML+SMIL language profile in the Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL) 2.0 working draft. SMIL 2.0 is the W3C successor to SMIL 1.0. HTML+TIME 2.0 is the successor to HTML+TIME 1.0.

Note  HTML+TIME 2.0 is available in minimal installations of Internet Explorer 5.5 and Internet Explorer 6.