[1] (, ) https://www.gsi.go.jp/common/000197676.pdf
[3] GNSS測位とは | 国土地理院 () https://www.gsi.go.jp/denshi/denshi_aboutGNSS.html
[4] 衛星測位システム - Wikipedia (, ) https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E8%A1%9B%E6%98%9F%E6%B8%AC%E4%BD%8D%E3%82%B7%E3%82%B9%E3%83%86%E3%83%A0
[5] Time References in GNSS - Navipedia, , https://gssc.esa.int/navipedia/index.php/Time_References_in_GNSS
[7] 000070971.pdf, , https://www.gsi.go.jp/common/000070971.pdf
[8] FAQ詳細 秋月電子通商-電子部品・ネット通販, https://akizukidenshi.com/catalog/faq/goodsfaq.aspx?goods=M-14541
はい、対応しています。u-blox M8エンジンのファームウェアでは、リファレンス週番号としてデフォルト値[ 1867 ](2015年)が設定されていて、2019年のロールオーバーに対応しています。この週番号は、ユーザーが定義することもできます。
[9] ZED-F9P Integration manual - ZED-F9P_IntegrationManual_UBX-18010802.pdf, , https://content.u-blox.com/sites/default/files/ZED-F9P_IntegrationManual_UBX-18010802.pdf#page=63
Fortunately, although BeiDou and Galileo have similar representations of time, they transmit sufficient bits for the week number to be unambiguous for the foreseeable future (the first ambiguity will be in 2078 for Galileo and not until 2163 for BeiDou). GLONASS has a different structure, based on a time of day, but again transmits sufficient information to avoid any ambiguity during the expected lifetime of the system (the first ambiguous date will be in 2124). Therefore, u- blox 9 receivers using Protocol Version 24 and above regard the date information transmitted by GLONASS, BeiDou and Galileo to be unambiguous and, where necessary, use this to resolve any ambiguity in the GPS date.
[10] 3GPP TS 36.355 - 36355-c50.pdf, , https://www.arib.or.jp/english/html/overview/doc/STD-T104v4_30/5_Appendix/Rel12/36/36355-c50.pdf#page=53